
Chapter 5

Eleanor was just returning from spending her day reading in the garden when the steward approached her.

"My lady, His Lordship would like to see you in his office."

Eleanor nodded and followed him down the halls to her father's office. The servants had been spending the day cleaning up the mess from the party last night, and the manor was finally returning to its usual self. They got to the office door, the steward knocked, and was told to enter. Eleanor entered the room and saw her father and brother waiting for her.

"Eleanor, my dear, please sit down."

The steward closed the door behind her, and Eleanor sat on the couch. Elliott sat next to her, with her father across from them. 'Have they made their decision on who I am going to marry?' she thought nervously.

"You look nervous, Eleanor. Your brother told me that he had given you a heads up that we plan on marrying you to one of his friends. Is that what you're nervous about?"

Eleanor nodded.

Her father sighed before continuing, "There's no need for you to be nervous, though that is why I've called you here. None of your brother's friends are bad people, and I wouldn't even entertain them as suitors if they were."

Eleanor nodded her understanding, though she still felt nervous. Elliott grabbed her hand to comfort her.

"Father, I know you've spent the day meeting my friends in private, though none of them will tell me what you talked about. Please, just tell us who you've decided on, you wouldn't have called Ellie here if you hadn't already made up your mind."

Lord Valen sighed again.

"You're right, I've made up my mind. I just don't want to say it out loud because it will mean that it is true, and that my beloved daughter will eventually be leaving me. Eleanor, I… I love you very much, and I want you to be happy, so if whoever I've chosen isn't who you want then I will find you someone else."

Eleanor nodded. She was starting to get impatient. 'Please just tell me who it is!'

"I've decided that you are to marry Earl Michael Kent, and he has agreed to the match."

Elliott turned and looked at Eleanor with a smile on his face.

"I think he's an excellent choice, Father. Ellie, do you think he is a good match for you?"

Eleanor sat in silence for a moment before nodding her head.

"Excellent, my dear! I had been thinking about him for some time and seeing the two of you dance together last night helped solidify my decision."

"Then why did you speak with my other friends today?"

"I was curious for stories about you from your time at the Academy."

Elliott blushed, "Father, that was not necessary!"

"Of course, it was. I wanted to make sure that you were still as much of a rascal there as you are at home."

"I'm not a rascal," mumbled Elliott.

Eleanor looked at him like he was being ridiculous and chuckled. Elliott looked at her in mock offence.

"Do you think I'm a rascal as well?"

Eleanor enthusiastically nodded. Elliott responded with mock betrayal, until their father cleared his throat.

"Sorry, Father."

They both turned to face Lord Valen.

"Thank you. Now, Eleanor, tomorrow in the early afternoon we will be the signing of the official engagement agreement between our two families."

"Tomorrow?" exclaimed Elliot. "Isn't that rather fast."

"I thought so as well, but Lord Kent must return to his estate. We both agreed that it would be better to have the agreement signed before then."

"I understand."

"We'll be sorting out all the engagement and wedding details during that time, as well."

'Everything is moving so quickly.' Eleanor though anxiously.

"Eleanor, dear, don't worry, the engagement will last at least a year. So, you'll have time to adjust before you leave."

Eleanor nodded.

"Now, we should all get ready to head to dinner. Elliott's friends will be joining us, and I'm sure it will quite an entertaining meal. Plus, I think it will be an excellent time to announce the plan for your engagement."

Eleanor and Elliott stood up at their Father's dismissal and left the room. In the corridor, Elliott turned to her and asked, "Do you want me to walk you to your quarters?"

She nodded. They walked all the way to her quarters in silence. Elliott opened the door for her, and they found Clara waiting to get her ready for dinner.

"Clara, make sure she is extra pretty tonight."

"Of course, my lord. Is there any special reason?"

"Ellie's engagement to one of my friends is to be announced at tonight's dinner."

"How wonderful! I shall do my best."

"Then I leave her in your care."

Elliott kissed Eleanor on the cheek and quickly left the room.

"This is so exciting my lady! Now, come sit here and I'll find the perfect outfit for you. The one I originally picked out is not right for the occasion."

As Clara disappeared, Eleanor thought to herself, 'Michael. Earl Michael Kent is to be my husband. I did find him to be rather attractive, and his personality seemed quite pleasant. But marrying him means that I'll eventually have to leave home. The servants and the vassals there won't know me the way everyone here does. How much are they going to judge me? I feel like I won't be competent enough.' Eleanor looked up at the ceiling in distress, before reassuring herself with, 'Everything is going to be okay. Elliott and Father think that he is a good match, and I should trust them. They wouldn't put me in a situation that would harm me.

Clara came back in holding a lilac-colored dress.

"My lady, what do you think of this dress?"

As Eleanor nodded, she had a faint notion that there was something that she needed to remember.

"Wonderful, then let's get you ready."

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