
The First Investigation


Almost all the dialogue for this chapter is taken from Season 2 Episode 3 Wench Butler with my own flair thrown in there from time to time. I wanted to be faithful to much of the timeline of the series before I started to veer off completely.


As soon as they set foot in the kitchen, Sebastian set Lydia down and the two of them started to work on Ceil's breakfast. It was different from what he had in the anime, but Lydia didn't think it would matter all that much. Lydia gathered the food and during the time that they were cooking the letter from the queen had arrived. Sebastian took the letter. The two of them entered Ceil's study. Lydia set Ceil's breakfast on the desk. "For breakfast, my lord, we have crumpets, sunny side up eggs, and Ceylon tea," Lydia said.

"Thank you, Lydia. It looks lovely," Ceil said passively as he sipped his tea.

"When you're finished with that, there's work to be done?" Sebastian said.

Ceil looked up at him as he took a bite of his crumpet and muttered, "Oh!"

Sebastian handed him the sealed letter. Ceil continued to eat as he read then he asked Sebastian about it. Lydia gave Sebastian a worried look. He just kept his expression neutral and asked, "People being burned alive? Oh, yes. That's to do with the rash of crimes in London? I'm told there was another last night."

Lydia couldn't believe that she was here, right now. She was living the episode. "There was," Ceil said as he looked over the letter. "And naturally Her Majesty grieves for those who have been afflicted and for her citizens who live in fear."

Lydia refilled Ceil's tea, "Is there something else wrong, my lord?"

Ceil handed the letter over to Sebastian who began to read aloud, "We find these events most unsavory. Our course is quite clear. We shall again leave the matter to the Dog and the Spider."

"That's an odd statement," Sebastian commented.

"Yes, it is," Ceil said. "It's almost as if she's says something like this has happened before. And who is this Spider?"

"It's a mysterious nickname. Spider," Lydia agreed.

"I can't say I ever recall of ever hearing of such a person," Ceil said. "There's no use in sitting here anyway. We'll see to the queen's concerns. That must always be our concern."

"I'll begin the preparations," Sebastian said with a bow and began to walk out.

Lydia began to clear the desk, thinking that now she'd have to stay here. Sebastian stopped at the door, "Do you not think it would be a good idea to bring Lydia along, my lord?"

Ceil looked up from the papers he had begun to work on, "What? Why?"

Sebastian turned and faced Ceil, "I believe she will be a great help to use on the mission."

"Whatever... just get everything prepared so we can leave immediately," Ceil said in an annoyed tone.

"As you wish, my lord," Sebastian bowed before walking out with Lydia following not long after.

Lydia cleaned breakfast up while Sebastian got the carriage ready. Lydia walked out as Sebastian was finishing up. She said, "I just wanted to let you know that while we're at the crime scene there will be kittens there. I know how you are around cats. I just wanted to let you know."

Sebastian kissed her cheek, "Thank you, my dear, for letting me know. Now it will be easier to not get so distracted by them, but with you there, well let's just say that my attention would be hard to divide."

Before Lydia could say anything, Ceil came out. Sebastian helped both him and her into the carriage. Sebastian and Lydia sat across from Ceil. Ceil seemed to sulk for a little while, staring out the window before he spoke, "I don't like learning there's a part of my family's past of which I know nothing."

"It's only natural," Sebastian said, maybe trying to be comforting. "You were forced to assume the earldom at an early age, my lord. Surely there was much your father was unable to pass on to you."

"I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity though. If I can resolve a situation in which my father was embroiled, word will spread throughout the criminal underworld like wildfire That should be what I need to draw them out of hiding."

"You intend to use yourself as bait, my lord?" Lydia asked in a quiet voice.

Ceil gave her a hard look, but then looked back at Sebastian, "They began this by hurting my pride, but I'm the one who's going to end it. I'll drag them all into the open and make them pay. Nothing will stop me."

"And what happens if it turns out that the culprits have already perished?" Sebastian asked.

"Nothing changes! I'll tear the truth from their buried, rotten flesh if I have to. Simple as that."

Sebastian nodded at Ceil and the carriage got quiet. Lydia worried the rest of the way to London. Was there no saving Ceil? When they arrived in London, they walked right to the crime scene. Sebastian and Lydia stood behind Ceil as he addressed Sir Arthur of Scotland Yard, "Having a little trouble, are we, Sir Arthur?"

