
Chapter Thirty-Eight This Time I'm Serious

Chapter Thirty-Eight This Time I'm Serious

When Degan led the Belgian team to a big victory at home, when Degan successfully surpassed Wilmer in only fifteen games and became the top scorer in the history of Belgian football, an old-fashioned topic appeared again .

Who is the next champion!

Regarding the battle for the king of the ball, it has never stopped from the very beginning. From the dispute between Pele and Maradona to the dispute between Zidane and Ronaldo, the fans were red-faced and spitting, and they were very happy. There is no lack of rational talk, but also a lot of absurd theories, and nonsense is inevitable.

When Zidane chose to retire, when Ronaldo began to decline, when Ronaldinho began to indulge in the nightlife in Barcelona, ​​Degan is now a name that people are talking about, will he become the next king of football? ! ?

After the 2006 World Cup, the debate about whether Degan could become the next net was quite heated, and there were a lot of flames in various online forums, which can be described as one after another.

Not to mention whether Degan can finally be crowned champion, as far as his argument is concerned, it is enough to prove his excellence. Only an outstanding person can be controversial, a mediocre person is rarely controversial. In addition, there is no "undisputed champion" in the world. The so-called "recognized" is also relative. Pele is recognized, but in Brazil, many people appreciate Zico more. As for Maradona, there are more controversies.

The title of King of the Balls was first praised by the French to the great Pele. Pele's three gold cups can be said to be astonishing in the past, and they are still high today. A few years ago, FIFA launched the "Best of the Century" online "In the selection, Maradona was added to the top of the ball.

Looking at Maradona and Pele, it is not difficult for people to come up with a so-called "ball king standard": football genius, superb skills, World Cup champion, super goals, huge honor and influence. These conditions are quite harsh for an ordinary superstar, and it is not easy to meet two of them. It can be seen that stars are common, but kings are rare.

Some fans doubt that Deegan can become the king of the ball. You might as well compare the above criteria of the king of the ball with Deegan, and you will find that Deegan meets almost all the conditions. There is no such thing as a champion.

First of all, Superman's skills: This is the first condition for the king of the ball.

The skills that Degan has demonstrated in recent years were a huge shock wave to the football world at that time. In the past two years, Degan was still a fledgling, but soon with his terrifying scoring efficiency and excellent skills, he shocked the entire football world, and his skills made the entire football world feel like a spring breeze.

Maradona is also a football genius, but his skills did not give football a lasting shock like Degan. European experts and journalists rated Degan as no less than Maradona, and some evaluations were even higher than Maradona. Degan was once called the most ideal football player by some experts.

Champion: Although Degan didn't have a trophy in the national team, he almost got everything he wanted in the club, the league championship, the domestic cup championship, and the Champions League trophy.

Super goals: There are too many super goals belonging to Degan. Some goals, described by good people, are even like stormy waves hitting the shore. They are exquisite and are the swan song in the history of football.

Honor: Honor is the affirmation and reward of a person's achievements by authoritative institutions and officials. Honor is an important part of achievement. Whether it is the Nobel Prize or the World Footballer, it is what people dream of.

Degan does not have the crown of Footballer of the Year, nor the glory of the Ballon d'Or, but no one doubts his value, and a grandstanding trophy proves nothing.

Influence: Digan became famous as a teenager and became famous all over the world. His influence has already gone beyond the world of football and sports. He has countless fans, and of course there are countless people who hate him. They are all paying attention to Digan all the time.

Some fans said that Maradona led a weak team to win the championship "by himself", so he is the king of the ball. Degan was just lucky in Atlanta, and he was just hugging his thigh in AC Milan, so He is not the king of the ball.

This argument is narrow and naive. Football is a collective sport for eleven people, and it is absolutely impossible to do it alone!

How to explain Kaiserslautern's progress from newly promoted to league champion?

According to this logic, Jordan is not the king of football, because he has superstars Rodman and Pippen by his side; similarly, Pele is not the king of the ball, because there is the great Garrincha; She is surrounded by stars, leading a weak team to win the championship is great, but leading a strong team to the top is equally great!

