
Chapter 61 Milan Fashion Week

Chapter 61 Milan Fashion Week

Touted by the unscrupulous media, Digan, who was canonized as a god, obviously has no consciousness of becoming a god, let alone obeying the will of the broad masses of the people, accepting incense from the world honestly on the altar, but "willing to degenerate" ", enjoying life.

Everything is really going well for Degan now. Florence is invincible on the football field, and life is accompanied by beauties. It is as comfortable as it is.

Before becoming a ball wife, Irina was just a famous underwear model, but since she established a relationship with Digan in Bali and was exposed by the media, she became popular overnight, and her popularity continued to rise. She became the godmother of Florence, and even squeezed out the old Italian female anchor Colomba, and became the godmother of Florence. In addition, she has a hot figure and a charming appearance. Enchanting jealousy and hot heart.

With a double harvest in career and love, Degan now seems to have started his own beautiful era.

"Hi! Honey!"

Irina's sweet voice, coupled with her charming eyes, made Digan, who had just woken up, sober up.

The place where the two of them live now is a villa that Degan just bought. Now that they have made the decision to work in Florence for a long time, and they have got rid of the ranks of bachelors, it is obviously inconvenient to continue renting. After returning from Korea, Digan couldn't wait to build their love nest.

Walking to the dining table and seeing the sumptuous breakfast prepared by Irina herself, Degan really felt the feeling of happiness. He used to live alone most of the time, and the food and drink were basically solved by the team. At that time, I didn't think it was inconvenient, but now, if Digan had to endure the nutritious meal specially formulated for the players by the Florence nutritionist for three meals a day, it would be torture.

Irina was sitting opposite Digan, holding a sandwich in her hand, she seemed to have something to say, but she hesitated.

Digan noticed: "Irina! Is something wrong?"

Irina smiled faintly, encouraged herself, and said, "Rod! I do have something I want to discuss with you. You know, Milan Fashion Week is coming soon~~~~~"

"No, I do not know!"

Perhaps Milan Fashion Week is a very important event for people in the fashion industry, but for Deegan, who has no interest, he never cares about any news in the fashion circle, let alone Milan fashion Week.

"Is it a clothing fair?"

Irina rolled her eyes, feeling really helpless. This was the first time she met someone like Digan. Digan didn't know how to pay attention to such a big show in Milan Fashion Week.

You know, Milan Fashion Week is one of the four famous fashion weeks in the world. Among the four fashion weeks, Milan Fashion Week is the latest to rise, but now it has come out on top, gathering top figures in the fashion industry and thousands of professional buyers. , professional media and style trends from all over the world, the worldwide spread brought by these essential elements is far beyond the comparison of other business models. As one of the four major fashion weeks in the world, Milan Fashion Week in Italy has always been regarded as the world fashion week Digan didn't know the "barometer" of design and consumption.

"Okay! Rhodes! I knew you were boring, but it doesn't matter, as long as you remember that you are the spokesperson of the Armani brand!"

Digan was taken aback, and recalled it carefully before remembering, it seemed that there was such a thing, it was operated by Irina's agency, and it was nothing more than using Digan's reputation to let Irina become the brand spokesperson together, Digan At that time, I didn't think there was anything wrong, and it was right to help my woman expand her career.

"Yes! I remember! But what does this have to do with Milan Fashion Week!?"

Irina was used to Digan's slowness, so she could only patiently explain: "I have received an invitation from Armani to walk the catwalk at Milan Fashion Week!"

Digan looked up at Irina, and saw that her face was slightly flushed, and she was very excited: "So? Do you want me to go with you?"

Irina put her chin in her hands, smiled sweetly at Digan, and said, "No! I mean, the two of us were invited, and you are also the spokesperson of Armani, so they hope that the two of us can be together Walking the runway to showcase their latest fall couple looks!"

catwalk! ?

Digan was taken aback for a moment, followed by a cough. Obviously he was shocked by the news of Irina, and it took him a long time to recover: "What!? Show!? Irina! I think you must be crazy, I ~~~~~~"

"No! I'm sober, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, there's nothing wrong with showing your figure to the fashion world, or do you mean you don't want to walk the catwalk with me!?"

