
Tsumakari - Yokai borrow my wife when i transported to another world.

Auteur: Akamashi
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There's another guy translate this but it pure Google Translate (well, he do edits but it's minimal) turn me off so much so i do it myself. ON HOLD: Because the novel itself is unfinished so I'll wait for it to be finished before working on this again. Also checkout the other novel I'm currently working on called "Kurosaki Witch Detective Agency...". not on Webnovel tho. Warning: This novel contains NTR (Netorare, Netorase). Title: Tsumakari - When I was transported to another world, sometimes yokai come to borrow my wife. 《つまかり ~異世界転移したら、妖怪たちが時々、妻を借りに来る》 Author: Sonoichi 《園一 》 Synopsis: The protagonist was transported to a different world, but it wasn't a medieval Western-style city. Instead, it was a retro-modern town with a hint of Showa era nostalgia mixed with unfamiliar scenery. It was also a town where supernatural beings such as ayakashi, spirits, and monsters existed normally. Although the protagonist couldn't use cheat skills or modern knowledge in this new world, he managed to adapt and live there thanks to the kindness of a family who took him in. Furthermore, he had the good fortune of marrying their daughter. However, his wife-to-be played an important role like that of generations before her as a shrine maiden who could hear the voices of yokai (supernatural creatures), convey human voices to them and mediate disputes between them. She also had an essential duty to entertain visiting yokai at home which meant... well... let's just say it involved having sex with them. This is the heartwarming story that depicts the daily life of the protagonist and his wife along with various yokai who come "to borrow" his wife. Donate here if you like: https://ko-fi.com/akamashi Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107424350

2 étiquettes
Chapter 1The First Night: Prologue

Even though it's called a different world, that world wasn't medieval Western European style. It wasn't RPG-like either, so there was no cheat ability or administrator privileges to use. I couldn't even see my own status. Of course, I don't have any memories of being run over by a truck to come to this world...

If I had to describe it, it would be a retro-modern world. Dense wooden buildings with tin and tiled roofs, bare light bulbs and tatami mats. Wooden window frames instead of aluminum and wooden telegraph poles with wires strung up in unknown places. Enamel signs and board fences mix with sophisticated street corners reminiscent of early 20th century Western Europe along with cobblestones.

Furthermore, you can catch glimpses of exotic designs from the Middle East or Southeast Asia if you look closely enough. And if you strain your eyes even more, you can find something like "something" that has escaped from a nightmare.

It's a strange world where "nostalgic things" and "unfamiliar things" are mixed together.

That's what I see now when I look around me.

And if I close the shoji screen on my bedroom window, I feel like I'm in an old apartment building or rundown inn in my original world.

Can you understand roughly what kind of environment I'm in?

The technological level of this world is about the 1950s-60s era because they rely on something called "spiritual power," which is based on magical spells rather than electricity for their foundation.

Please don't ask me what spiritual power is or how it differs from electricity because it makes no sense to me at all."

Even the shining object above my head that looks like an ordinary light bulb must be lit by spiritual power.

So when compared to the light bulbs in my memory from where I used to live before coming here,

it emits an eerie light, maybe just because it has a weaker output.

That's why this house has things like "spiritual lamps" in addition to refrigerators (or something similar), fans (or something similar), and radios (or something similar).

(All of them have an old-fashioned design that you might find in a museum, which makes them feel fresh.)

I don't know if they're directly related to spiritual power or not, but thankfully the toilet is flushable.

However, please spare me from the sound of gushing water that sounds like it's following me into hell every time I flush.

And since there is such a thing as curses, Yokai, spirits, and monsters exist as if it were natural.

If you walk through dimly lit fields, something black appears in the corner of your vision, And then disappears suddenly. That's how it feels.

Also, when walking through the city, occasionally things that are different from humans, Walk around as if it were normal, And no one makes a fuss about it.

I live in such a city.

Now, let's talk about this world or rather this city later on,

First let me tell you about myself.

