
Waynes reason

In a faraway, unknown area, there's a huge forest with a tall orange mountain in the middle of it. Hours before Wayne Kage and Unknown took off on their adventure to the Moro zone. At the peak of the orange mountain, the woman who Nest called Owl was eating a cheeseburger.

"Mmmmm this burger is so good its melting on my tounge!"

From a tree behind Owl, she hears a deep voice.

"Hahaha, a burger is really making you blush."

Owl turns to check behind her and notices a strong, tan-skinned man with slicked-back hair, a rough-looking face, and a ragged shirt made of orange and black beast skin. He is also wearing torn black jeans. On his chest, left leg, and right shoulder are armor plates as well. The man smiles menacingly and jumps down from the tree.

"Tch, of course, it had to be you."

"What's up, Nisugi you look as fine as usual."

"What did I tell you about calling me by my real name? I swear you men have cotton in your ears."


"Can you stop that indecent laughter?"

The man puts his arms around Nisugi and exclaims.

"Why would you want me to call you that dumbass name? Isn't an owl an extinct animal that disappeared after the creation of the four zones?"

"Yes, it is, and would you get the fuck off of me, you perv?"

Nisugi grabs the man by the arm and throws him into a tree.

"Hahahaha, you're as feisty as ever, babe."

Nisugi adjusts her glasses and kicks a rock in the air. Nisugi kicks the rock at the man's head with full intent to kill. The rock flies at great speed, narrowly missing the man's head.

"Tch, you're lucky you're a feared legend, or I would have made sure that rock killed you."

"Hahahaha, you think a simple rock would kill me?"

"Unfortianley no. Just tell me why you're here and not doing the mission I assigned to you and the rest."

Hahaha, as serious as ever. You know you can calm down around me, babe."

"Just answer my fucking question."

"I'm simply here to ask permission for a detour from my main mission for a while."

Nisugi looks at him with anger.

"What the hell do you realize how important this mission is? Taking detours is something we can't afford!"

"Hahahaha, chill out, Nisugi; it will be quick. I promise. I just want to focus on a personal hunt of mine."

"A personal hunt?"

"As you know, I am renowned for hunting beasts, which is why when I became a feared legend, they named me Hunter. Ever since I gained that name, I abandoned my old name and called myself Hunter. Ever since I started hunting beasts, I've had my eyes on one for a while. Now, thanks to my efforts, I finally have a way to find him, and I refuse to let this opportunity pass."

Hunter starts to smile menacingly while looking at the sunset.

"Phew, even if I told you no and to focus on the mission, you would just do what you want."

"Hahahaha, I'm glad you're smart enough to know that."

"Just hurry up and get out of my sight; I'm supposed to be in hiding right now."

"Hahahaha, thanks, babe. I'll be sure to make this quick."

"Don't call me that, you fucking perv."

"Hunter starts to make a baby face, attempting to get sympathy."

"What, you won't let me call you Nisugi?"

"Stop making such an indecent face. Call me owl; that's final."

"Tch, whatever you say, to me your name will always be babe."

Hunter suddenly grows huge, sharp wings out of his back. Hunter pulls a picture out of his pocket and looks at it.

"It's finally time to knock you off my hit list."

Hunter crushes the picture in his hand, with veins popping out of his head and right hand.


Hunter flaps his wings and takes off into the sky. Nisugi adjusts her glasses and frowns.

"I can't even enjoy a cheeseburger without being disrupted by some bullshit."

Nisugi happily eats the rest of her cheeseburgers. She starts to blush with excitement.

"So good!!!"

Hours later in the present, Wayne Kage and Unknown are on the train. With Kage sleeping while listening to music, Unknown asks Wayne a question that he has had for a long time.

Please, this is something that I need to know. Why would someone like you enroll in a school that is specifically for OGI users?

"Ok, no problem; let me start from the beginning. It all started when my pops got tired of me slacking."

As Wayne speaks, he starts to reminisce about the events that led him to join Grava Academy.


About three years ago, Wayne was a 13-year-old roaming around a small village deep into the Moro Zone beast plain. This village is named Kirata, named after the first and only beast king. This beast king currently resides on top of a mountain that sits above the village, with a big tree at the peak of the mountain. The village is filled with small huts and a lot of shops that sell different items you can only find in the Moro zone. The ground is rocky just like the rest of the Moro zone, and what makes the village of Kirata so special is that out of all the villages, this one has the best relationship with the beasts of the zone.

The young Wayne stops roaming around the village and peeks around a corner near a restaurant. When he peeks around the corner, he sees a 5'1 white-skinned man with a large beard dressed like a server. His name was Geroge, and he was the best server at Kirata Dinner, an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Wayne, while peeking around the corner, started to giggle.

Ok, Lex, you know what time it is."

Lex appeared behind Wayne.


"Ok, Lex, it's time. Now go!!!"

Wayne pulls out an egg from his pocket. Lex grows wings and grabs the egg from his hand. Lex flies up and over Geroge. Lex looks over to Wayne behind the wall. Wayne smiles and throws up a thumbs-up. Lex drops the egg onto George's head. Geroge quickly looks up and sees Lex flying away.

Wayne, you little shit!

Wayne quickly runs, with Lex following behind him in the air. George has been put through many of Wayne's pranks, so it's no surprise he was able to identify the prankster and catch up to his running speed.

"Get over here, Wayne. I'll make sure to tell your father about this."

"Wow, Mr. George, you really have gotten in shape after all the times I pranked you before you met me. You were all big and jiggly."

"Shut the hell up! When I get my hands on you, you'll regret it."

Geroge tries to grab the young Wayne, but Wayne takes an unexpected turn, causing him to trip and fall to the ground. George, angered, gets up and screams.

"You think you're funny, don't you?"

"Wayne turns around and sticks his tongue out at Geroge."

Wayne starts running again until he runs into a corner where three tents surround him with only one exit, and unfortunately, George is at that exit.

"I finally caught you, damn it."

Wayne turns around and sees Geroge breathing heavily and sweating so badly you can see his pit stains. Wayne puts up his right hand.

"What the hell are you raising your hand for? You think this is a classroom or something?"

"No, I'm just waiting for my ride, but it's always nice watching you struggle to catch me."

Wayne starts to wave goodbye, and from the sky, Lex flies in and grabs Wayne's hand. As Lex starts flying, Wayne runs to the side of the tents to gain momentum. Wayne jumps up, and with Lex's wings, they take flight.

"See you next time. Hopefully I've got something better to drop on your head next time."

Geroge starts to grit his teeth and pull his hair out.

"I'll make sure you pay for this, you and your damn pet."

Now a far distance from George, Lex throws Wayne up into the air and grabs onto his back.


Yeah, carrying me through the sky this way is much easier, isn't it? Let's get back home, Lex. I'm kind of hungry."

Lex flies Wayne to the peak of the mountain sitting above Kirata village. They both make it to the top. Lex drops Wayne, and he lands on the rocky ground.

At the peak of the mountain is a giant old tree with a cave carved in it. This cave is the den of the beast king. Lex lands on Wayne's shoulder.

Ok, let's go ask Arcta for some lunch."

Wayne starts walking toward the cave in excitement. Before Wayne could make it to the cave front, a deep voice came from the cave. The voice was so loud that it shook the ground.

"Boy!!! You think you can just go and mess with the villagers every day and waltz in here like it's nothing!"

Chapter 18 end

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