
Chapter 80 I've Decided

Chapter 80 I've Decided

Mendes didn't wait for Degan to call him, so he called him in advance. Obviously, Mendes is also very clear about what happened recently. Riodo dug his own grave, which has completely angered Degan. The sale of Montolivo and Pacini and the release of Albertini made Degan completely cut off the way to stay.

"Rod! I can only say that it is completely meaningless to stay in Atlanta now. Although Atlanta can participate in the European Champions Cup next season, what do you think you can do even if you stay? With a group of useless Experienced young man, you can't do anything with your own strength, and you don't owe Atlanta anything, with sixty-nine goals in a season, you have done things that many people can't even dream of, weak Atlanta You are the biggest contributor to being able to win the double crown, so leaving now is the best choice for you!"

Obviously, Mendes doesn't want Degan to stay on the broken ship of Atlanta. All the meritorious players have left. Last season's main lineup was dismantled. Such a team, Degan just stays So what, maybe next season, Digan will be sold by Riodo in exchange for a lot of money.

Of course Digan didn't want to stay, he didn't want to be silent with Atlanta, but where would he go after leaving? Back to Milan? Or move to another team?

Now this autonomy is completely in the hands of Degan. When signing the contract with c Milan, Milan obviously did not expect that Degan would be able to get to this point, so when the contract was signed, there was no liquidated damages.

In other words, as long as Degan is willing, he can buy out his own contract at any time. Of course, other teams want to get Degan. In addition to making an offer to c Milan and going through formal channels, they can also contact Degan. As long as Degan nods, The deal will be done.

Buy out the contract!

Then relying on Ziyu to exchange for a big contract for himself, this is obviously the best choice. ?? Stadium Maniac 80

No one doesn't like money, and Degan is the same. A player's career is short, and he needs to think about the rest of his life.

But if he left, Degan felt ashamed of Kaka again. After all, Kaka invited him to Milan several times, hoping that the two brothers could fight side by side in the same team.

"Go and contact Galliani, let me go back, I hope I can get a contract that matches my worth!"

Degan does have this qualification now. The best player in Serie A last season is also the winner of the European Golden Boot. Degan is now asking for a contract for a top player.

Mendes knew that Degan had decided to return to Milan. Although he felt a little sorry and wanted to continue lobbying Degan for his old friend Mourinho, he finally held back.

"Leave this kind of thing to me! Rhodes! Enjoy your vacation, and next season will surprise the entire football world! Little Italy is no longer your battlefield!"

Of course Degan knows where his next battlefield will be. He has already conquered Serie A. Although there is only one league title, it is a miracle to lead a small team like Atlanta to the Italian double. When Maradona became king in Naples, it was only after Naples spent a few years of money. It was obviously easier for Degan to achieve this goal. It was much more brutal and scored a lot of goals, which pushed Atlanta into the league. position of champion.

Degan has already made a decision, while Riodo on the other side is still fantasizing about keeping Degan in Atlanta. He even couldn't wait to offer c Milan a buyout price of 500,000 euros.

When Galliani received this fax, he almost grew his hair out of anger: "Tell that greedy idiot that we agreed to his offer and let him negotiate a contract with Digan!"

Deegan will stay in Atlanta! ?

It's just a big joke!

Galliani spent a whole month scheming against Atlanta in order to bring Degan back to Milanello, and now Riodo is still fantasizing about implementing the buyout clause.

Why did Pacini and Montolivo transfer to Fiorentina? Galliani himself planned this matter. He was also very optimistic about these two young people and thought of bringing them to Milan as an attraction. A weight for Degan to join, but now Milan obviously does not have their place.

So Galliani contacted De Lava, who had a good relationship, and launched a series of public opinion offensives, completely dispelling other teams' thoughts on these two people, allowing them to go to Florence, and at the same time persuading Albertini to leave Atlanta.

What Galliani is working so hard for is to make Degan disappointed and desperate for Atlanta. Now Riodo still thinks that Atlanta is still attractive to Degan. I really don't know why. ?? Stadium Maniac 80

I have to say that Riodo is overly confident. He feels that his team was the double champion of Italian football last season, and it should be a matter of course that it should be fatally attractive to young players who are eager to succeed.

In his plan, first give Degan enough rights to participate in the team's transfer work, look for gems that have not been discovered, and then sell them to big teams after some processing. By that time, Degan would also be in the marketable range.

Thinking of Digan's terrifying worth, Riodo couldn't help but get excited, tens of millions of euros, no! After participating in the UEFA Champions League next season, Degan's worth will definitely go further.

So after receiving an affirmative answer from Milan, he immediately notified the team's general manager Marino and asked him to discuss the contract with Degan's agent Mendes.

"In terms of annual salary, we can make appropriate concessions, but the number of years must be long, and the contract must be at least three years. In addition, the liquidated damages are at least 100 million euros. This is indispensable!"

As Marino listened, he was troubled. Even if he gave Degan the team the highest annual salary, how much could he have? Last season, the team's highest annual salary was Albertini, but it was only 700,000 euros. Degan was previously C Milan also pays a salary of one million. Now if they want to get Digan, they must exceed this figure. The question is, is Riodo willing to do so?

