
Battle of ambition

The boys finally reached the beast king, but Wayne has one more challenge to truly return home.

"So Kev I see you're excited to fight. Why is that? Do you really think it will be that easy to beat me?"

"Tch, why are you asking such a dumb question? Of course it's going to be easy. I'm fighting a level zero who got kicked out of his home because of his lack of ambition. What match could be easier?"

"Yeah, that's what you think, but I've grown a lot since then."

"Hehehe, I guess you'll have to prove that to me and your pops."

Wayne grits his teeth and quickly backs away from Kev. 

"Let's teach this Kev guy how far we've come, Lex."

Lex grows to normal size and lands on Wayne's shoulder.


"Kev and Wayne Before you two fight, I have some ground rules. You two are not allowed to kill; the battle is over when the opponent is down for 5 seconds; and the use of any outside support is prohibited, but you can use weapons."

"Hehe, you heard that that means that little Gumalo on your shoulder needs to go."


"Hey Lex, it's alright. Calm down. I can handle him."


Lex flies off of Wayne's neck and flies onto Kages neck so he can watch the battle.

"Oh, what's up, Lex? I see you're going to watch this battle in full size, huh?"


"Come on, Unknown let's get to the side of the mountain so we don't get caught in the crossfire of their fight."

"Ok, but what do you think will come of this battle?"

"What type of question is that, of course, Wayne is going to win? Wayne has worked so hard to get here just because he's a level zero doesn't mean anything."

"Yeah, you're right, with the way he has been fighting those beasts, I wouldn't be surprised if he won this, but the only problem I'm seeing is the fact he doesn't have Lex as a way to move around his opponent and find openings to attack, which from watching him fight, I noticed is his main way of fighting."

"Aye Unknown I think you're overthinking it. Just because he fights a lot with Lex doesn't mean he's any weaker without him. Let's just watch the fight and see how Wayne deals with his opponent. I think that's what Wayne's pops is doing, and that's why he made sure Wayne couldn't use Lex."

"Yes, you are both right."

Both Kage and Unknown jump at hearing Kirata's deep voice speak from behind him.

"Where the hell did you come from? You were just over there."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you two. I just overheard your conversation and wanted to comment on what you two were saying."

"Umm, ok, but seriously, how the hell did you get over here?"

"I'll go ahead and answer your question, but first, can you tell me what your names are again?"

"Oh right, I guess we didn't officially introduce ourselves yet. My name is Kage, and I am number four in class one at Grava Academy."

"And my name is Unknown the number five of class one at Grava Academy. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, I see you two are top students at Grava Academy; is Wayne also in your class?"

"Yeah, he's the number six in our class, which is cool because that means he already beat multiple level ones on his own."

"Oh yeah, I forgot he said that Wayne really is the real deal, isn't he?"

"Hahaha, thank you for the information, you two. Now I'll tell you how I got over here so fast. You see, I have a special power that no other beast has; it's called lightning bolt. With this ability, I can control lighting so I can move at light speed. It also allows me to basically teleport just by taking a step, which is how I got over here so fast.

"Oh, okay, that's pretty interesting; no wonder you're the beast king."

"Haha, you humor me, but let's focus and watch this battle; it could go either way from what I can see."

With all the rules and predictions out of the way, Wayne and Kev stand off, preparing for their battle. Wayne pulls out his shotgun, blade, and utility belt from his bag. Wayne throws his bag to the side and gets into a fighting stance with his blade in his left hand and his shotgun in his right hand.

"Hehe, you're doing all the preparation just for me to beat your ass in seconds."

"Has anyone ever told you overconfidence kills 30 percent of OGI users?"

"Enough talk; it's time for me to make you submit."

Kev activates level one and starts running toward Wayne.

"This is going to be light work. I tell you all I have to d—"

Before Kev could even reach Wayne, he got shot in the leg.

"What the fuck!!"

As Kev screams in pain, Wayne reloads his gun and starts walking toward Kev.

"You didn't dodge the attack because you thought a gun couldn't hurt, right? I already told you that overconfidence is the killer of OGI users. I also told you that beating me wouldn't be that easy. Now I think it's time for me to prove those statements to you."

"Hehe, you're talking all that hot shit, but it seems overconfidence is starting to get to you."


Wayne, hearing those words, stops walking. Kev slowly gets back up, and when he does, he sees the wound that His shotgun made glow.

"What the hell is he healing?"

"I'm sure you heard of this level-one technique right here."

From the sidelines of the battle, Kage stares intensely at Kev's healing wound.

"I can't believe that Bastard is actually able to use the recover technique so casually."

"Hehe, it seems like someone is jealous."

Still staring at Kev's healing, Kage lifts his fist and punches Unknown in the shoulder.

"Damn, bro, calm down; it's okay. The recover technique is really hard to master, so there's no need to worry; you'll master it one day."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just watch this battle closely; maybe we will learn something."

As Kev uses the recover technique to heal his gunshot wound, Wayne, unfazed, shoots him again in his other leg.

"Damn, you're persistent, but no matter with my recover technique all your damage means nothing to me."

As Kev babbles on about how good he is at the recover technique, Wayne rushes forward and cuts him on the chest.

"Ahh, how are those dingy weapons hurting me?"

"Didn't you say enough talk, so shut up already?"

Kev starts to Smile deviously.

"Ok, then I will stop talking."

Kev lifts his elbow and slams it into Wayne's back while using the flex technique. Kev's attack was so powerful that it forced Wayne to cough up spit. Wayne falls to the ground and looks up at  Kev who has a big smile on his face.

"What's wrong I thought you were going to prove your statements correct, or what are you just some bitch with no ambition?"

All of Kev's wounds start to heal. Wayne grits his teeth and lunges at Kev, but before he can even do anything, he gets punched in the face. Wayne plants his feet on the ground and punches Kev straight in the face. Kev's nose starts to bleed from the punch.

"What the hell that hurt? Sure, I didn't have any defenses up, but that shouldn't have hurt."

Kev looks back up and sees Wayne standing with the sleeve of his shirt ripped open after he flexed his muscles to the point where they popped out. Kev looks into Wayne's eyes and steps back out of fear.

"Who the hell are you?"

With drool coming out of his mouth and a ferocious look on his face, Wayne answers his question.

"Who am I, you ask? Okay, I'll tell you. I am a level zero with nothing but ambition flowing through him!"

Wayne grips his blade and shoves it into his rib.


Kev slams his fist into Wayne's face and pushes him off. Kev quickly pulls the blade out of his rib and throws it to the ground. Kev breathes heavily so he can attempt the recover technique. But then, all of a sudden, he choked on his own blood.

"Hmm, it seems what Mr.Mink was warning us about is happening to you. Please watch how you're using that technique; I don't want you to die."

"Shut the hell up; I don't need your concern."

As Kev falls to his knees, Kirata starts counting down.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! The battle is over, and the winner is Wayne!"

"Let's go!!! I knew I was a man of ambition!"

"Good job, Wayne. I knew you'd changed since the last time we spoke, and you have just proved it to me."

"Hahahaha, did this bitch just lose to a level zero?"

"What the hell"

Wayne looks up and sees Hunter chilling on top of the huge tree with a devious smile.


Hunter disappears and reappears behind the exhausted Kev.

Hunter grabs kevs head and crushes it until it explodes.


Chapter 27 end

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