
Harry Vs Australian spiders 2: Harry strikes back part 2

Aragog looked around with its eight eyes at the current predicament. It's armies were being held back by my spell. Which meant the acromantula king was alone to face me. It then looked back at me and replied:"I fell into YOUR trap? Child let me break down the situation for you. I am not my children. Your little parlor trick with the Patronus cannot hurt me. I have been alive far before you were born, boy! That spell of yours, is at worst, a minor annoyance!"

It then scuttled around the clearing, at speeds impossible, for any creature without magic, looking like a black blur, Causing me to widen my eyes and point my wand at it.

It then continued:"you may have held back my children with your spell... For now. But that also means, that you can't use, your one spell, that can harm me."

Again a black blur moved from one point to another causing me to shift my wand immediately.

"we both know you can't fight me without your little crow to aid you. We saw how that fight would go last time! Which means, the moment you turn your Patronus away from my children to attack me, my children will be free to attack you! They will rip your limbs apart and gouge your organs! This time there will no one to save you! In human terms this is check..."

Another black blur and he was right in front of me:"....mate." I stood there my wand pointed directly at its face. But my hands were shaking. Aragog then continued it's tone turning melodious. It came face to face with me and continued :"unless you prefer the alternative.... Call off the Patronus, and I will personally guarantee you a painless death. You won't feel a thing. So, what do you say."

I stood there shaking . My hand pointed at its face shook wildly. I replied stuttering:"I- I- I- "

Suddenly my hands stopped shaking:"deny" magic blasted off my wand tip hitting aragog directly in the face. The king of spiders was thrown two metres away, causing the ground to tremble.

In a black flash it regained it's footing. It stood up rage evident in its face. Aragog roared:"YOU FOOL! WE HAVE BEEN TROUGH THIS! YOU CAN'T WIN AGAINST ME WITHOUT THE PATRONUS-"

"wrong" I interrupted the fuming spider mid monologue.:"I CAN'T win against a thousand spiders without a Patronus. But you aren't a thousand spiders. You are one spider. One mean, nasty spider. But still, only one." I suddenly took a stance extending my wand:"and I CAN win against YOU! "

Aragog's eyes went red with rage. It screeched in anger and rushed at me in a black flash. Immediately my senses went into overdrive. Arcane was summoned in a moment's notice boosting my steps, allowing me to barely escape the arachnids tackle.

I rolled on the forest ground regaining my footing and stood. Immediately I shouted:"depulso!"

The moment snape used this spell I had immediately hunted it down and learned it. And I smiled as my days of effort came into fruition in front of my eyes, a blast of concentrated force emerging from my wand tip, blasting off in that wretched spiders face, causing waves of g-force to run through it's furry cheeks.

The spider was blasted off, again, causing it's anger to intensify. But this time instead of attacking on impulse it created distance between us. It observed for a moment and immediately it's Magic Power spiked. It's pincers suddenly contracted and opened, releasing balls of web out of its maw.

I caught all three of them in the air telekinetically, but suddenly they burst releasing green coloured poisonous droplets. Thousands of droplets Burst towards me, causing panic to arise.

Near instantly my body went into emergency mode. I raised my wand up and envisioned what snape had done, earlier, in my mind. Immediately I shouted:"DEPULSO!! "

A wave of spherical energy burst out of my wand tip, repelling every single one of the poison drops away from me keeping me safe. As soon as the spell ended aragog rushed at me faster than my eyes could follow, tackling me. I was blasted off right into the canopies causing the spider army to nearly get me. Immediately my Patronus came driving them back.

I brushed the dust off and stood up to see nearly twenty balls of webs coming at me with dangerous velocities. But this time I didn't panic. Instead I lightly uttered depulso causing a weak repulsive force to surround my wand.

I looked up taking a stance. Immediately the first ball came up near me. Instead of stopping it like the first time I used the repulsive force to redirect it. I lightly pressed it and flicked it away, right into the forest. I ducked the next one and flicked the next.

I went through the barrage one by one slowly closing my distance towards the end boss. Aragog started panicking and started shooting web balls rapidly. But I had no trouble redirecting them all to the forest. Aragog started panicking. Aragog turned to both sides to see his children blocking his path. He was surrounded.

I redirected the final web ball and was directly in front of the spider king. The spider immediately prepared for a tackle. But it was too late as I cast another depulso faster than its eight eyes could blink.

The spider was blasted off lying on the forest. It sat in the forest floor fear evident in its eyes slowly twitching.

Immediately I telekinetically broke off eight branches from surrounding trees. Slowly the branches started glowing turning metallic. Within seconds in place of eight branches, was eight transfigurated 2 feet needles. They glinted ominously floating in the sky.

I flicked my hands. Immediately the needles blasted off into aragog's legs pinning it to the ground. It tried twitching but it was unable to escape. It's children wailed, but was unable to get past the Patronus charm.

I slowly walked towards the twitching spider and stood in front of it. I looked at the spider king impassively. Then I plucked out one of the massive needles causing it to shriek in agony. Unmindful of its screams I plunged the needle right into maw and twisted it tearing it apart. Then I plucked it right out causing it to scream out in agony.

I looked at it and sighed. Finally I did it. The second ingredient of the potion of unbinding. The pincer of an acromantula.

I took a deep breath and I looked around. The entire forest was silent. What was happening?

Suddenly it hit me. They were waiting for me to take up the spot of alpha. They were waiting for me to kill.

I looked at the pitiful creature. It had tried to hurt me. Tried to eat me. Tried to KILL me. I had every right to return the favor!

I looked at the bleeding mess of a creature and sighed.

"kneel! "

I said to the former spider king.

It looked at me for one full second. Then it bowed it's head down. Suddenly thousands of acromantulas bowed it's head down. They all greeted their new king....

My Patronus flew away and perched on my shoulder.



Tired and exhausted I moved to Hogwarts castle. Rays of sunshine were barely breaking out through the forest of death. I was barely inside the castle moving towards my dorm.

Suddenly I heard noises.

Alarmed I hid behind a pillar waiting for it to go away. Soon the voices came closer and closer until they became recognizable! I immediately recognized who they were causing my eyes to widen.

"Nicolas flamel! Who on earth is that guy? "

"oh come on Neville. We just spend the last 2 hours in the library searching for it! Maybe it's time to give up! "

That's right! It was the golden tri- no! Golden duo!

Neville replied: "no! We are going at this the wrong way! it's just time for another approach! We should approach someone with little more experience in history of magic! Someone with more... Booksmarts! "

Ron's eyes went wide:"you can't seriously be talking about... "

I smiled. So this is how the golden trio is formed in this verse. Someone with booksmarts. Someone well versed with history. Who other than Hermione grang-

".... That insufferable know it all!"

Wait! What?

"oh Ron! Not like that, like THIS! no Ron that answer is WRONG! you should do it like THIS!" Ron said mockingly :"such a pain in the ASS!"

neville replied:"I think she means we'll though! "

Ron interrpted:"no! Not her! ANYONE but her! "

Neville tried:"but-"

Ron cut him off again:"NO!"

Neville finally sighed:"fine. We'll try something else."

I watched all of this with alarm.

Neville continued:"c'mon we gotta go before they wake up! "

They both nodded and rushed out, their voice slowly becoming faint.

I came out from behind the pillar my hands clutching my head. Oh Hermione! What have you gotten yourselves into?

I had forgot about hagrid hatching aragog. I'll change it immediately.

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