Riodo also knows that this is a big problem. Of course it is not a problem to pay Degan a high annual salary, but if it is too high, he can't stand it. Now Degan is only twenty years old, and he has already ranked among the top players in the world. Obviously A million can't satisfy Deegan.

"How much do you think is appropriate?"

Marino thought for a while and said, "At least three million!"

When Riodo heard it, his eyes almost popped out: "What? My God! Are those players vampires? Three million euros, why don't they grab it!"

Hearing this, Marino rolled his eyes. There was news that Chelsea was willing to pay Digan an annual salary of six million pounds, and it was still in pounds sterling.

"Mr. Chairman, you should know that Degan is still very young. He has a bright future, and there are countless teams chasing him. What advantages do you think Atlanta has?"

Leodo frowned immediately when he heard the words. Of course, if he could understand what Degan meant by "stupid.", he wouldn't have such a headache now.

"I think that Brazilian boy should have feelings for Atlanta, and I am willing to give him more rights. He should be satisfied, at least he should make appropriate concessions in terms of annual salary!"

Hearing this, Marino can only say that his lovely "Chairman" is really stupid and naive, and how much money can feelings be worth. If feelings are really useful, Wenger's love for Anelka Good is like a real father, but in front of Li Yi, he just left without any nostalgia.

Besides, even if Digan has feelings, it is because of his friends here. Now all of Digan's friends have been cashed out by Riodo, what is left?

If there is no real money to keep him, Digan will only stay if he is crazy.

Sure enough, when Marino called Mendes, hoping to discuss Degan's contract in person, Mendes' reply poured a basin of cold water on Atlanta.

"Mr. Marino, I think you must have misunderstood. My player doesn't want to stay in Atlanta! He has never had such an idea, and after the loan contract ends, he is now a player of C Milan! "

Marino was taken aback. Although he thought that this contract negotiation would be very difficult, he never thought that the other party would not even give him the opportunity to negotiate, and directly rejected it.

Marino certainly didn't want to give up just like that. He knew very well that if Degan couldn't keep him, Atlanta's performance would definitely plummet next season. At that time, Atlanta would become the laughing stock of world football. The double champions of the season have to face the dilemma of relegation in the first round after the start of the league. This~~~~~~~

"Mr. Mendes, c Milan has agreed to our offer!"

Mendes had been in contact with Galliani before, and when he learned that Degan was willing to return to Milan, Galliani was so happy that his head was bald as if he had been waxed.

"Yes! I know, but my players don't want to leave Milan, so Mr. Marino, I can only say I'm sorry. Atlanta's series of practices have disappointed my players. He doesn't want to stay in a team that can't be seen at all. The future team plays, so there is no need for us to negotiate!"

Mendes hung up the phone without even giving Marino a chance to speak.

"What? He refused! How is this possible?" After listening to Marino's report, Riodo realized that he was afraid at this time.

Although Riodo doesn't like football, football is a tool for making money in his eyes, but he also knows the importance of Digan to Atlanta.

Before he sold the team's main players, the fans were very dissatisfied. The reason why he didn't make a fuss was because he promised to buy Degan and make Degan a part of the team. And promised to acquire more outstanding players, and strive for good results in the Champions League next season.

Now Digan just gave him to K!

How could this be possible.

"Can you get in touch with Degan? Maybe it's just his agent's idea?" Riodo still had the last sliver of fantasy.

Marino shook his head, feeling helpless. He had persuaded Riodo to start Degan's purchase plan before selling the players, but Riodo couldn't listen at all. He was completely overwhelmed by the huge Benefits have dazzled his head, and he only thinks about making money.

Well now, the money has been earned, and it is still a lot of money, but Digan, the head star, is leaving.

"Is there nothing we can do?"

Of course, Atlanta had no choice. Once Degan made a decision, he would never change it.

"Riccardo! I'm going back to Milan! It's decided!"

During dinner at night, Degan suddenly said something like this, Kaka had already talked with Galliani on the phone before, and knew about Degan's decision, but Kaka couldn't hide his excitement when he heard it with his own ears. Affection.

The night in Istanbul dealt him a big blow, and now he desperately needs good news to dilute the depression in his heart.

"This is simply great, Rhodes! Then we can fight side by side on the court!"

Degan has quit the Brazilian national team before, and now he has become the captain of the Belgian national team. At the level of the national team, the two of them can only be rivals, but if they can play for the same club at the same time, it is also the same for Kaka. Great news.

Apart from Kaka, Belém is the happiest. After leaving Milan, the fashion capital, and going to such a small place as Bergamo, her work has basically been suspended. If Digan can return to play for Milan If so, then with the help of Digan's reputation, she is 100% confident that she can regain the lost ground.

However, the mood of Degan, the client, is not so good. He feels that his choice this time is simply a risky behavior. disaster.

Milan's striker now has Shevchenko, Inzaghi, Crespo and Thomason, although they have left, but they are replaced by Vieri and Gilardino.

Although Degan is not afraid of competing for positions with the four best forwards in world football, it is not up to him whether he can succeed or not. It all depends on Ancelotti.

But isn't that what life is like?

It's safe to stay in Atlanta, he will always be the king of Atlanta, but what's the use of being the king in a small place, if he can't prove himself in the competition, Degan is still not a real first-class star.

So this time, Digan decided to gamble!

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