
204 the favorite to win the championship

204 the favorite to win the championship

After the European Cup in France in 1984, 24 years later, the Spanish team entered the European Cup final again. In that game, Spain was finally defeated by the French team led by Michel Platini.

And now, they will face another opponent - the Belgian team.

"Belgians, surrender!"

When the competition is approaching, the headlines of Spain's "Aspen" represent the views of most Spaniards. In their view, only Spain, which has scored the most goals, conceded the fewest goals, and dominated the game, is worthy of the final championship.

However, there is no market in football for winning without a fight, although Belgium coach Antiiens admits: "Spain are a tough team to beat."

After four years of hard work by Aragones, the current Spanish team's style of play has taken shape, establishing a style of ball possession and fast attack. Many players in the team not only serve as the main force in their respective clubs, but many of them Along with the Spanish youth team, he has had final experience.

Harvey, Marchena, and Casillas are members of the Nigeria World Youth Championship. Harvey, Puyol, and Capdevila eliminated Italy in the Sydney Olympics and advanced to the final.

After supplementing the younger Ramos, David Silva and Cesc Fabregas, the age structure of the Spanish team is more reasonable. What is important is that the current team morale is good and they are full of hunger for honor.

From a technical point of view, Spain's technical flow is also a magic weapon to restrain Belgian power football. The Spanish national team has a similar football style to Barcelona. Spanish players also believe that they have a clear advantage over the Belgians technically. ?? Stadium Maniac 204

The disadvantage for the Spanish team may be that Villa missed the final due to injury. If he cannot play, Spain will probably hide Fabregas behind Torres and change the formation to 4411. Judging from the game against Russia, Fabregas's performance is trustworthy. Of course, if Calagones arranges Guiza to play and form a double forward with Torres, his running and impact are also very threatening.

Of course, a football game is not simply a matter of talking on paper. Some "hidden" things, such as the discipline of the Belgian team, willpower may become a weight in the balance of victory or defeat, and even like luck in the final final, it will affect whether the team can win?? The key factor to win the championship.

The Spaniard has been waiting for this final for 24 years. Looking at the history of the Spanish national team, it can also be regarded as a history of pain far more than joy, a tragedy full of misfortune and humiliation.

For a long time, the Spanish national team has given the same impression to the world's "fans": brilliant stars but flashy, first-class skills but ill-fated fate, popular but not worthy of the name.

In the World Cup, the best result of the Spanish team was the fourth place in 1950. In the European Championship, the only glory of the Spanish team dates back to 44 years ago. Lectra former Soviet Union team won the European Championship.

Since then, the Spanish team has been listed as the favorite in every major competition, but it has always lost the game in incredible ways. Although it entered the European Championship final in 1984, it finally lost to France.

Unfortunately, like a ghost haunting the Spanish team, the "Matador Legion" has always been more ambitious than the sky, and their lives are thinner than paper. Now, after 24 years, they have finally entered the final of the competition again. Can history be changed?

Today, the Spanish team will meet the Belgian team in the final. The "Matador" representing technical football and the "European Red Devils" representing disciplinary football will have a decisive battle of art and tactics, thought and will.

Since the characteristics of the Spanish team and the Belgian team are almost completely incompatible, whichever side can better play its own advantages in the final will win. Now the general opinion of the outside world is that the "Matador", who has found his true self in the semi-finals, will very likely overturn the "European Red Devils" to win the championship.

Lineker, a former Barcelona player and now a football commentator on BBC TV, said in a comment a few days ago: "The Spanish team will very likely win the European Championship again after 44 years since the European Cup in 1964. The Spanish team is The best team with the best quality and performance among all the teams in the European Cup. They played pleasing football. It is a pleasure to see what they have done in this competition. Spain has many high-level players, An excellent striker, an "excellent" goalkeeper, the whole team is of a high level. On the contrary, the Belgian team is not. He was placed in an easy group, and most of the opponents he faced in the European Cup were not strong. There is luck in reaching the final. This is the strongest Spanish team I have ever seen. They play openly and emphasize offense. This is why the fans like them. Some of my friends and I like the Spanish team very much. "

Lineker also believes that although Villa will miss the final due to injury, another striker, Torres, is capable of taking on the heavy responsibility of scoring goals, because he is also a very good shooter. Perhaps, now against Spain It's time for a championship in football.

Also before the European Cup finals, Barcelona's "Godfather" Cruyff also said that compared to the Belgian team, the Spanish team is the favorite to win the cup.

"Spain are more likely to win the title for a number of reasons. The first is the way they play, the goals they score and the state of the team at the moment puts Spain in the upper hand. Spain has grown and grown for all to see, but they can't always Thinking of negative things, like the 120 minutes against the Italian team. Spain has never been short of good players, and now they have the right mentality to treat victory on this basis. Whoever loses in the final wins It's normal, if Spain loses, the players have every reason to be proud of their performance."

At the same time, the Russian coach Hiddink, who was blocked by the Spanish team in the final, also talked about the upcoming final in an interview with UEFA.