"Ceil Phantomhive," Sir Arthur practically growled.

Ceil held up his sealed letter from the queen, "Let's hear about the investigation so far."

The three of them walked closer to Sir Arthur and the scene. It was more or less a black mark on the side of a building. "There's no progress to mention as yet," Sir Arthur said.

"So how do these differ from the previous incidents? Or perhaps everything happened exactly the same. There have been similar crimes." Ceil said.

"So then you do know," Sir Arthur sighed, exasperated.

Ceil chuckled faintly, "Actually not until now. You confirmed it. Now that that's settled, show me the old case file."

"There's nothing left of it," Sir Arthur grumbled.

"Nothing," Ceil said, surprised.

"Not a page. And even if there were, I couldn't show it to you," Sir Arthur said in a rather clipped manner. "Scotland Yard will find out who's responsible for this and their motives. We'll determine how it connected to the old cases as well. You aren't needed here."

Ceil let out a hollow laugh, "I hope you're right, sir. Let's go, Sebastian... Lydia."

Thank goodness that Lydia had warned Sebastian. Near the street corner where they stood were a mother and three kittens. He had eyed them but then given her such a look that she felt on fire. Another detective came up as they stood there and said, "Chief Inspector, we weren't able to find any notable evidence."

Right after that Sebastian said with a hand to his chest, "Shall we go now, Master?"

Ceil just breezed past the two of them to the carriage. Lydia exchanged a look with Sebastian, but then they both ran to catch up with Ceil and all got into the carriage. "Sebastian, are you feeling well?" Ceil prodded.

"Whatever do you mean, my lord?" Sebastian asked.

"I have never seen you turn down petting kittens."

"Yes, well, perhaps I have found something better," Sebastian smirked.

"Really?" Ceil turned his gaze toward Lydia. "And who or what would that be?"

Sebastian pointed out the window, "Birds, my lord. Ravens, if you must ask. Clever little things they are."

He said it all with such a straight face. Ceil frowned, but waved his hand, "Keep your secrets then, it matters not as long as our contract still stands."

"Of course, my lord," then Sebastian waited for a beat. "The Inspector was a most unpleasant man. What shall we do?"

Ceil adjusted himself, "Well if the Yard is no help, then there's only one thing to do."

Lydia knew where they were going. Sure enough, they pulled in front of the almost derelict-looking shop with the sign above it that read "Undertaker". They went inside and as soon as Undertaker saw her he asked, "And who is this beauty that you've brought with you? A new servant in your household?"

Before either Ceil or Sebastian could answer, Lydia answered for them. "I am, indeed. My name is Lydia Jennings. I'm a maid for the young master."

Undertaker grinned and Lydia could see his sharp teeth, "There's more to you girl. I look forward to getting to know you."

Sebastian pulled her away from Undertaker and Ceil asked his questions, but Undertaker said, "You know what my price is."

Ceil huffed and Sebastian went into a long story. Halfway into it, Undertaker started giggling. Lydia didn't think that the story was all that funny. By the time Sebastian finished Undertaker was on the floor. Then Undertaker took out a small vial filled with gray powder. "Eh, what are you playing at?" Ceil asked. "I asked for a corpse from the arson case."

"Indeed you did," Undertaker said, picking up the vial. "And here it is in this little vial. Well, most of it. I scraped up everything I could from the crime scene. After the fire was done with the victim, there was nothing left behind for me to collect but these ashes."

Undertaker threw the vial to Ceil. After that, they got into the carriage and went to the graveside of the latest victim. They stood several feet away. Lydia pointed out the photographer and his wife to Sebastian when they came up and gave the grieving husband the picture. As the two were passing the trio something caught Ceil's attention. Lydia knew about it, but Sebastian saw it too. Something was coming off of Margaret as she walked. Ceil gave Sebastian a look. Lydia didn't have to interpret it, she knew. Sebastian disappeared, and she and Ceil traveled back to the manor. She wasn't surprised in the least when Sebastian met them at the manor. All three went into the study. Lydia knew what was coming. "I've identified the substance found in the ashes. It matches the sample we gathered from the photographer and his wife," Sebastian pulled out a small vial filled with gray powder. If Lydia didn't know better she would think that she was looking at just plain ash. "These are flecks of magnesium oxide, a byproduct of photography. It's made from the flash powder photographers use to capture their images."

