
flying lesson and rescuing nevile

Alex got ready to go to class and went to the common room he saw Cho and arrived behind her , Alex closed her eyes and said," guess who?". Cho smiled and said Alex name and he replied," looks like you remembered your husband's voice well". Cho turned red hearing red and gave Alex some punches on chest which seemed like a massage to him. he spent some time with Cho and discussed quidditch. Alex then go to great hall and started eating his breakfast which is oatmeal.

even though it isn't that tasty due to the changes in his body he felt hungry and ate many bowls.

Alex along with Harry, Hermione and Ron who joined on the way goes to flying grounds and Hermione is avoiding him with a red face all the time , Harry and Ron are confused by this.

when they arrived at the flying grounds Slytherin and Hufflepuff also joined because of madam Hooch requesting Dumbledore for a joint class. madam Hooch explained about flying with a broom and told them to stand beside the brooms and say up Harry and Alex got their brooms at the first shout and Ron has an accident with broom hitting his nose.

Hermoine's broom is rolling on the ground.

after a minute most got their brooms and Hooch tell them to kick the ground gently upon a whistle. Neville kicked too hard and goes straight into the sky Hooch tell him to get down ,but Neville got out of control and fall from a height of 50 meters, Alex cast arresto momentum which freezed him in the air and he brought the shaking Neville slowly to the ground, Hooch gave 20 points for Alex's rescue and take Neville to the infirmary to relieve the trauma.

Malfoy taunted Harry and Alex with Neville's remembrall and when Harry asked to return that he mocked him and tell him to come and get it. Harry responded by flying with a broom at this time and performing a dive to catch the remembrall. Harry is seen by McGonagall and arrived at the scene she took Harry with her.

Hermione asked if he will get a punishment and Alex said," maybe he will be in the quidditch team". Ron and Hermione rolled their eyes at this and Alex told their father is Griffindor's seeker when he is in school. Ron and Hermione are shocked by this and after thinking about Harry's dive they are convinced that maybe Harry will get a spot in team.

madam Hooch returned and restarted the class and all went smoothly after the caution of brought by Neville's accident.

after the class Harry came to the great hall and tell the good news to Ron and Hermione.

Harry is happy that he is selected as a seeker

and send a letter to Lily and James along with Alex's letter since he doesn't have an owl.

James after getting the letter after a day feed the snow white owl and Lily approved James suggestion to buy a broomstick for Harry. she is reading Alex's letter, he write about the classes and about his friends like Hermione and Ron, he also mentioned Hogwarts being big and good for an adventure. Lily who knew about her son's curiosity replied with a letter of reprimanding him for his choice in house, congratulations to Harry and some chocolates along with Harry's broomstick. she also asked Alex if he want one in the letter.

the snow white owl arrived at the great hall on holiday and dropped the package and giving the letter to Alex. Alex read the letter and sighed at his mother's reprimand and felt happy for his brother, he doesn't want a broom so he sent a letter writing that he doesn't want a broom and some words saying he is missing her and James.

at this moment Harry is opening his broomstick enthusiastically and decided to try it on flying grounds. Roger Davis met Alex and said," professor flitwick wants to see you go to his office to meet him". Alex knew it is about quidditch team but he doesn't want to be a seeker since Cho want to be one.

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