
The Dragon's Shadow

Within seconds, we gathered around Trithe, looking down at a long line of tracks in the ground. The mud here was frozen solid, with ice crystals creeping away from the prints. They were impossibly huge, stretching twice as long as I was tall, and looked somewhat like the lizard tracks I'd seen on Earth. The points of the claws plunged several feet into the ground, breaking through the mud into solid ground.

"What in the world?" Soltair asked, mouth dropping. "No not my world. We didn't have these here. Is this a dragon?"

"They're rare this close to the Divine Throne, but I can't imagine what else it would be," Trithe said. She crouched beside a nearby track and ran her finger along the imprint, finding the hard ridged textures its scales left in the ground. "Judging by its claws, it must be several hundred feet long."

"Where do they normally live?" Fyren asked, glancing at Trithe. 

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