
Bite the Hand II

King Cyrus was a loving father. But do not be mistaken, he was only a good father with two of his children, not all of them― Alistair and Drusilla. Drusilla was born from his lover, a woman King Cyrus held dear to his heart before she descended into madness. Alistair, on the other hand, had always been a prodigy.

What's not to love about Alistair?

Since young, he had displayed a high aptitude for fire control. He learned quickly when it came to the standard school curriculum and had even displayed a fair talent for martial arts. Of course, since his pyrokinesis took off with such a flair, most of his youth was dedicated to mastering the art of fire, not everything else.

It worked wonderfully on him and he turned out every bit the magical genius King Cyrus had hoped for. Especially since Daphne, the second child, was born, Alistair seemed even more extraordinary.

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