"I think Spain have played better with Cesc Fabregas in midfield, they always play the ball in motion and it's very difficult to play against opponents like that, to make them turn the ball upside down, It is only a matter of time before the goal is scored. I personally like the way the Spanish team attacks and plays. Spanish players like to pass the ball, they are experienced and know when to pass and when to take it. With two good goals, this will be a contest between power football and technical football."?? Stadium Maniac 204

Spain will compete with Germany for the European Championship. No matter what the result is, Calagones will step down after the game. The battle of Vienna will be the last battle of the Matador Legion led by the Spanish coach.

After defeating Russia in the semi-finals, calls in Spain to call on Calagones to stay reached the climax, but the old coach insisted that even if he won the championship, he would have to say goodbye.

Why is this?

Aragones solved the riddle himself: "I'm leaving because no one has said anything to me, so I've decided to go and I won't look back."

The Spanish Football Association's attitude of "don't listen to it and have no intention of retaining it" disappointed Calagones. The news that the former Real Madrid coach Del Bosque has already negotiated to be the Spanish coach is also known to passers-by. gunnes.

Therefore, when the domestic media reported that the Football Association intends to renew the contract for two years, Calagones still decided to leave: "No one said anything to me after Spain advanced from the qualifiers. Not going back."

In short, Calagones must go, but before leaving, he has to complete one last thing: lead Spain to win the European Cup.

"At the moment, the mentality of the team is very good and they have strong self-confidence. I believe we will win. Although the Belgian team is also very strong and the players are very capable, any team that wants to win the cup must bring it with them from the beginning of the game. Go and kick with the will to win."

Spain's top scorer Villa is absent due to injury, but the team has already made a record. Coach Aragones hinted that Fabregas will replace him.

Villa was injured, and another substitute striker, Guisa, had the best chance, but Calagones first considered changing the formation and adding someone in the midfield. He said: "When you lose a player like Villa, You always have concerns, but I know Fabregas can do well in midfield."

In the semi-final against Russia, it was Cesc Fabregas who replaced the injured Villa. He personally assisted the last two goals. Strikers are more in control.

Calagones is also very satisfied with Spain's current state: "My team is in good shape. This is a very good time for us. I hope we can win important achievements together."

Spain is eager to win the cup again after a lapse of 44 years and make up for the regret of losing to the French 24 years ago. Similarly, Belgium is also reaching the final again after a lapse of 28 years.

In the European Cup in 1980, Belgium's golden generation gave them the opportunity to touch the highest glory of European football, but in the final, they lost to the West German team, which was in full swing at the time, and now the opportunity is defeated by the Belgians. Being favored by people, but at the same time, the Belgian will do his best.

"I know our current situation. People are not optimistic about our prospects. Almost everyone thinks that Belgium is very lucky to be able to get to where it is today!"

Antiiennis looks a little low-key. This master of psychology has always given people the impression of being gentle and gentle. It seems that he has never talked nonsense to the media like those "character" coaches, but today he wants to Let everyone startle.

"However, I don't think so. Being able to get to where we are today is the result of our hard work. In the group stage, we lacked the most important core players, but in the end we entered the knockout round as the first in the group. In two knockout rounds, we We are not facing simple opponents. Germany, Turkey, anyone who has watched their games knows that they are very strong. What I want to say is, since we have defeated so many opponents and come to today, why can't we be more powerful? Further! Spain is the favorite to win the championship. In my opinion, it doesn't make any sense. People's expectations will make them feel more pressure. In comparison, we have a lot easier! As for the final, I think the winning percentage is It's a 50-50 split, whoever gets the last laugh is a reasonable result, but my players and I are ready to celebrate the victory!"

Antiiennis is very confident. The source of his confidence is of course Degan. The two knockout matches of the European Cup have shown everyone the horror of Degan. He scored a hat-trick against Germany and passed a pass against Turkey. "Shoot" and even created a penalty kick. Who else can stop Degan now? Perhaps this is the common proposition of the entire world football.

At present, Degan has scored four goals and is tied for the top scorer list with Belgium. As long as he can score another goal, he will be able to enjoy the glory of the best scorer in this European Cup. Degan, who has always been very hungry for goals, obviously will not miss this opportunity.

"We're ready for a big game, Spain are strong? I guess that's just someone else's opinion, they did have a few good games at this European Cup, but so what , They are still my defeated opponents, they have nothing to be proud of before defeating me!"

Digan's remarks will undoubtedly arouse the hatred of all Spanish fans. For Spanish football, even in the game on the 29th, they finally defeated Belgium and won the cup smoothly, but the old incident three years ago, they I will never forget that if it wasn't for Degan and Belgium led by him, perhaps this golden generation would have been able to show their demeanor to fans all over the world in the World Cup in Germany.

Moreover, the most unacceptable thing for the Spaniard is that before that game, Belgium had already advanced ahead of schedule, but they still refused to let Spain go.

"I know the Spaniard wants to get revenge in this game, so okay! Just come, I have never been afraid of any kind of challenge, neither have my teammates, and I have never felt sorry for what happened at the beginning. Guilty, the Spaniards want to participate in the World Cup, that's just their idea. Similarly, Serbia and Montenegro also needed a fair chance to compete. I just did what a player should do. As for how painful the Spaniards will be, Fuck me!"

This time, Degan was stabbing a hornet's nest, and even the old comrade Carlos, King of Spain, jumped out to accuse Degan of being a "vulgar language guy".

Degan didn't care what kind of fart that old girl was. Just the day before the final, Degan welcomed a few special guests on the training ground.

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