"Photography. Huh," Ceil sort of scoffed.

"I was able to obtain information of such products from Mr. Lau," Sebastian explained, then he pulled out a paper from his jacket which fell to the floor. "I've taken a look at the history of those who were burned. There's connection between the women. They'd all recently had their wedding photos taken. Odd, no?"

"Let me guess, at Turner's studio?" Ceil asked with a straight face. He got up from his chair and started walking. "Let's get moving. This is no coincidence. That couple is involved."

"Yes, my lord," both Sebastian and Lydia said, but she added quietly. "And quickly."

When they arrived at the studio it was ablaze and Margaret was all but skipping down the street throwing something over her shoulder every now and again. Lydia knew what it was, of course. "We have to stop her, my lord," Lydia said.

They jumped from the carriage and began to chase after her. Ceil asked, "Is that who I think it is?"

"It's Mrs. Turner from the photography studio," Sebastian answered.

"Oh, yes! I'll find my happiness now!" Margaret exclaimed.

"Everyone watch out!" Lydia warned.

Sebastian pulled Lydia and Ceil down after Margaret pulled a camera out and took a picture. It caused an explosion. "That camera must be her ignition device. She has to be stopped. Capture her!" Ceil ordered.

"Yes, my lord," both Lydia and Sebastian answered.

As they chased after her Lydia told Sebastian, "We will soon run into Grell. He is after Margaret, well her soul at any rate"

And just as they rounded the corner of any alleyway Grell jumped down, chainsaw in hand. Sebastian stopped him. Grell said, "I've been simply dying to see you... sweet Bassy."

Lydia rolled her eyes. They needed to get a move on. Sebastian asked casually, "So Grell, you've been pulling the strings behind the scenes, eh?"

Lydia sighed, that wasn't true. Grell had nothing to do with this, well not directly. She'd just told Sebastian this. Maybe he was just messing with the reaper. "I've pulled nothing more than the red strings of fate that connect our hearts together, Bassy."

It was like ice went through Lydia's veins at those words. She'd never been a jealous person, but something about the way Grell spoke to Sebastian irked her. Lydia scratched absently at the place under the glove where her seal was. She stood between Sebastian and Ceil. Courage coursed through her. She yelled, "We have other things to attend to than deal with you, reaper. Now if you wouldn't mind stepping aside. I'm sure that you need to be about your work as well."

"Now hang on a minute!" Grell pulled his chainsaw back. "How do you know what I am?"

"I know a great many things, none of which I have to explain to you, but if we don't hurry, then many will die, including Margaret... and their souls," she said.

Grell eyed her, "I don't know how you know this, but I've got my eye on you."

"Whatever," Lydia said as the four of them continued running after Margaret.

When they came out of the alleyway, fires were everywhere. They were people burning all over. Lydia started to sob, "W-we're too late."

Sebastian took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. When they caught up to where Margaret went, she had disappeared again. Grell asked, "Ah, what a shame. Did you let her get away?"

"Don't you have work to be attending to?" Sebastian asked.

"Mm-hmm. I am a hunter of love, seeking my favorite game. That's the only work I care about right now, my darling," Grell said as he came close to Sebastian. "Besides, it's a slow night. I only have one soul to reap."

Lydia's anger reared up. She stalked over and pulled Grell away from Sebastian by the ear, "I suggest you stay away from my mate!"

"Y-your what?!" Grell surprised. "Oh... I see it now. You were so close to that little human I couldn't tell, but you're a demoness, a new one, but one all the same."

Lydia frowned at him, "Yes and I suggest you keep your paws off my mate!"

Sebastian hugged Lydia from behind and said next to the shell of her ear, "That is the first time you've called me your mate, my dear."

She turned her face toward his. She gave a little laugh, "Yeah... I guess it is."

Lydia turned back to Grell with a neutral expression and let him go. He didn't seem too happy, "I should kill you for stealing my Bassy, but even I cannot argue with the mate call."

"Let's get back to our discussion you said you only had one soul to reap?" Sebastian asked.

"Mm-hmm. Margaret Turner's time is up at five past midnight," Grell said showing the two of them his book. "It says she goes on a killing spree of sorts, after which she burns herself to death. She's the only soul in the ledger. No one else is scheduled to be reaped by me tonight."

