
Chapter 165 injury

Chapter 165

Degan thought that there would be a problem before, but he didn't expect that at this terrible time, the Italian team had just equalized, the situation of the game had just changed, and the high morale of the Belgian team had also been affected. If at this time, he ends up If it is, it is tantamount to making matters worse.

Just standing still for more than a minute, Kaka in the stands was the first to discover the problem, and his heart froze, and he couldn't help but regret not being able to dissuade Digan before.

Also as a player, Kaka knows very well that if the injury gets worse, it will damage the player's health. When he was in Sao Paulo, Kaka had seen many talented players with his own eyes. Treatment, or the player himself failed to take it seriously, and as a result, the injury was delayed again and again, and eventually he could only retire sadly and end his career.

Kaka doesn't want Digan to do the same, follow in this footsteps, and doesn't want Digan's talent to be wasted like this.

"What's wrong with Rhodes?" Caroline also came today, and she also found that something was wrong with Degan.

Kaka frowned and sighed: "I hope it's okay! He really shouldn't be playing today, that bastard is just too stubborn, he can't listen to other people's words at all, and he will do whatever he wants!"

When Degan scored a goal just now, Kaka was as excited as if he had broken the Italian goal, but looking at Degan now, as an older brother, how could he not feel distressed.

Caroline turned to look at Kaka, she knew that Kaka was worried about Digan, but~~~~~~~~

"Ricciardo! If it were you, would you miss such an important match as the World Cup final?"

Kaka was taken aback for a while, and then shook his head helplessly after a long time. He would not miss it. No matter what happened, as long as he persisted, he would definitely not miss the World Cup final. In the final analysis, the Wright family There are people who count as one, and they are all dead-brained.

Digan tried to move, and the pain seemed to have eased a little. He stepped on the ground with his left foot and exerted some strength. Although it still hurt a little, it was fine.

Since it's all right, let's continue!

Kaka and Caroline in the stands saw that something was wrong with Degan, and Lippi and Antiiennis on the sidelines naturally also saw it. On the entire court, the two of them paid the most attention to Degan, because Degan Gan is that... the kind of person who can change the situation of the game by himself.

Lippi's heart moved, and he planned to wait until the halftime break to make some tactical arrangements around Degan and completely cut off the Belgian team's attack line.

Antiiennis looked worried. He was even thinking about whether Degan should be replaced in advance. Although he wanted to win this game, he hoped that a healthy Degan could play more for Belgium. Play more games.

But watching Digan move around and walk again, Antiiennis's heart rose again for a while. After all, he still hopes to win this game. No football coach can refuse the World Cup. Supreme honor.

The game was back to square one again, with Degan and Mponsa Jr. on the halfway line.

"Rod! Are you ~~~~~ okay?" Little Mponsa asked with an apologetic face.

Putting all the hopes on Degan made Mponsa feel a little uncomfortable. He also hoped to contribute to the team, but unfortunately, this is not a matter of determination and courage.

In this World Cup, he only scored one goal, and he scored it in the match against Saudi Arabia, the weakest group in the group, when it was already confirmed.

It's not that Mponsa has no chance. Although the goals are concentrated on Degan, as Degan's striker partner, Mponsa knows very well that Degan is not a lone wolf. As long as his teammates have good opportunities, Degan He will pass the ball without hesitation, but unfortunately, his ability to seize opportunities is a little worse.

Just before the Italian team scored, Mponsa Jr. also received a wonderful pass from Digan in the penalty area, but unfortunately his shot ended up wide of the far post and missed a good scoring opportunity. If the ball just now can be hit If you go in, maybe there will be no goal for the Italian team.

Digan gritted his teeth, squeezed out a smile, and said, "No! I'm fine! No problem!"

no problem?

Little Mponsa had a worried look on his face. Standing opposite Digan, he could clearly see how much pain Digan was going to endure at the moment. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his face was slightly pale. .

"Don't force it, Rod! You are the future of Belgian football!"


Degan never thinks about the future, he just wants to seize the present.

The referee's whistle sounded, and the game restarted. Belgium was still attacking, and the Italians were defending. But now the mentality of the two teams has completely reversed. The Italians who were behind just now were anxious, but now the anxious ones have become Belgians.

