
Chapter 29 Declaration

Chapter 29 Declaration

Russell just wanted to be reserved and strive for greater benefits for Barcelona, ​​but what Russell didn't expect was that Degan couldn't help it before Tottenham Hotspur responded.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that in order to force Barcelona to submit, Levi disclosed his intention to introduce Digan to familiar reporters early.

Then after Barcelona rejected the offer from Tottenham Hotspur, the news was also "accidentally" known by reporters, and then it was disclosed in the first place.

Then Degan found out about it, and in an interview later, Degan said angrily: "I am not happy at all in Barcelona, ​​I have never been accepted here, I am here to watch Until the future, every day here is like a year, I don't understand what Chairman Russell means, since they don't want to give me a chance, why don't they let me leave and let me continue my career , Are they planning to destroy me? If that's the case, then okay! Don't they think I'm very important? Then in the next three years, I will continue to stay here, anyway, I can get With an annual salary of 17 million euros, even if I retire after three years, I will live my life comfortably!"

Degan's anger made Russell a little panicked. If Degan really wants to die, Barcelona will have to pay Digan at least 100 million euros in the next three years. This loss It is absolutely unacceptable to Russell.

The most important thing is that this matter has been exposed following Degan's interview, and Barcelona fans have also been angered by Degan's actions. They don't think that the club has anything to do to Degan in the past two seasons. , They just simply believe that being able to play in Barcelona is something that every professional player should feel honored. What Degan is doing now is clearly threatening the club, which they cannot tolerate.

Now almost all Barcelona fans are asking the club to sell Digan to avoid losses. The La Masia gang headed by Messi is also expressing the hope that the team can clear Digan.

"Since Digan has expressed his desire to leave, why can't we satisfy him? Leaving a player who is not at Camp Nou is not good for Barcelona's future, and Barcelona will still be Barcelona if anyone leaves, Nothing will change!"

The attitude of the fans and Messi cannot be ignored by Rosell. Barcelona has a membership system. After his term ends, if he wants to be re-elected, he must get the votes of those members.

And Messi is the core of Barcelona. No one can ignore the status of the La Masia gang headed by him in Barcelona. Basically, the main framework of Barcelona is built by the La Masia gang. Messi, Pedro, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Pique, Valdes, and captain Puyol.

For a Degan, so many people's hearts have been chilled, this price, the price, Roselle cannot bear, and is absolutely unwilling to bear.

At this time, Tottenham Hotspur's second offer also arrived, 35 million euros, which is still less than the price that Fiorentina introduced Digan from AC Milan.

You must know that when Fiorentina introduced a seriously injured Digan from AC Milan, they also paid a transfer fee of 40 million euros. Including the high taxes and fees, all added up, Barcelona paid at least nearly 70 million euros on Digan.

But in the same way, Barcelona also got a lot of rewards from Degan, but the price is still a bit low, and there is still a lot of distance from Rosell's psychological price.

However, Tottenham Hotspur also made it clear that this is the final offer, and they will not continue to raise the price. After all, Tottenham Hotspur are not local tyrants, nor do they have oil godfathers. In the Premier League, they are considered middle-class. With such a status, after promising to give Degan a high salary, it is natural to strictly control the transfer fee.

On the one hand, Tottenham Hotspur is aggressive, and on the other side, Degan is also clamoring to leave. Barcelona is really passive now, and Russell is also regretting that he should not have given Degan such a high annual salary, and now he is in a cocoon. .

Do not agree?

Digan's annual salary is another huge drag on Barcelona, ​​and it also makes Messi and others restless. It's over.

But if he agreed, Russell was really not reconciled. Degan is still very capable. At least from the perspective of the few opportunities to play in these two seasons and the ability displayed, as long as Degan stays, the Barcelona's help is certainly not small, but the problem is that both Guardiola and Vilanova are obviously more concerned about the La Masia gang headed by Messi.

At this time, following Degan's statement, his fans also expressed great concern about this matter, and even the Belgian Prime Minister mentioned this matter in private when he visited Spain, which doubled the pressure on Russell .

Seeing that the Champions League final is coming, if this matter cannot be calmed down as soon as possible, it will have a great impact on Barcelona's preparations.

Last season, Barcelona failed in the final, and now they have reached the final again. Russell does not want to have another accident this time.

In particular, Laporta failed to win the Champions League trophy during his tenure. Rosell hopes to make a breakthrough during his tenure and prove that he is more successful than Laporta, so he will not allow any accidents.

Finally, after asking about Vilanova, Russell finally nodded, 35 million, Degan moved to Tottenham Hotspur, this deal will be officially announced after the summer transfer period opens.

Then it was time to sign a personal contract, but at this time, Degan put forward a condition, the signing is OK, but it will have to wait until after the Champions League final.

Although the hope is slim, Degan still has a glimmer of expectation for him to play in the Champions League final. At that time, he will tell the Barcelona people with his performance that it is Barcelona's loss to abandon him, and he must also tell Tottenham Tottenham fans, signing him is the right choice.

In this regard, Levi has no objection either. This wicked person is also looking forward to seeing the remorseful expression of the Barcelona native.

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