Some people say that Degan's morality is problematic. I believe most people really don't understand what their morality is. If a normal transfer is also morally degraded, Vieri will be out of character a long time ago. Why do you want to go to Inter Milan? King, die of old age on the Juventus bench.

Probably people attacked Degan's moral issues, mainly his private life, first Beren, then Avril, then Beren, then Avril, and then nothing.

Let's talk about Digan's moral conduct, let's look at Maradona's moral conduct, drug use, prostitution, illegitimate children, stimulants, shooting reporters, and beating opponent players. Radona is simply the garbage of society, a complete scum.

It's ridiculous that some fans even said that Lao Ma "has a personality" and is "the most authentic person". What absurdity! How would you deal with your relatives taking drugs or prostitution?

Looking at Degan again, he can be said to be a gentleman on the court. His total number of red and yellow cards is pitifully small, and he hardly intentionally hurts his opponents on the court. He even voluntarily refused when facing a penalty kick. Facing the setbacks in life, Digan showed a great strength of personality. As for Maradona, he can only give up on himself!

In fact, it is narrow to use one player to evaluate another player by reference. History is moving forward, times are different, and the king of the ball cannot look the same. If you compare Jordan with Chamberlain, Jordan will not be the king of the ball, because Chamberlain scored 100 points in a game, but Jordan is still the king of basketball.

History is always strikingly similar. In fact, there are many similarities between Maradona and Degan. Both became famous as teenagers, both were frustrated in the World Cup, both had glory, and both saved the team by themselves. .

Compared with Maradona, Degan is more legendary. His spirit and experience are enough to make a Hollywood blockbuster. However, Maradona left football, and he showed the world a lot of bad deeds.

To sum up, it is not difficult for people to see, who is greater, Digan or Maradona? Who is more worthy of admiration and learning?

Now people like to compare Degan with Golden Mowro and Messi, in fact, they are not comparable at all, and the mainstream media has never compared them.

Whether it is technical height, influence, honor, or achievement, both Jin Maoluo and Messi are inferior to Digan. Messi's technical advantage is that he has a good view of the overall situation, elegant movements, and skillful, but it is not shocking; Jin Maoluo now has nothing but speed and Apart from diving, there is nothing to show for it. Compared with them, the skills displayed by Degan are enough to make their opponents far behind.

Some fans think that Jin Maoluo has the temperament of the ball king, and Messi has the background of the ball king, which is simply nonsense. ,

Degan is also very handsome, but his influence is not based on his face. His influence is obtained by his skills and legendary football career.

A senior reporter once said: Only South Americans can conquer the world; this kind of conquest started with Pele, Ronaldo is the terminator, but now Degan has opened this era again.

Cruyff also said that football champions can only appear in Brazil and Argentina, because South Americans have an innate talent for football. Football is a game in South America, but a winner or loser in Europe.

In such a cultural atmosphere, it is impossible for Europe to produce football champions, such as half-step football champion Zidane. In fact, he is still far away from the football champion. France's strong artistic atmosphere is more likely to produce great writers and poets than football champions. king.

Messi's future may be limitless, but Jin Maoluo, in fact, has been living under the huge shadow of Digan since the World Cup.

The two are completely incomparable. If you have to force Jin Maoluo into it, let's wait until he wins the UEFA Champions League trophy.

Is Degan the king of the ball?

Perhaps the old ball king has the most right to speak. Pele said in an interview with the media: "Rod will become the greatest star in the world, and he will become Brazil's second ball king after me. There is no doubt about it, this time I mean it!"

Bailey also said before that Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are the successors of the world champion, but now Ronaldo has gone downhill, and Ronaldinho's attention is more on the thighs of women in nightclubs.


Perhaps only Degan has all the conditions to become the king of the ball!

"Rhode is unique. There may be a second Pele here, but there will never be a second Rhode. He will create great achievements, and he will become a new generation of football kings. It's just a pity. , Rhodes once belonged to Brazil, but now he belongs to the Belgians!"

Hearing Pele say these words, while regretting, the Brazilian fans also cursed secretly. If it weren't for Pereira, Digan would never belong to Belgium, but it's too late now.

Three days later, Belgium beat Moldova 6-0 in the away game, and Digan scored a hat-trick in the game.

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