"But what about all the people she's been setting on fire?" Sebastian asked.

"She uses fire of a special sort. When she kills people, their souls burn away with them," Grell explained.

"Guys, I hate to hurry this along, but the young master will be in danger soon," Lydia said.

Sebastian looked around just now noticing that Ceil wasn't with them. "Where is he?"

"Big Ben," Lydia said.

"There is more to you than just being a demoness," Grell said.

Lydia ignored him as the three of them ran toward the structure. When they arrived she said, "I'll go up the steps, you two... do whatever it is that you do."

She ran up the steps. Even when another explosion rocked the building, it didn't affect her. When she reached the door, she waited in the shadows for Sebastian and Grell. Lydia's blood boiled as she listened to Margaret. "I'll roast anyone who calls me a pig, even if you are a little boy."

It killed her to just stay in the shadows, but she knew she needed to for now as another explosion went off. Ceil spoke softly, but with Lydia's hearing, she could hear him, "How long am I supposed to wait on you? Come, Sebastian!"

Lydia's mark burned ever so slightly. Probably because her mark was half of Sebastian's she felt compelled to go to Ceil, but she also knew how this story played out. "You think talking to yourself will help?" Margaret asked.

Then it seemed like she heard something and went to the side of the clock. Lydia took the opportunity and stuck out to where Ceil was. She held her finger over her mouth so that he wouldn't make any noise. While Margaret was busy for the next several minutes, she moved Ceil to the place that she had been hiding. "I'll go and help Sebastian now, my lord," she told him once he was settled.

When Lydia came back, both Sebastian and Grell were at the top of the clock. Margaret was frantically trying to blow up Grell by taking pictures of him. Lydia couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her. Grell was going on and on. Lydia didn't listen to him. Margaret turned suddenly and when Lydia looked it was because of Sebastian. He kicked the camera out of her hands. She asked, "How could you?"

"I could have done much more had I wished. I have my orders to follow and follow them, I shall," Sebastian said as he was fixing up his suit.

Margaret seemed nervous, "Where did you come from? Who are you people?"

"I am simply one hell of a butler," Sebastian said.

Lydia knew it had been coming, but still hearing those words out of Sebastian's mouth did something to her. "Tell us everything from start to finish," Lydia said.

"It was him. He was the one who told me what to do, and if I did, he said I'd find true passion! He said the most gorgeous men would fight to the death over me!"

"And who would he be?" Sebastian asked.

"The man with the golden eyes. He promised me!" Margaret said as she burst into flame.

"No!" Lydia wailed.

"I don't understand. Her soul's burning like her victims did," Grell said.

"Burning passion!" Margaret exclaimed as she got up and walked toward the side of the clock tower. "Happiness!" she yelled loudly

Lydia grabbed Sebastian, who told him where Ceil was and the three of them jumped down to the ground before there was a huge explosion. "My lord, are you hurt?" Sebastian asked.

Lydia got out of Sebastian's arms. Even knowing everything that would happen, she hadn't succeeded in changing anything. "I'm fine," Ceil said, getting out of Sebastian's arms.

Grell jumped down next to them, "This doesn't make sense. It was right here in the ledger. How can the soul I'm to collect just burn up? This can't be happening! It's fundamentally wrong! I must make my report to Will."

And with that, the reaper was on his way. "I'm sorry, lord. I know you asked me to capture the Turner woman. However..." Sebastian said as he held out a gloved hand filled with ashes.

"That's all that's left?" Ceil asked. "Nothing but a pile of ashes. I'll inform Her Majesty that these murders were the work of a woman crazed with longing."

"I'm continually impressed. Humans seem capable of anything when they are desperate for love," Sebastian said.

"What a ridiculous waste," Ceil scoffed. "All that for some intangible concept like love."

It was a good thing that Ceil wasn't looking at Lydia and Sebastian. They were staring lovingly at each other. Still, Sebastian said, "Laughable, isn't it, sir?"

Lydia tilted her head at him. "Pathetic as well. Ah, well, not everything is burned away. Research this Spider. It may have made a move during this case. I want to know everything there is to know."

Sebastian went down to one knee, "Yes, my lord."

And with that, they headed back to the manor. Lydia had a lot to think about, and she wanted to talk to Sebastian as soon as possible.

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