
Wake up Samurai

~Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding~

"Ughhh.... fucking fuck."

Blearily opening my eyes to an infernal dinging sound and the most horrid headache in the history of humanity, I quickly try to get back on my feet ~BAM~

"FUCK, my fucking head!" promptly slamming it against what felt like a metal roof.

~Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding~


「 Notifications Silenced 」


Taking a moment to cradle my head and assess the situation I look around myself, I'm sitting in a car seat, different from expected, I'm not in some type of cage or handcuffed or covered in blood or ash, I don't even have any burn wounds or pieces of shrapnel wedged in my chest, also, strangely enough, my brain is still in my skull and I'm also very importantly not dead.

The car itself seems parked in a desert, everything around me barren and dusty with the occasional cactus or bush, lain upon an uneven terrain of hills and long flat stretches, Mountains stretching into the Sky in the distance.

"Fuck it's hot."

Quickly looking around the Car until finding what looks like the AC controls, I switch it on to full blast.

「 3 Notifications Pending 」

"….there it is again."

Either I've gone insane or I have a HUD, don't know which is weirder.

"Open Notifications?"

「 Greetings V, System Initialization request Verified

~ Designation: Chaos Theory Equation Referenced as 'CTE' the System serves the Purpose of mapping, evaluating, creating and altering/modifying the current baseline reality. This is achieved by collecting sufficient energy to execute pre-determined functions and enable further changes and ergo further Chaotic development, with the End Goal of finishing the Equation. ~ 」

"....this has got the be some sick new torture method or stupid mind game."

「 Detecting Inconsistency with current State and Prior Values, Initializing Data Correction Function, Please input correct values and assign all available energy units 」


Name: Vicente David Stone +/-

Alias: - (Prior Aliases are unavailable)


{Energy Units Available : 14}

Body: 5 +/-

Intelligence: 7+/-

Reflexes: 3 +/-

Technical: 7 +/-

Cool: 3 +/-


N/A Please assign all e.U for further information.


-A King in Silver-

Life is not black and white, it is a muddy gray somewhere in the middle. Your nature lies at the peak of this divide. A King in Silver. {Accelerates Skill Growth, Learning Speed, Reaction Speed, Thought processes, and Adaptability.} {At the cost of pain reception enhances physical ability to the limit of potential} {Vita Incerta, you are Immortal.} As long as a piece of you remains you will return to Life. If nothing remains you will be moved to the closest viable vessel.


"....so sick mind game it is then." very gently resting my head on the wheel seeing as I still feel like it's going to explode, I try to process the weird-ass situation I find my self in.

「 ~V, this is the last message that the system will give you, after this your on your own. Assign all your e.U and in the future always remember to check if you have any new e.U to assign, as long as you act upon the world you'll produce Chaos Energy, use it to grow stronger, remember time is on your side, whether now or in hundreds of years your life is your own.

Consider all debts paid, as well as all favors.

We won't speak again in this life, but someone did want me to pass a message to you, "Te quiero pequeño demonio, cumple tu promesa."

Have fun kid. ~ G. 」

"Who the fuck is G?!"

Shorter one here cus It was too much exposition otherwise, shit my eyes were getting tired reading it myself.

Next Chp will be 1K words min.


TheWakingDemoncreators' thoughts
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