
My First Kill

Everyone present was in awe. Their body hair stood on their feet as their minds wondered if what they were seeing was real.

The majority of them started to look around, trying to see if there were any cinema casts present, or if this was yet another prank by those online pranksters.

None! They saw nothing that could hint at this. That what they were all witnessing was nothing but a prank.

Still, even with no evidence available, the majority found it hard to believe that any of it was real.

How could they? A child-like figure tumbling down a bus that is about twenty-five thousand pounds or more with only his fist?!!!

Come on! It has to be a dream! Or at least a prank! Or a movie scene!

It has to be one of those, not reality!

Honestly, who can blame them for the way they think? This is a normal world where everything happens like random shootings, rampant pranksters, corruption and the like.

Can you imagine what would happen if one added a being with superhuman ability?

The world is crazy enough as it is, so no way in hell are they ready for this.

Regardless of their beliefs, it is real, it is happening, and none of it is make-believe.


In a fit of rage, I requested for the time my aunt's husband would be transferred to his cell. Once I got the time and place, I began to draft plans to intercept the transport vehicle.

I did all that for one purpose only? To do what I should have done four years ago!!

I got closer to the bus, jumped on top and walked past the driver's seat, going to where the passenger seats were.

Once I got there, my fist tore through the metal door and with it, I ripped it out with my bare hand. Where there was no way, I made a way for myself.

Through the hole I had made, I jumped into the bus and walked ahead, with a destination in mind.

The convicts who still had their minds in shock from the accident were in slow recuperation when they felt a shadow pass their view by.

Curious, they weakly turned their heads to see who or what had just passed them by.

It was a child whose features were hidden behind black clothing and a hoodie.

Not minding them, I walked past them all and stopped when I got to a particular row.

There, I saw my target, all shaken up as he kept mumbling something to himself.

His eyes looked like that of someone who had gone insane through a traumatic experience.

However, it does not matter to me what condition he is in.

I wrapped my hand around his neck and effortlessly picked up the man that is at least twice if not three times my size.

His eyes looked dead and definite.

"You killed her! Why".

What was I doing asking a wifebeater why he would kill his wife?

What response was I expecting from one such as him?

What am I doing here?

I don't know! I don't know!

"Do you realize what you have done? What you have led me into thinking?".

I was devastated, broken inside!

All my life I have lived diligently, trying to tread a path that my mother would be very proud of!

I have done all I can in my power to see that I become someone responsible! Someone who will make my mother happy! Someone who can live up to the reputation of my father!

So why! Why is the universe making things so hard for me?

No! I shouldn't blame the universe for this!

"Scums like you should not be allowed to live!".

Right from the start I should have taken care of him. I should have done something to see to it that he did not pose a threat to my aunt or his daughter ever again.

But what did I do? Nothing!

I hid, ran away and used my condition as an excuse to cover up my cowardness!

I... I... I... I killed my aunt! With my own two hands! Under my excuse, I let him walk free! Roam free! Do what he wants until he brings about the demise of my aunt!

Why! Why did I allow that to happen!!!

"I didn't do it!!".

I was contemplating, pondering and in deep thought when the voice of the convict got to my ears.

"What did you say".

I did not know what to feel or how to respond! How dare he talk! How dare he still have the effrontery to talk! Does he not feel any shame? Does he not feel scared or afraid? Is he not sympathetic about what he has done?!!

"I! I did not kill her! I did not kill her! I had nothing to do with her death! I did not kill her!".

Ran mad was the literal way to describe what was going on right now!

He started screaming, yelling at me and even swinging his head aggressively. through it all only one word or rather words with one meaning coming out of his mouth.

He did not kill her!!

Should I be asking what he meant by that? Is this the part where I show curiosity about his words?

How degenerating!

This is who she gave her life up to? The man she promised till death do us part?!!

How very degenerating!

"You do not deserve to live!".

I made him kneel! I had him down on both knees with both hands wrapped around his neck!

Before him, I stood like a God and stared down at him with disdain and contempt!!

"You have sinned on me and I shall take the liberty to judge you of my own accord!!".

I applied pressure, pressed down all ten fingers on his neck and as slowly as I could, I strangled the life out of him.

I made his death slow as warm water trickled down my cheeks!

I was... In pain, but so was he who witnessed his life flashing before his very eyes. The last scene he saw before he died was my teary face staring pathetically down at him.

Sorry for the late update guys

CatasOR8creators' thoughts
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