

Zarvok's smile softened slightly, though his eyes remained calculating. "They are the key to our success. If we protect them, they will look to us as their saviors, their new rulers. But make no mistake—they are a means to an end. Their loyalty will ensure the world's submission, and with it, our victory."

"You make a great offer; we both get what we want at the end of the deal," Ikenga said, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Stretching out his hand for a handshake, Ikenga said, "We will accept your offer."

Zarvok smiled as he took Ikenga's hand. "That is good to hear." Opening his other hand, a flame combusted from his palm, only to disappear and be replaced by a large, pulsing ear, which he handed to Ikenga.

"This will be our means of contact. I will inform you when it's time to begin," Zarvok said as he turned to leave, obviously in a hurry.

Chapitre suivant