

Pop. 191 -> 283

After the Monster Alliance was formed we set into plans to discuss a forward operating base for the gathering of our armies in one place as we discussed where the FOB would be set up.

We thought it was best to set up from the south and come from behind as backup when they attacked from the north but others wanted to flank them from the sides and stay out of the Zoras way as we attacked from the east of their charging army.

I put in that it was best we do both and set up our base similar to how my village was set up where half of the army would attack from the east while the other half will come in from the south to reinforce the Zora.

Soon enough everyone came to agree with that idea so the FOB would be built right on the edge between the Great Forest and the Great Plains as it will give us easy access to wood to build up walls around the place with the help of Elven Wood magic to make it a secure place to rest at before the battle begins.

With everything arranged the Summit was officially finished while everyone split to do their own things.

My tribe with some of our strongest fighters will go out and clear the area we are building of any wandering monsters and animals along with cutting down the tall grass in the area to make it easy to set up.

The Elves will help building the wall fortifications along with sending out a messenger to give them the news of what we're doing along with the incoming attack from the Demons so that they won't be completely caught off guard.

The Witches will begin making a Waystone to put into the Statue of Terra that will be set up within the FOB to allow everyone to instantly travel their, after it's created they will go to all of the statues and sync the Waystone with their own statues to make it possible for all of us to fast travel right away when the war is about to start.

Meanwhile the Oni will begin work on mass production of weapons and rather basic armor for everyone in this fight while having several scouts head out towards the boarder mountains to watch for the demon Army and use a signal flare attached to an arrow to tell the next scout and so on and so forth so it leads back to us to notify that the demons are coming so we can start our March to war.

And with that we got to work.


In the Great Plains, on the Western Coast of the Great Lake, there stood the stunningly beautiful kingdom of the Zora, made from white and blue limestone this small city floats with half above the water with the other half connected to the land as an anchor point.

It was a beautiful city home to nearly 2000 Zora and other other amphibian Monsterkin such as the Frogkin being the second monster race of the Zora Kingdom.

In the center of the city stood the unique open air palace, and on his throne sat their Massive King.

King Dorephan

"My King!" A Zora soldier shouted as he ran into the main part of the palace, his face looked distressed and full of fear as he was carrying a message.

"Presumptuous! How dare you run in on your king like this! Have you no tact soldier!" An much older FishMan and advisor to the king, Murzu, said as he stomped his foot in anger at this disgraceful behavior from one of the soldiers.

"Calm yourself Muzu, it seems urgent from the looks of it, speak soldier, tell me what you know." Dorephon says as he calms his advisor and looks to the soldier.

"Yes my King! I received a message from an elvish courier from the Kingdom of the Wood Elves to the East, all they told me is something bad was coming for the Zora soon and to let you read it first your majesty, if it was anyone else I would have ignored it but the Wood Elves have a good reputation with us so I took it to heart and tan straight here right away." He says as he goes forward and presents an overly large tube to the king.

The king soon takes it before popping it open and pulling out and opening the sealed scroll with the Seal of the Queen of the Wood Elves herself, a seal he has seen before and knows is authentic, so he broke it and soon began to read its contents.

The more he read the darker his complexion became as he furrowed his brow as he looked at it which he believed to be genuine, though their was actual surprise in his face as well which gave him a bit of hope, "So, the new Monster King, better known as the Goblin King Wolbet, received a quest personally from Great Mother Terra himself to unite the major tribes in the great forest to come help us from an imminent attack from the Demons that will be on our doorstep, it seems this is what the dark omens the priests were talking about are about to come true." He says with a sigh before passing it over to Muzu who went and looked at it more in detail.

"Soldier! Gather Mipha, Sidon and Asui, along with the Zora captains and commanders to my throne immediately, these next few days will decide the fate of my Kingdom, so we must prepare!" Dorephon says with determination as he grabs his massive trident and slams the butt into the ground.

"Yes my King!" He shouts with a salute as he runs off to do as he commands, while Dorephon looks to the north to see the dark clouds approaching.

"Muzu…. Should I fall, I leave Sidon as heir to the throne." He said as he looked at his shocked advisor with a look of determination in his eyes.

"…. Yes my king, as you will it." Muzu says with a nod and heavy heart.

This battle may be the end of one era and the beginning of another for the Zora People.


*Stomp stomp stomp*

*Clop clop clop*

*clink clink clink*

The sounds of feet stomping, of hooves clopping and weapons and armor clinking could be heard as a massive wave of corrupted monsters headed southwards though the mountains between the Great Plains and the DemonLands.

The army wasn't as massive as the invasion armies they send against Fort IronWall constantly to take it down but nonetheless it was still massive with the amount of Cannon Fodder there was.

15,000 Lizalfos, 5,000 of which were Electric Lizalfos, a large flock of Arrucuda numbering around 500 to attack from the skies, 50 mindless Lynels, an Elite Regiment of Darknut's lead by their Queen numbering to 10 in total, 3 Hinoxes carrying giant wooden trees as clubs over their shoulders as weapons, and the strongest of them all a flying Three Headed Electric Gleeok flying slowly behind the moving army.

(Darknut Imgs)

And on its back stood three demon Commanders who were given control over this army with their mission at hand.

Destroy the Zora and take the Great Plains in the Name of the Demons.

Demon Knight Mizyna

Blood Knight Helia Bloodaxe

Demon of Sin: Lust

These three women were to lead the charge on the Great Plains and bring it to ruin.

Little did they know that their plan will be much harder than they think.

But no matter what, blood shall be shed that will stain the Great Plains a shade of deep crimson that would go down in Monster history as 'The Great Battle for the Plains'

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