
The malicious Hunter part four

Wayne, now able to focus on the task at hand, lays his eyes on Hunter with no attention to spare him any suffering. As Wayne and Unknown prepare to jump into battle, Kage goes blow for blow with Hunter.

"Energy manipulation: energy multi-attack!"

Kage sends multiple beams of energy at Hunter. Hunter grins and dodges every energy beam with ease.

"Hahaha, if you're that slow, you'll never be able to damage me!"

Hunter turns both his arms into ten-long tentacles with green slime at the end. The green slime at the end of the tentacles morphs into sledgehammers and hardens.

"Now let's see how fast you can move, little boy!"

Hunter starts swinging his sledgehammer-tipped tentacles toward Kage.

"Ok, what the fuck? This man basically has every power in the book. Well, I guess life is just unfair."

Kage gets into a strong running position and activates the accelerate technique. He starts to look at the incoming tentacles with a focused expression on his face.

"Ok, I'm counting about twenty of those things. This is going to be hard, but I know I can avoid all of them if I move fast enough."

Kage starts running at full speed toward the barrage of sledgehammer-tipped tentacles.

"Oh, I see you're pretty fast, aren't you? Well, let's see how you deal with this many attacks at once!"

"You must think this is some game or something. I'll show you that I'm not one to be fucked with! Energy manipulation:Enery cutter!"

Kage sees an incoming attack coming from four tentacles.


Kage releases multiple slices of energy from every direction. The energy slices cut all four tentacles into pieces. Kage doesn't end it off there and sends out more energy cutters toward Hunter. Hunter blocks the attack with six tentacles.

"Hahaha, nice try, but not quite!"

Hunter looks up and sees Kage above him.

"I see your sense technique is pretty strong. You might have been able to find me jumping over you, but let's see if you can even hit me in mid-air."

Hunter surrounds Kage with the remaining tentacles, but before he can even do anything, Kage cuts both of Hunter's arms off with an Energy cutter.

"You can't move those damn tentacles if they're cut from the main source!"

Before Hunter had enough time to regenerate, Kage landed back on the ground and threw multiple balls of energy that exploded on contact. The explosions tear apart parts of Hunter's torso.

"Hahaha, I knew you would be a problem when I saw you fight that rapster, but I didn't think you would do this much damage to me!"

"Thanks for the compliment, but I don't give a fuck."

Kage continues to put on pressure by punching Hunter multiple times while applying the flex technique. Hunter lets Kage punch him until he eventually sharpens his teeth and bites down into Kage's fist.

"Oww, what the fuck, I'm not a damn beast. Stop beating me."

Hunter starts biting down on his hand so hard that his teeth start to cut through it.

"Holy shit, this fucking hurts so bad!"

Kage attempts to shoot a beam of energy at Hunter's head. The beam of energy makes contact but is completely useless when Hunter combines the durability of the strongest beast in the Moro zone to make a shell over his face. The shell completely tanks Kage's attack.

"Of course, you choose now of all moments to put up an iron defense. What's with the sudden switch up? I thought you didn't have any type of defense with that damn regeneration! Oh shit, this is bad; he's going to rip my fucking hand apart!"

While Hunter bites down on Kage's hand with full attention to ripping off his arm and Kage panicking, from the right, Wayne is using Lex's wings to fly him in.


Wayne grips the handle of his blade and slices Hunter's head clean off his body.

"Holy shit Wayne, thank you that bastard was about to take a part of my hand."

Kage throws off Hunter's decapitated head while Wayne flicks off the blood on his blade.

"No problem; he should have put a defense around his neck, but let's not lose focus; he's already regenerating."

Unknown joins Kage and Wayne on the front lines against Hunter. When he arrives, Kage gives him a side eye.

"What the hell are you looking at, bitch?"

"Oh, nothing; it just took you a thousand years to get into battle."

"Hey, it only took me so long because I never had a chance to jump in, plus I had to run over here, so it took me a while."

"So what you're saying is that you're slow. I mean, I guess not everyone can be as good as me."

"Oh, Shut the hell up, you cocky son of a bitch! I didn't ask!"

"Whatever you say, lil bro, hehehe."

"I should kick you in the face for saying some shit like that!"

"I hope you try. I bet I send you flying down this cliff right now!"

"Hey, you two, stop arguing; he's fully regenerated!"

"Hahaha, hey energy boy!"


"You've been draining my energy ever since the battle started, and you're slowing down my regeneration. That's a pretty impressive ability; it's almost like you have a built-in malice technique, but it's not only making me slower; it's weakening everything that makes me strong. Hahahah!"

"Wow, I'm surprised you noticed most people don't realize until they are defeated. Well, I guess that's a feared legend for you."

Wayne walks to the front of Kage and Unknown with Lex on his shoulder.

"Kage, if what he's saying is true, does that mean as long as you're here, he'll continuously become weaker?"

"Yeah, of course this is how I fight all my opponents."

Wayne starts to grin after hearing Kage's response.

"Ok, then there's three of us and one of him, and not only that, he's slowly losing energy. Ok, we can win this as long as we keep up the pressure!"

Unknown looks over at Wayne in happiness.

"Finally a fucking plan! Ok, keep the pressure until he is exhausted of all his energy!"

"I don't know about easy, but believe what you want."

"Shut up, Kage!"

As the three of them discuss their plan, Hunter starts to itch both sides of his neck until it starts to bleed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! All of you attack me! Having fun before the main meal is always the best!"

"Damn, we're just an appetizer to him; maybe this won't be so easy, but for Wayne's sake, me and Kage have to help him."

Hunter grows sharp wings out of his back and flies up above the group. Hunter instantly pulls out his shotgun and attempts to shoot him down, but Hunter avoids the attack. Kage shoots a ball of energy into the sky so high that it's no longer visible.

"Ok, I'll leave that up there for later. Now it's game time!"

Kage throws multiple balls of energy at Hunter. Hunter flies straight through the balls of energy, taking all of the damage head-on.

"Oh, shit he's not messing around anymore!"

All three of them move out of Hunter's range. Kage activates level two and takes a deep breath.

"Energy cannon!!!"

Kage exhales and releases a big beam of energy from his mouth toward Hunter.

"Hahaha, that looks strong!"

Hunter combines the multiple beasts durability to harden skin to the point of unbreakability. The energy cannon hits Hunter and does zero damage.

"Hahaha, imagine doing all of that and doing no damage, and you dare call yourself the best."

"Unknown, how about you shut the hell up and fucking do something?"

"Oh, shut up, I'm already on it!"

Unknown finally jumps into the battle and activates level one.

"So you're up next. This should be fun. I get to get you back for that kick earlier."


As the three boys hold off Hunter at the back corner of the mountain, Arcta is currently helping Kirata get out of Hunter's unbreakable bubble.

"Arcta, are you having luck with this bubble? Those boys won't last too much longer."


Since Kirata got put in the bubble by Hunter, Arcta has been blowing a cold mist in one specific place of the bubble in an attempt to break it.

"Wait, you said it's not working!? Damn it, this is bad. Those boys are fighting their hearts out, and Hunter is just playing with them. Arcta, I know I'm putting a lot of pressure on you, but please try your best."


Arcta starts pushing his limits and starts blowing an even stronger cold mist. The mist finally starts making some progress and freezes a tiny part of the bubble.

"Yes, Arcta! Now keep blowing till you make it big enough for me to punch."


"Don't worry, Wayne, your life won't end here, I promise."

As Arcta pushes himself to the limit in an attempt to free Kirata, the battle between Hunter and the three boys takes a big turn.

Chapter 31 end

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