They need to score a goal, and they need to score another goal before Degan may fall at any time. Although Belgium seems to have the advantage on the scene, in fact the Italians play with ease. They like this kind of game rhythm. I like to watch the opponent's continuous attack, but the disappointed expression of only flowering but no fruit.

Degan felt that his defense was tighter. Materazzi and Gattuso were all around him alone. Not to mention rushing to shoot, even if there were not many opportunities to catch the ball, other teammates were also blocked. The Italian players strictly defended. Even if Digan received the ball, he could only choose to pass it back in more cases.

"Boy! You can't pass! I told you you can't pass, want to shoot? I won't give you another chance! Give up! Give up! Look at your legs, where's your speed? You look like a clown What about extraordinary performances?"

Materazzi was like a bodyguard, always sticking to Degan's feet when the football was under his feet, chattering endlessly.

Digan was not in the mood to talk to Materazzi. The sharp pain in his leg made him feel a little dazed. It was very rare to be able to concentrate on the game. He didn't have the energy to argue with Materazzi.

The time of the game passed by every minute and every second. Although most of the football time was concentrated in the half of the Italian team, there were few surprising highlights in Belgium's offense.

The game began to become flat, which is exactly the rhythm the Italians like. They like to use this method of boiling frogs to kill the opponent's fighting spirit and let the opponent make mistakes. At that time, all they have to do is to wave the sickle, Give your opponent a fatal blow.

As the first half was drawing to a close, Lippi's mood had become very calm, and he even felt that the game had been won, even though the score was still tied at 1:1.

In contrast, Antiiennis was full of anxiety. He had already guessed the tactics of the Italian team, but he had no way to deal with it. Now he could only expect Digan to stand up like a hero like before, Lead the Belgian team to break the shackles of the Italians.

Unfortunately, this time~~~~~~~~

At the last minute before the end of the first half, Gur made a long pass in the midfield. Degan and Materazzi entangled and rushed to the landing point. The two took off almost at the same time. Degan got stuck in the position ahead of time, but Materazzi behind him was completely attached to his body like an octopus, with one arm pressing on Degan's neck, and the other hand tightly grasping Degan's jersey.

Degan wanted to pass the ball to his teammates, but unfortunately there was no Belgian player around him. He could only lean on Materazzi and stop the ball with his chest.

Materazzi did not expect that under such circumstances, Degan could still hold the ball. After landing, he used his arm to resist Degan's back completely instinctively.

Digan couldn't stand stably and almost fell down, but this also gave him a chance. Wrapping the football with his right foot, he bent over and turned around, and then moved the ball forward to break through!

The Belgian fans at the scene immediately cheered, as long as Degan can get rid of Materazzi, there will be a large open area in front of him without defense.

Digan couldn't help being overjoyed, and was about to rush forward. Although his leg injury had already made him a little unstable, he would never allow himself to miss such a good opportunity.

Stretching his left leg and enduring the severe pain, Degan was about to rush forward, but in an instant, a sharp pain captured his brain, making his mind go blank.

His body lost his balance and fell to the ground. Even if he was as strong as Digan, he couldn't help screaming loudly. The pain was hard to describe in words. He felt that his left leg didn't belong to him at all, as if It seemed as if it had disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the severe pain from the fracture site, constantly paralyzing his body.

Seeing Digan's tragic situation, the Belgian fans at the scene were stunned. They stood on their seats blankly, not knowing what to do. The surrounding Belgian players also ran over one after another, rushing to Gour in the front Push Materazzi away.

"Bastard! Are you going to kill him? You scumbag!"

Materazzi flicked his hands away with an innocent face, but those who are familiar with him can easily detect the smugness hidden in his eyes.

The moment Digan turned around just now, he covertly hit Digan's left leg with his knee, and he could even feel that Digan's leg was broken with just such a hit, and this time it was really broken.

There was chaos on the field, and the referee and assistant referee rushed over, trying to separate the players from both sides.

Degan only felt that his mind was in chaos. He wanted to stand up, but his legs were completely useless. The team doctor ran over and shouted in his ear, and Degan wanted to say that he was fine. , but he opened his mouth, only to groan in pain.

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