
News of Crimson

As Rogue and Dawn as they headed back to town, Kirlia bounded gracefully in front of them, its green and slender legs carrying it effortlessly through the grass path. A gentle breeze caused its silky white dress to flutter behind it as it led the way back to town, its sparkling eyes reflecting the sunlight.

"Kirlia~" it commented happily, its voice light and airy like a tinkling bell.

"I think this is the start of something amazing, Rogue. It'd be so awesome if you're able to create more of these." Dawn said, marveling at Kirlia's existence. 

"Aha, I too think it'd be awesome if I can create more," Rogue dryly laughed and said vaguely. 

He recalled that he got the Pokemon Serum by eating Lopunny. He had planned on eating Kirlia after injecting her with the Pokeman Serum to try and get another Pokemon Serum before reviving… but he faced a major problem. 

What kind of dish should he make with her? Barbeque? Hotpot? Perhaps some Kirlia curry? He knew he had to plan out the dish well so that he could use her to the best of his abilities… 

(A/N: ≖‿≖ I can feel myself slowly dying on the inside) 

Obviously, he doesn't want to eat raw meat, and he's planning to cook all his meals. 

Oh, and eating a humanoid Pokemon did crept up in his mind but at the end of the day, it's still a Pokemon. He already ate a humanoid Lopunny before anyways… 

Rogue walked silently behind Kirlia and Dawn, deep in thought. He couldn't deny that the temptation to eat Kirlia right now was strong - after all, he had already seen the power of the Pokeman Serum and wanted more. But he just couldn't make out what dish he should try and make. 

As they walked into town, Rogue immediately noticed more and more people staring at them. Kirlia drew even more attention as it chimed "Kirlia, Kirlia~" in its singsong voice.

On their way back to the Pokemon Center, Rogue couldn't help but notice a group of three girls gathering around a coffee shop that had a TV on display. His curiosity piqued, he guided Dawn and Kirlia towards the group to see what was going on.

"I can't believe human-like Pokemons exist!" One of the girls with waterish blue hair commented. 

"Did you not just see the news?" Another girl with fiery red hair responded incredulously. "It's all over the headlines. That Crimson guy, or whatever his name is, has been on a rampage. He attacked trainers in multiple towns with his powerful Humanoid Infernape Pokeman and even managed to steal a significant number of other people's Pokemon."

"It seems so brutal," The third girl with green hair said with a shudder. "They say he mercilessly killed many of the trainers he stole from, and the survivors only survived because they were lucky." 

As they continued their conversation, they suddenly noticed a Pokemon that looks like a girl with green hair, green legs, and red discs on her head watching the TV as it blared out: "Kirlia~!"


The three trainers were baffled when they saw the girl. They were just talking about a Pokeman and one really appeared here?! 

"Hey, did the three of you just talk about Crimson? And you said that he has a humanoid Infernape?" Rogue asked as he approached the three as he came forth and pulled Kirlia behind him, allowing Dawn to grab a hold of Kirlia's hand. 

"B-before that… Can we ask if Kirlia is a Pokeman? A humanoid Pokemon!?" The green-haired girl couldn't help but ask hesitantly. 


Red and Blue haired girl also looked at Rogue, waiting for him to answer their question. 

"It is. I caught it in the wild just now," Rogue replied, not willing to tell them about the Pokeman Serum. Then, he looked at them, waiting for the answer to his question. 

"You did!?!" The fiery red-haired girl practically jumped with excitement, pushing her green-haired friend aside. "Where did you find it?!"

Rogue's expression remained unchanged as he repeated his demand. "Tell me what I want to know first." He crossed his arms over his chest, a clear indication that he wouldn't share his information unless they gave him what he wanted.

"Sorry about that," The blue haired girl came and pushed her hot tempered friend away. "We did just talk about Crimson. What would you like to know?" 

Rogue took a deep breath and began, "I want you to confirm if this Crimson person really does have a humanoid Infernape Pokemon. And I'd also like to know any other information that you have on him, such as rumors and last seen location." 

The blue-haired girl nodded, understanding Rogue's demand. "Yes, it's true that Crimson has a humanoid Infernape. This has already been confirmed by the authorities, and a bounty has been set on Crimson," she confirmed. 

"As for other information, there are rumors that he is searching for other humanoid Pokemon so that his God's Society or whatever can research it. And his last known location was in the town of Celadon, where he attacked trainers and stole their Pokemon."

"I see!" Rogue's eyes lit up with excitement as he finally confirmed that this was indeed the Crimson he had been searching for. The thought of finally coming face to face with that bastard and taking revenge flashed through his mind. 

In the past, he had only a near death Lopunny and a Fennekin at his side. They were hardly a match for the Charizard and Houndoom that Crimson had. 

But now… he has a full health Lopunny and Honedge. And then there was Kirlia, still untrained but with potential to become a formidable Pokémon in her own right.

If he acquires more weapons like the Chancla and Hand Grenade, he'll have the power to obliterate Crimson even if he didn't have his Pokemons. The explosive force of these devices will be enough to end any resistance from his opponent. 

In a burst of fiery determination, the red-haired girl returned to the scene, forcefully pushing the water girl out of her way. "We've answered your question," she declared, her voice dripping with frustration. "Now it's your turn. Where did you obtain your Pokeman!?" 

Since Rogue got what he wanted, he pointed at where he caught Kirlia and Lopunny and said: "I caught Kirlia deep inside of Myrtle Forest," he boasted, a grin spreading across his face. "You can venture in and attempt to find one for yourself."

"Alright, LETS GOOO!!!" Excitement bubbling within her, the fiery red-haired girl wasted no time in grabbing her two companions and racing towards the dense Myrtle Forest without any hesitation. Scared that Crimson will come attack them? No way! They aren't that weak! 

"Hah… what a funny trio," Rogue chuckled. What he said wasn't particularly false. He did catch both Kirlia and Lopunny in Myrtle Forest. It's just that Kirlia was artificial, and he doesn't know if any other Pokeman does exist in the forest. 

He hoped that the trio could find Pokemans, however. If they did, he would have more ways of obtaining Pokeman Serums. 

"Rogue, I can see the fire burning in your eyes. Are you ready to seek retribution against Crimson?" Dawn questioned with a curious gaze, her eyes flickering over to her boyfriend. 

"Of course! How can someone who attacked you and I run away scott free? We're going to go murder his Pokemons and get ours back!" Rogue declared as he stared into the eyes of Dawn. He was petty like that. He had to make Crimson live in hell. Just like what he'll do to Nurse Joy if he sees her again. 

Plus, he can also get to eat some Infernape meat and possibly get another Pokeman serum that way. 

Give me some recipies (º_º)

AzureRaven69creators' thoughts
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