
Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Agreement

After Mandolini got a positive answer from Riodo, he told Digan the news. He knew very well that only by appeasing Digan first could the team's combat effectiveness be ensured.

Of course Degan was very happy to be able to maintain the team's strength, but he also felt that it was inappropriate for him to negotiate with the club privately. After all, his two good friends Pacini and Montolivo were involved.

Although Atlanta's current ranking is very high, it does not seem to be at the same level as Florence, but judging from Atlanta's business philosophy, staying in Atlanta is far worse than moving to Florence.

After all, Fiorentina is an old-fashioned strong team. Although it has experienced a series of blows such as bankruptcy and relegation, but now Fiorentina has been reborn and returned to Serie A. With more investment, the team's return to glory is just around the corner.

Digan prevented the team from trading Pacini and Montolivo, which can be said to have hindered the development of the two. It is not a good idea to stay in the Atlanta club with such a short-sighted chairman as Riodo. s Choice.

This matter is said to ensure Atlanta's competitiveness or something, but in the final analysis, Degan is still for himself. He hopes that the first season of his career will be perfect.

In a bar in Bergamo, Degan got together with Paccini and Montolivo. In Atlanta, Degan actually didn't have many friends. First of all, he was on loan, which made him There is an extra layer of estrangement between him and his teammates. Secondly, his personality is on the bright side. He will be very kind to people who are close to him, but he always feels repulsive to those who are not friendly. thousands of miles away.

Those who can be called friends are actually Paccini, Montolivo, and Albertini who is not present.

Both Montolivo and Paccini were wondering how Degan would invite them to drink after training for no reason today. In the past, this kind of activity was Paccini's favorite activity. Degan prefers to drink after training. After that, practice his free-kick technique.

"Gianpaolo! Ricardo! I want to know, you are planning to leave Atlanta, right?"

Degan can't hide things in his heart. Although Mandolini has persuaded Riodo not to sell the two during the winter break, as a friend, Degan still hopes to listen to the opinions of the two of them. If they all want to leave, Degan will not stop them. After all, compared with Atlanta's results, the future of friends is more important.

Paccini was taken aback when he heard the words, lowered his head for a while and said: "Rod! I don't want to hide anything, yes! Florence is in contact with my agent, they hope to introduce me, and promise to give me better treatment !"

Pacini is still holding a youth player contract in Atlanta, and he is far behind Digan's million-dollar annual salary, or Shodati, who is preparing to leave in the reserve team.

In the previous life, Pacini moved to Fiorentina during this winter break. Although Fiorentina is very ambitious this season and has also introduced many capable players, they are only ranked 17th in the league. The biggest problem is their forward line. Portillo is completely unsuitable for Serie A. It is estimated that he will be returned during the winter break. Rigano suffered a serious injury at the beginning of the season, and Fantini is overwhelmed. Yes, the only reliable one is Miccoli, but it's a pity that the Italian bantam is also unable to support himself on the field.

Although Pacini's sharpness in Atlanta is not as good as that of Digan, he has also shown a certain strength, especially his ability to cover the front line and his ability to seize opportunities at the goal. It is no wonder that Florence will tempted.

"And you? Do you wish to leave too?"

Paccini shook his head and said: "I haven't made a decision yet. If I start from my heart, I hope to stay. At least after finishing this season, I came out of the Bergamo youth academy. Hope to leave something for this team before leaving!"

Degan then looked at the silent Montolivo: "What about you? Ricardo! Are you willing to stay this season?"

Montolivo smiled and said, "Rod! Are you a lobbyist for the coach today?"

Degan also seemed a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but he didn't deny it, saying: "Yes! I plan to be a lobbyist, but it's not for the coach, or for the team, but for myself. I hope to be able to An honor, but I need your help."

Montolivo said: "Rod! We are different from you. Your ownership is in AC Milan. After this season, you can return to San Siro and play for a wealthy club, but we are different. We need to fight for our own. Work hard in the future, Atlanta is not a good place, the team's business philosophy is doomed, he will never achieve much success, and we also have to consider our own future, the life span of a football player is very short, we They all need to earn more pensions for themselves after retirement!"

Montolivo is always so calm, he has never been an emotional person, which also allows him to often avoid some interference on the field, and make the right choice at critical moments.

"However, I will stay. At least this season, I will stay in Atlanta. I also came out of the Bergamo training camp. Although I cannot stay here forever, at least I want to fight for Atlanta. I hope that when I leave, people here will remember my name!"

Both Pacini and Montolivo chose to stay, which made Degan ecstatic. The team is in very good condition now, and it is entirely possible to hit a championship at the end of the season, as long as the existing framework can be guaranteed , add one or two strong players, and by the end of this season, Atlanta might really surprise everyone.

"What about you? Rhodes!?" Montolivo looked at Digan, "Everyone knows that Milan wants to take you back during the winter break. What do you think?"

Digan smiled and said: "Of course I will stay. I have never been a person who has a beginning and an end. I will stay here and win the championship. If the club changes their petty mind after the start of the new season, maybe I will choose to officially transfer to the club." meeting."

Of course Pacini doesn't think that Degan will really stay here forever, but at least he can stay until the end of this season. He was still worried that Degan would leave, but now it seems that worrying is completely unnecessary.

"Great! Rhodes, Ricardo! This season, let our three Atlanta strikers surprise those giants and tell them that it's time for small clubs to rebel!"

A pact, three of the best young players of the Atalanta club decided to stick to their positions.

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