
Business Idea

Seeing that Josh was focused on the air in front of him, staring at it with blank eyes, Clay grinned and could not help but think that it worked.

But Clay noticed a peculiarity soon enough, Josh didn't seem to respond to him.

And his face was also getting redder and redder.

As Clay was wondering what Josh saw, the person in question blocked his eyes with his own hands, turning to Clay.

"It works" Josh said with a shaky voice.

"What did you see?" Clay was curious.

"It was nothing, so what else do you need?" Josh tried changing the topic.

"Oh, I was actually thinking of making a business" Clay played along.

"What business?" Josh sounded almost desperate as if not wanting to go back to the previous topic.

"I was thinking of letting people pay coin to borrow my maps" Clay thought it was a good idea.

"Yeah, that's an amazing idea" Josh sounded genuine.

"But first I'd need to create the maps, and that's a problem since I don't know what else to create a map of, I don't know any other place personally besides our village"

"Hmm, that is quite a problem" Josh was thinking.

"What if you took a look at other maps and try to create maps with the knowledge from the map?" Josh gave a bright idea.

"OH, that could work, but to know that we have to try it first" Clay rubbed his chin.

It was time to put the idea in motion.

The duo left the house after Josh informed his Mom that he was leaving with Clay for some time.

Clay had to bring the materials with him, seeing this Josh helped him bring them.

The two went to Clay's home first, dropping the materials before looking for shops that sold maps.

It didn't take too long before they spotted a shop selling maps in the distance.

The shop was called 'Jim's Map Store' quite a creative name if you ignore that it took 5 seconds to think of, but no one would know only the owner would take that information to their grave.

Both of the boys entered the shop, the shop was giving off the vibe of a humble but proper abode, it was tidy, and on the walls were maps displaying various areas and regions of a kingdom and sometimes other places outside the kingdom.

The duo looked at the back of the store which had a L-shaped table extending from the left wall but not really connecting with the back wall, just leaving enough space for a person to walk through.

As a bell jingle sounded when they both entered the store a short man, a dwarf appeared from a door behind the table, he was wearing suspenders that were colored grey and had an inky smell coming off of it. The dwarf's facial features were rough and masculine, the head was shaped with the height being shorter than the length of the face.

While Josh and Clay were still shocked from seeing a dwarf for the first time in their lives, the dwarf in question introduced himself.

"Name's Jim, how may I help you lad's today?" the dwarf called Jim spoke, sounding as rough as he looks.

Clay nudged Josh to speak.

Snapping out of his daze Josh spoke.

"Oh, sorry about that, we were just wondering if we could take a look at your maps perhaps?" Josh asked respectfully.

"Sure, them maps you're lookin' for are on my walls, take a long a look you need, call me when you want to purchase somethin'" Jim said before going back through the door he partially was still in.

"Ok, we can look at the maps now" Josh said.

"This went smoother than I expected" Clay was relieved that it didn't take long to find maps.

"I agree" Josh nodded.

Later the two boys finished looking at the map, feeling a little guilty that they hadn't purchased anything Josh took out some money and bought a map.

Later they went back to their respective homes, Clay thanking Josh for giving the map he bought to him before they parted ways.

Soon Clay was back in front of his home, entering and notifying his family that he was back Clay went to his room to make the maps as fast as possible fearing that he might forget some details.

With all the materials and knowledge prepared Clay didn't spare no more time dilly-dallying as he immediately put the system to work.

In his room, Clay began ordering the system.

'Create map!'


<Detected map creation prompt>

<Checking materials...>


<Combining materials...>


<Creating map...>


Once again a bright light appeared, except this time instead of the map of Cantor's Retreat the map showed a village called Colt Village, a bonafide village, not like Cantor's Retreat which was larger than an average village.

Seeing that it was a success and the materials consumed were similar, Clay continued on.

'Generate map!' Clay thought again.


<Detected map creation prompt>

<Checking materials...>


<Combining materials...>


<Creating map...>


A bright light ensued again and another Papyrus Paper was filled with illustrations.

2 more bright lights later...



Clay nodded at the sight of the four maps he had newly created, he felt a sense of pride, like when you finished doing all your chores for the day.

Clay then took a look at the 4 map's descriptions only to find them being the exact same except for the difference in what the map is a map of.


<Detected completion of quest |Certified Cartographer|!>

<Claim reward now?>


Clay tapped on Yes.

<Are you sure?>


Clay clicked on Yes without batting an eye.

<Recieved 10 SC, 20 EXP, and 3 randomly allocated stat points>

<Strength increased+2>

<Dexterity increased+1>

<Mapping increased+1>

'System open stats' Clay thought as he remarked at the cooling sensation spreading through his body once again.


|Race: Human|

|Level: 3(60/110)|

|Health: 60/60|

|MP: 15/15|

|Strength: 13|

|Agility: 11|

|Intelligence: 10|

|Dexterity: 13|

|Vitality: 12|

|Mystic: 1|

|Mapping: 2|

|Unallocated Stat point(s): 1|

|Remarks: Above average human specimen for their respective age|

'Man it sure does take forever to level up'

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