
Conquer Or Protect

Now Inko could never have known this, but her request pushed Izuku to make the heaviest decision of his life.

After hearing his first wife's proposal Izuku's heart pulsed at an inhuman rate and his mind followed suite. Milliseconds later his consciousness appeared in a black void populated by one pulsating radiant golden light.

"Izuku Midoriya, we had a deal. If your heart becomes true to another cause you must choose it." The bodiless voice stated. It held no specific tone nor did it sound robotic. It simply sounded, present.

"Choose now. Do you wish to protect like your predecessor? Or to conquer like your father?" The voice asked and in no way left room for negotiation.

Izuku had no corporal form but still he sighed.

"That woman, riling me up like that." He shook his head but held no anger towards Inko. She was only doing as she was trained, fully indulging her fantasies.

Izuku stared at the golden light then his hands and began his speech.

"My father sought to conquer and could only do it by breaking and manipulating everyone around him. Toshinori sought to protect at the cost of her entire life, as did all those before her. I choose neither, but also both. I choose to be absolutely free." His voice was unwavering as was his determination for his new goal.

"The path you seek is impossible for humans. But your heart seems true to it, so I will accept this answer. If you leave your chosen path again I will revoke my blessing." The invisible voice said.

The instant the voice was done Izuku returned to the scene of his adoring wife asking to make a cult for him.

He let out a soft chuckle and looked directly into the eyes of Inko.

"Go for it."

A brazen smile oozing a corruptive intent took place on Izuku's face. One that held so much intent that even Kaina and Himiko felt it. His pheromones changed, they were no longer a simple aphrodisiac.

No now they felt as if they were altering the women's brains. Both had faced quirk users with mind control before so they knew it wasn't that. This was something different. It felt like their very brains began to shift their way of thinking.

One that made them ultimately completely acceptive and enticed by Izuku's presence alone. Their eyes craving to simply see his movement. Their noses to smell his scent. Their bodies to feel his chest rise and fall with each breath.

Izuku knew exactly what this was.

'To be completely free, I do not need to conquer or protect. I need others to simply crave seeing me have absolutely no restrains.' He thought to himself seeing his altered pheromones taking effect.

What Izuku now emitted was a pheromone that promoted the brain and body to crave Izuku to use them as he so pleased. To grow addicted to his very presence, to feel excited when he was happy. A pheromone perfect for turning everything around him into an opportunity for free use.

Inko felt it the same as Kaina and Himiko, but it did not bother or intrigue her. If Izuku decided she was better off being some brainless free use doll for him then she would happily accept. She was not far off from it now anyway.

Inko at this moment considered herself Izuku's personal fuck doll. She did not seek being useful for his future goals because he never needed to be great to have her love and dedication. All she wished was to make sure she could provide everything he would ever wish for.

'I love him so much~💜' Inko thought happily looking up to the overwhelming figure of her son.

Himiko was closely aligned to Inko's train of thought. Before Izuku's pheromone shift she simply wanted to mold herself to whatever would make him love her. But now she wanted more, she wanted to be his trophy. Not just to satisfy him, to be something he would proudly show off.

'The perfect trophy wife~💜' the still begging Himiko thought as she looked gratefully and hopefully at her master.

Kaina feeling his pheromone shift had a different train of thought than previously before as well.

'I will be left behind by his exponential growth. I can't afford to be his boring wife.' She was determined to show she had a special value to her too.

'I will be the wife with the most potential!' She swore inwardly.

Kaina released her mouth wanting to ask Deku some questions but before she could she heard a loud groan. Looking towards its origin she was hardly surprised by what she saw.

Inko was curled on her knees squirting like a rocket and trying not to let her screeches of overstimulation out.

"If you can worship my body while continuously having mind bending orgasms. I will even help you with your goal." Izuku proposed a deal for entertainment. How bad did Inko want Izuku to be worshipped? Or was she simply delusional from pleasure? This trial would show her motives.

Kaina decided now wasn't her time to speak, right now she wanted to support her sister. So she did the most logical thing of course.

"I want to do it too." Kaina decided she would be the wife that was a jack of all trades. Everything her sisters could do she would learn as well and take it to the next level.

"No." But she was quickly shut down.

"I know what you are thinking. And while I'll gladly let you learn to do these things same as them. Even turning it into a competition is fine. But you still need your own special trait." Izuku said.

He then released Black Whip from Himiko and allowed her to return to her place on his side begging in his ear desperately.

"Take Himiko for example. She has always been desperate for love, so she will become whatever I want for my affection. Even if she has to lower herself and beg for it knowing I'm purposely teasing her." Deku turned towards Himiko and kissed her pleading lips softly.

"Enjoy your reward." He said before bringing her mouth to his neck allowing the desperate vampire to finally have her fill. She passed out in seconds after another squirting orgasm.

Inko was now at Izuku's knees licking them as if he was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. She was making steady progress. A surprise to both Kaina and Izuku whose feet was drenched in the dual bodily fluids of his first wife.

"T- then what can I be for you?" Kaina asked hoping this wasn't the end of the road for her aspirations.

Izuku smiled and decided to lend a helping hand, "Exactly what you are right now. The jealous girlfriend vying for my approval and attention. Fearing you'll be left behind~" Deku said as he increased his grip on her plump ass.

"Y-you want me to make a fool of myself chasing after a boy? Knowing you're doing it on purpose?" She asked. A new sensation taking over her core. A heat that was foreign to her.

"Absolutely, chase me like a dog chasing it's owner. Throw away your pride as a woman and simply, focus." Deku said his eyes piercing Kaina more than she was comfortable with.

But hearing his commands, her heat grew immensely as her breath hastened. She nodded her head and blushed as Izuku moved in for a kiss.

"I'll chase you. I swear to do anything to please you. Just please don't leave again…" Kaina pleaded submissively receiving her first ever kiss.

A kiss given to a man who literally told her to chase him and sacrifice her self respect. Who was holding his attention on a leash forcing her to lower herself and be his perfect plaything just to receive it. Her first kiss was her admission of being used as a plaything for her man's pleasure…

In the middle of the kiss, she came. But unlike Himiko and Inko that squirted violently her orgasm was felt all over her body causing her pussy to cream heavily.

Her pussy now overflowing with self made cream staining her clothes she felt Izuku's lips leave her. She opened her eyes to see Inko's face licking Izuku's chin. A quick panic took her over as she fought for her place on her man's lips.

"W-wait I can learn to kiss better." Kaina proposed. The effects of her agreement already taking place.

"Truly impressive as always, Inko." Izuku said looking at the face of Inko. Looking into her eyes he saw only her whites. She had passed out from overstimulation the moment Izuku ordered her to worship his body.

Right now she was on autopilot to follow his last command. Placing his adoring worshiper wife on the ground, Izuku gave her a soft loving kiss. Izuku looked to his jealous girlfriend. Now the last two awake were Kaina and Izuku. And Izuku had some plans…

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