
Chapter 50: The Hand of God

Chapter 50: The Hand of God

In the stands of the Camp Nou, the Fiorentina fans seemed to be having a holiday. They probably didn't expect that there was one less player on the field. They had to fight against Barcelona and guard against the referee's conspiracy. The Fiorentina team actually overtook the score.

It's all so dreamy!

It completely exceeded everyone's expectations!

The fans of Barcelona are completely confused, what is going on!

The plot is not like this!

The first half ended in this strange atmosphere. The two teams returned to the locker room. Naturally, it was not peaceful. Judging by the expressions on the players' faces, a lot must have happened in the locker room just now.

The game continued, and Fiorentina, who had one less player, finally began to recover. Degan retreated to the midfield, leaving only Mutu on the forward line.

Fiorentina's recovery made the pressure on Barcelona's defense line a lot less immediately, and began to attack vigorously. There is no need to count on the advancement of the midfielder, and they can only take two sides. Messi and Henry have become Barcelona. The two sharp knives gradually showed their strength.

Seeing that the team's situation on the field was somewhat passive, Prandelli made the first substitution adjustment in the 60th minute, replacing Mutu with Marchena, and Degan returned to the front line.

When Degan was called back just now, Prandelli hoped to use Degan's abundant physical strength and running to assist the defense, but the effect did not seem very obvious, and there was only one Mutu on the front line, which made Florence's offense completely useless. way to develop.

After Marchena played, the pressure on Beckham and Modric was much less. Although Marchena is a Spaniard, he didn't have a good impression of Barcelona. as an enemy.

Now that he has moved to Fiorentina, he just watched Barcelona's clumsy performance on the sidelines for a long time. This defensive champion has already exploded his lungs, and he has always been eager to try.

And Prandelli also said just now, after playing, there is no need to restrain yourself, fuck it!

In the end, Marchena, an honest boy, was really obedient. He used a flying shovel just three minutes into the game, and put Iniesta on the ground with a dribble. The son became Xiao Hei.

This tackle also brought him a yellow card!

But looking at the expression of this rough Spanish guy, you can tell that this guy doesn't care at all, and he is enjoying it very much. Looking at his expression, it seems that he is still recalling the embarrassment when Iniesta was shoveled to the ground just now.

Just like a striker like Degan regards goals as memories, the greatest enjoyment of a butcher like Marchena is the fearful eyes of his opponents.

With the addition of Marchena, the meat grinder in the midfield, Barcelona's best offense can no longer be played at all. They can only continuously send shells to the two sides, allowing Henry and Messi to use their personal skills to find good opportunities to score goals. .

But this is easier said than done. Eto'o is an African cheetah, not an African elephant. Letting him respond in the middle and compete for headers is not at all what he is good at.

The biggest advantage of Fiorentina's defense is that the two central defenders are top-level air defense Aegis. It is completely impossible to kick the ball from the wing and look for opportunities to score.

Messi and Henry's cut-in shots were obviously expected by Prandelli. Marchena and Beckham retreated to protect the center. As a result, all Barcelona's attack methods collectively failed.

Seeing this, Guardiola immediately made adjustments, replacing Eto'o with young player Pedro, and moved Henry to the middle position. Although the former King of Highbury's header skills can only be said to be average, But the central support is not just a header. In the Premier League, if there was no Van Nistelrooy, Henry would have every chance to compete for the title of king of the small penalty area.

Although he has moved to Barcelona for several seasons, Barcelona fans are still not familiar with Henry's characteristics. They know that Henry is a master of counterattacks, but no one agrees that Henry is better than Eto'o in capturing opportunities in the penalty area. Excellent, Henry has now returned to a more familiar position at Arsenal. What he wants to prove is that he can not only fight back, but also be very good at outflanking him in front of the goal.

In the 70th minute of the game, Pedro lobbed a pass to the right, Messi headed the goal, Henry rushed up and made a standard center tackle, but Henry's outstretched right foot only touched the skin of the ball and failed to kick. He missed an opportunity in the right position, but his keen sense of smell in front of the goal has undoubtedly been revealed.

Although he failed to score a goal, Guardiola was obviously very satisfied with this attack. He walked to the sidelines and expressed encouragement to his disciples. For Henry, Guardiola did not take much thought.

In the beginning, Guardiola also arranged Henry on the left, but his starting point was different. At the beginning, Rijkaard arranged Henry on the side because he did not trust Henry and because he was more optimistic about Eto'o, but Guardiola La is decompressing Henry, after all, the defensive strength on the side is relatively weak. Of course, there are relatively few opportunities to score goals from the wing, and Henry only plays the center forward when counterattacking.

However, with Eto'o's performance getting better and better, the teenager Bojan also began to show the strength of a first-class star, and Henry's position was once again fixed on the side.

Now is your chance!

Henry also really worked very hard. He showed his demeanor as the king of Highbury at the time when he grabbed points in front of the goal several times, but he was so unlucky that he was always short of scoring.

With the passage of time, the fans in the stands gradually became a little uneasy. It would be too tragic if there was one more player on the field leading by one goal.

At this time, Barcelona fans especially hope that someone can stand up and play the role of savior, such as ~~~~~~~~Messi!

For playing the role of the savior, Messi does his part, but sometimes, the savior is not so easy to be, not only must have strength, but also have luck.

It's a pity that this game has been going on until now, and the goddess of luck has not visited Messi once.

Seeing that the game has entered the stoppage time period, the second half of the game was very dull, making people feel that the time passed quickly, probably to compensate the fans, so the referee gave it up to five minutes from time to time.

Prandelli didn't even bother to protest, what a joke!

But soon, Prandelli regretted it. He really should protest, at least he could vent his dissatisfaction!

Barcelona took the ball from the wing again, and it was the teenager Pedro. The arc of the pass was very wide. Henry fought for the top, but failed to touch the ball. Frey was shaken and missed the ball. But looking at the trajectory of the ball, this pass should go straight out of the baseline.

But at this time Messi rushed over, and he had every chance to get the ball in, such as diving to the top, but if he dared to do it, his head must have a close contact with the goal.

Messi's speed is so fast, he didn't take off, but~~~~~~~~~~~

The ball went in! ?

"Handball! Handball!" Frey roared loudly. He could see clearly that Messi blocked the ball with his hand in front of the goal. Thiago Silva also saw it and followed shouted.

But, referee, what do you really mean! ?

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