Primo leisurely wheeled Grandma Zhu inside the elevator. He then immediately closed it, not taking the risk of waiting for more people to catch up.
"Man…" As the door closed, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "It's been a while since I felt this nervousness."
Grandma Zhu looked back to confirm if this guy was telling the truth. From the looks of it, Primo was being genuine.
"Old Madam Zhu, you know this will not be a problem if you just tell me what you know." Primo gazed down at her, thinking persuading the old woman while they waited to reach their destination would be productive. "Didn't you say you want your great-grandchildren to be safe? I'll make sure of that if you just tell me."
"Hah." Grandma Zhu snorted. "Did you forget that you said you didn't take part in this planning? If you want to deceive me, you should've done so in the beginning."