"Of course not, Irina, but I~~~~~~~"

Irina interrupted Digan again, and sent a pair of cute and pitiful eyes: "Rod! This is very important to me, do you want your girlfriend to perform on the catwalk at Milan Fashion Week for the first time, yes Partnering with other male models, dressing up as a couple on the catwalk, showing affection? If you don't mind, I think I don't mind either!"


Digan is helpless, does he mind? Of course you mind! No man can stand his woman hanging shoulder to shoulder with another man.

But if he is allowed to go to the catwalk, it is indeed a bit embarrassing for him. If it is a football charity match, Digan is of course fine, but letting him go on the runway is no different from going to the execution ground.

Degan's attitude made Irina a little dissatisfied. She originally thought that Degan would readily agree to it, and even took it as a small surprise, but seeing Digan's appearance, it was obviously not the case.

"Rod! Is this embarrassing for you?"

Digan smiled bitterly: "That's right! Irina! I have absolutely no experience in this area, and most importantly, I don't think my figure is anything to show off. Compared with participating in this kind of activity, I would rather go to training Go and sweat!"

"Enough! Rhodes!"

Irina suddenly lost her temper without warning. She couldn't understand Degan's thoughts. Other players, to be precise, are stars with a certain reputation. They are always doing everything possible to expand their popularity and retire in the future. Future life plans.

It is no exaggeration to say that Degan is the number one football player in the world today. Even Degan's own brother, the Prince of Milan, Kaka has to stand aside.

However, Digan's plan for his own life was completely unqualified!

What about when Deegan retires?

One day, he couldn't run anymore and was replaced by a newcomer. At that time, would Digan still be able to live with his fame today?

How many years can a player's career last?

Even if Degan is only less than 22 years old now and has a long career, what about ten years from now? Fifteen years from now? Will he still be the number one player in the world?

What should we do when that time comes?

Irina is a very smart woman. Unlike most women who are close to stars, Irina has not only beauty and a good figure, but also a very good mind, just like her current relationship with Digan. She is obviously much smarter than Belen and Avril Lavigne.

When Digan and Belen were together, they were completely dominant, and when they were with Avril Lavigne, the two powerful people basically had nothing to do with each other.

Irina's handling of the relationship between the two should be smarter. Most of the time, she can be a little birdie, which greatly satisfies Degan's machismo mentality, but what about reality? Irina always influences Digan inadvertently.

The idols Irina set up for herself are Beckham and Victoria, who are known as the first money-grabbing couple in football. I think that the fairy tale of Beckham becoming famous with one goal was staged at Old Trafford, and then it was reported that Beckham Ham fell in love with Victoria, a member of the popular British singing group Spice Girls, and the two married in a high-profile manner soon after.

The star couple, who straddle the football and entertainment circles, started their "money grabbing" journey. From Manchester United to Real Madrid, from Real Madrid to the football desert of the United States, the momentum of Beckham and Victoria has been rising all the way. These two people have been from endorsement advertisements to designing their own brands.

Careful analysis shows that every step of Beckham's career, Victoria's influence is everywhere, especially this summer, Beckham's high-priced signing with Los Angeles Galaxy was inspired by Victoria. The reason is very simple. Victoria hopes to go to the United States to develop and enter the Hollywood.

Irina also hopes that she can influence Digan. For example, now that she is living in such a small place as Florence, Irina must be reluctant. If you say that in Italy, Milan is of course the best choice, but Yili Na also knew that she didn't have that much influence on Digan now, and it would take a very long process to achieve Victoria's step and make Digan obey him.

But Irina is not worried, she can feel that Digan is very obsessed with her, and it is not impossible for Digan to follow her plan.

Therefore, Irina couldn't give in on this matter: "Rod! I know that all your attention is on football now, but I hope you can also worry about my feelings a little bit. I don't want to just be a woman attached to you, I want to be able to make a difference in the field I like!"

Seeing that Irina got angry suddenly, Digan sighed and said, "Okay! Irina! If this is what you want, I am willing to go!"

Digan has never been a person who compromises easily, but what Digan knows better is that he should protect his own woman, and this is indeed not too much to ask.

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