
Small time skip and canon?

When Akira said this the goddess in the room weren't much surprised they had a hunch that was the case after all how would this guy put divinity in his weapons if he wasn't a god himself they were happy about this development

Loki: There has never been any other demigods in this world do you know who you're parents are?

Akira didn't mind answering it was the truth after all that he never firgured out who his parents are in this world just that he landed in the forest

Akira: No I fell from the sky into a forest when I was 4 years old

Everyone couldn't help but wonder if this guys parents have some strange plans and we're trying to make him stronger to take over Orario or something but he assured them there's no fate between his parents and him he was 4 when they threw him out in the sky he didn't believe anyone who does this to a 4 year old has the right to ask him for things and that's only if he actually had parents in the first place

After this whole conversation and Loki asking about some custom weapons he told her the people will have to come here to request what they want as he needs to gauge their levels to make the right weapons the guests were ready to leave as Akira walked them out Ais said with with a tilted head

Ais: Will you spar with me?

Akira thought for a bit and tried to remember when this person arrived she's been so quiet he forgot she was there but answered anyway

Akira: Sure if Loki doesn't mind I'll come to the twighlight manor when I'm free

Loki didn't mind it'll only help Ais in the end but outwardly she yelled something about not taking her Aisu Akira said he won't even though Ais is extremely pretty he's not interested in taking Bells wife Bell will never get as strong as he should without his unending love for this girl and he'd like to keep it that way…

{small time skip}

It's been about four months since that conversation and Akira has just woken up with a frown after all he's just sensed something that shouldn't have happened yet and that's the hero Bell cranel walking through the gates of Orario Akira was deep in thought he's trying to figure out why he's here early.

Akira thought this will be fine it doesn't matter to him he'll just guide Hestia to him as her first member as he was contemplating this he felt someone barge into his room but he didn't mind he knew who it was and he looked up to see a short haired blonde elf it was Ryuu lion and during this time they both have gotten a lot closer to each other and are even dating Ryuu told Akira about her story and her being blacklisted and he decided to help her out so he made a special magic item that allows teleportation between two places and went to the guild to strike a deal with Ouranous

When he got the meeting with Ouranous he told him he'll give this to them so that they can safely travel between wherever to the Xenos to keep them supplied easier all he wanted was for Ryuu's blacklist to come to an end and Ouranous agreed what's one child for something so precious

After Akira explained that he made a deal with Ouranous for her she cried and stuck to him like glue almost everyday Akira had absolutely zero problems with this hot is hot after all

Ryuu: Get up I have to go to work and you're going to meet Hephaestus to find where Hestia is aren't you?

Akira didn't say anything but pulled her onto the bed to rest for another few minutes Ryuu didn't refuse and just laid her head onto his chest with a blush

Akira: I do and so do you we can stay for another five minutes still though plus you're going to be joining Hestia familia to be able to keep leveling right? Are you sure you can't skip today and come see Hestia for yourself ?

Ryuu hummed as she thought for a while before she shook her head

Ryuu: No I have to go to work mama Mia will throw a cork at me if I don't turn up

Akira burst out laughing when he heard that

He could imagine exactly that happening

Akira: fine let's go then we don't want to be late

As they got ready to go Akira thought of a few things else that's happened during this time and remembered the denatus that was held and where Hephaestus and Loki revealed his level to the other gods and public the other gods couldn't believe it and started barraging them with questions until Loki slightly opened her eyes with a glare and Hephaestus narrowed hers all of them quickly got the message that they weren't lying or in the mood to be bothered about it

After that his name became even more famous in the city and he was never troubled by anyone for anything

Oh yeah he also finished off the toad women after leaking her deeds everything went according to plan but she tried to escape when the Loki executives were after her but was found promptly with a spear through her legs and knocked out cold (I wonder who did that hehe..) after that she was executed by the Loki familia

While that happened I got Aisha and Haruhime out and used rule breaker on them and they have been working in my shop ever since Aisha always tried to make a move on him but he didn't want a relationship with her he has Ryuu and even though she agreed to let me be in a harem I still haven't decided yet although it's leaning slightly there I know Hephaestus and Rose have feelings for me at this point and it wouldn't feel good to crush their feelings even Ryuu has noticed it but she said she doesn't mind there's nothing I can do if they start working together to get me to accept I'll just have to I do like them and there isn't much chance I'll say no to three beautiful women

Akira doesn't think there will be more though 3 is enough if he decided to go through with it and this will mean I'll be sending Haruhime to the jaws of Bell well she loves hero's anyway right?

Plus I want to see if his harem works in this world too after all he will probably not realise their feelings and focus on Ais

That reminds me he did go for sparring with the Loki familia members and they all got beaten black and blue by him his skill with weapons was second to none after all and he also helped Riveria and Leyfia with their magic teaching them to cast faster with the same firepower all the Loki members were happy to get stronger even Bete didn't complain he realised this guy just defeated their whole executives so he wasn't weak at all

Akira had quite the good relationship with them and they were happy although they were upset they couldn't afford more then one weapon for a level 6 from him they admit the spear he made for Finn was extremely good and didn't complain about how much it cost because it was worth the price

Akiras shop was extremely popular among the top adventurers and he hasn't sold more then 3 weapons one to Finn one to Ottar and one to Tsubaki

Akira didn't care he still got plenty of money from the dungeon and his storage rings were the latest craze in the city they were expensive but they were a point of pride for big familias to have a few of them

Excalibur was fun too everybody tried to pick it up but they get laughed at by others and flee in embarrassment most of the time

Anyways Akira just left Ryuu at the hostess and headed for Hephaestus once again to get Hestia and take her to bell while this is happening I've been sensing him being thrown out of every place he ends up and just sighed if only they knew who they were rejecting I bet they will be bleeding of of their eyes when they realise he's not so weak…

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