
Run like your life depends on it

"Go on, I'll let you leave." Jiang Yue grabbed the woman's arm, turning her around and pushing her back. "Run and leave. Run like your life depends on it because it does."

Black Rose was stunned by her words. However, understanding the young woman's intention, she seized the opportunity to run, paying little attention to the pain radiating from her wounded leg.

Scarlet, who had already grasped the situation, felt conflicted watching Black Rose depart. She wasn't sure whether to be upset with Shadow for letting the woman escape or grateful that, at least, she had shown mercy to their former guild core member.

As Scarlet grappled with her emotions, she couldn't help but turn toward Shadow, who had opened the magazine and was inspecting the bullets.

"Six bullets," Jiang Yue snickered. With a firm grasp on the gun type, she was well-versed in its ballistics, allowing her to dismiss any concerns about accuracy.

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