
Like a villain in movies

"Tell me everything that happened in detail. Don't leave anything behind. Unless you want Ivy to die."

Tiger's expression hardened at Heaven's remarks, and he nodded at her. When his lips parted, he recounted everything that had happened from start to finish, leaving no crumb behind.

"Normally, there would be people placed around the old house," Tiger continued solemnly. "In that case, if someone is snooping around the Zhang, they could divert the investigation by leading them to the so-called Zhang family and where they moved."

"I see," Heaven nodded. "It seems Dimitri got complacent and removed those people from their post when he ascertained he got everyone's trust."

"He's a meticulous man, I'd give that to him," Tiger admitted.

"He's much more sophisticated than we could've expected."

"What about you?" he asked. "You said you were attacked previously."

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