
Origin Giant (3)

A bitter smile appeared on my face when she said this.

Caused trouble for me?

That was certain!

After all, if it wasn't for that prophecy of hers, then I wouldn't have been caught up in all of this.

"It's not my fault, I'm just the messenger." Solista said in a soft voice that I was still able to hear.

"Just the messenger? A messenger for who?" I immediately asked after hearing this.

As if she realized that she made a mistake, Solista gave an awkward cough and said, "Nothing, it's nothing that you need to know about."

I narrowed my eyes to look at her.

These were eyes that were filled with doubt, eyes that clearly didn't have any trust in her.

But this kind of tactic didn't really work on a god.

It wasn't as if I could hold her to the same convention as a human since it wasn't as if I could even be in this place if they didn't call me here. But she didn't send me back even though I was looking at her like this.

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