To be honest I don't remember how I got to this city

It felt like I had somehow stumbled upon it while lost on my way somewhere else.

As I wandered from alley to alley, the scenery around me changed into something familiar yet strange at the same time. The letters on signs that should have been ordinary looked like they had become garbled text. It was like looking at an advertisement for a company you know well but in another country you've never heard of before. Furthermore, strange things would appear and disappear intermittently; sometimes things that looked human but clearly weren't would walk by...

In panic and exhaustion after running around aimlessly for some time,

I was picked up by a couple who still take care of me today.

But at first communication was difficult because we couldn't understand each other's language.

Fortunately though,the language used in this town resembled Japanese from my original world so I was able to learn relatively quickly.

Did I really have such linguistic talent? It almost seems too good to be true... Maybe this is what they call cheat ability?

However when it comes to conversation, sometimes all I can only hear is "mumble mumble" sound.

Well maybe that's just due to my poor listening skills

There seem to be many words used here besides everyday speech, and even non-human languages...

Since I can't keep relying on the couple who picked me up forever, I tried to find a way to support myself.

Luckily, they introduced me to my current job. I'm really grateful for that.

My work is basically writing reports about anything from my original world.

Science, culture, society, entertainment and so on; I write about everything under the sun.

But what are these reports used for exactly?

Are they used for research or just as entertainment?

And where do these requests come from in the first place?

Is it from research institutions or publishing companies?

Sometimes there are specific requests like "I want to know more about this and that", but most of the time nothing is said at all. Even so, I still get paid.

This city seems quite developed socially but also has many loose ends.

People without any proof of residency can live here normally

Maybe it's because this is a world where yokai and spirits exist that things are like this

Perhaps even I am treated as one of those creatures...

It feels more like being in a dream than another world

A vague feeling always lingers around me;

Even though I know something is off somewhere,

I don't know exactly what.

It is related to my own memory. If I just go about my normal business, I can easily recall things from the original world. However, when I consciously try to remember them, they disappeared from my mind. The cause of this is unknown, but it certainly contributes to a vague feeling.

Now, back to my life here. When I had become quite accustomed to living here, the couple who had been taking care of me asked if I would like to marry their daughter. She was a very cute girl with a great smile and short hair that suited her well. She was always cheerful and kind, and she had helped me in many ways. She was two years younger than me but looked even younger due to her baby face. At the same time, there was something mysterious about her that set her apart from others.

She had a good figure and often wore sweaters with the front part puffed up... In other words, she was too good for someone like me.

Although it felt bad because they were already doing so much for me and now their daughter as well; since she seemed fond of me despite being from another world,

I happily accepted without any regrets or attachments towards returning home.

The preparations for our wedding went smoothly and before we knew it we were getting married at their house which appeared larger than expected on first glance but actually extended far back into what could be called an eel's bedchamber (a long narrow space). There were many unused rooms which became banquet halls once the sliding doors were removed.

Many relatives from both sides attended our wedding ceremony held in such dim lighting that only candlelight illuminated us instead of lanterns or lamps; making one feel as though shadows not belonging among people also mingled within those spaces...

As for myself dressed in formal attire known as montsuki-hakama (a type of traditional Japanese clothing), my wife-to-be wore an unusual outfit combining Middle Eastern and Ainu ethnic clothing. It was similar to the original world, yet it made me realize that I was in a different world.

She looked very beautiful wearing it, exuding an otherworldly mystique.

The ceremony itself consisted of my mother-in-law performing a dance while dressed in attire similar to her daughter's (she looked so young that one would not believe she had such a big daughter), followed by elderly people singing celebratory songs. Afterward, we enjoyed drinking and feasting together; making for a very enjoyable and memorable wedding.

Our married life went smoothly without any problems for about half a year. However, one day my wife and I were summoned by her parents into another room where her father spoke solemnly:

"It is almost time for 'Tsumakari' (a traditional Japanese custom) to take place. Are you ready to prepare for 'Omotenashi' (hospitality)?"

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