Probably because it was summer or maybe it was the low air conditioning of the café. Either be May felt as if the sun was crushing her with all his might. Her palms were sweating even though she was holding the iced Americano special. She squirmed in the wooden chair partly conscious of people watching her. Indefinitely she was in yet another awkward place and like a black sheep.
This feeling she knows better than anyone, wishing she could disappear somewhere. But today she might get into trouble even if she thought about leaving.
It was her grandma's order her one and only family, today she was to meet a possible man for marriage, one of her grandma's dying wishes. Although it won't be an overstatement if we put that it would take a hundred more years for the granny to die yet. But as a guardian and as a parent as she is, wanting to see her only granddaughter get married isn't in any sense unreasonable nor does it mean.
But in her head, May was still agitated thinking that her granny put her in this position for turning down the university admission. Even though she was only being considerate of her, all she ever wanted was to take care of Grandma and live a long long life happily.
Alas! May cursed the sun gods and the damned man she was to meet. The clock was showing forty-past-two, he was already 40 minutes late that is if he is planning to come at all. May started to wonder, what if he wasn't coming?
Although it was a good thing, she will be saved from embarrassing herself in front of yet another stranger, and at the same time, she wished he came. It was a question of her dignity, after all, she sighed. If so there was nothing that she could be proud of, she lacks a lot of things among her confidence to look up to people in their eyes. She didn't have a proper education, she does not know about the world and norms, and she doesn't have any stories or interesting facts to tell people about. The only thing she has is her grandma's fortune and the everlasting fame of tailoring enterprises that her grandma will eventually hand her down. Wealth and her ability to tailor like her grandmother. If you think that is not something to boast about, you must first know that in the world of fashion and garments, Grandma Athoya is considered a living goddess.
But then again people don't even know she has a granddaughter.
It was 3:20 when it seemed like she had been stood up, the waiter who has been eying her now for a while came toward her holding the coffee-filled jar. He was tall and had brown dyed hair and maybe he was wearing a lot of makeup because he seemed beautiful. May blushed as he smiled at her maybe she was gawking at him, it could happen, right?
Even if you have been so down to earth all your life when you see an attractive person you might forget about all your character. Or maybe it's just her.
"Here!" He placed his music player on the table and handed her the earplugs.
May looked at him with a puzzle racking all her brain, was she supposed to know this person?
Has she ever met him before?
Was he one of her high school classmates?
Why couldn't she remember?
Who is he? Oh! If only she could ask.
"Don't worry I'm just trying to help!" He had that beautiful smile again, she waited, "Listening to music helps you relax!"
And he leaves.
He probably realized that people were watching her being uncomfortable and that she is being too cautious of her surrounding. Or he could just be some random guy trying to hit on her.
Although May wouldn't trouble herself to think about it, something was weird this time, perhaps being almost stood up by a man might have just enraged her heart too deep a wound that in her eyes this stranger looked like a sweetheart.
'He had such jade-like green eyes.!'
She told to herself as she put on the earplugs.
May's eyes sparkled as soon as she played the song, It so happens to be her favourite song.
And off all the things that could've gone wrong today, she happened to be in this peculiar restaurant, waiting for a man who may probably never visit, listening to her one favourite song from a stranger's earplugs.
And if it is a coincidence what do we call fate?
May lost track of time as she sat listening to the songs that by the time she realised it was already 4 o'clock. The sun was slowly falling, cool gale from the ocean brushing her hair through the opened door.
She stood up in a panic manner making everyone around concerned, as she started bowing down and apologizing for the trouble she slowly moved towards the counter.
She came to a halt as she couldn't spot the waiter who passed her the music player earlier. She looked at the cashier who was checking her bill, thinking about whether to ask for help or not.
"If you're trying to return the music player, the owner said you can keep it!" The cashier finally returned her bill with a smile.
May couldn't say any further as a group of guys came up to the counter in laughter, she could only slowly back down.
"Thank you, please visit again!"
The cashier gave her a kind smile and she has no choice but to leave.
May walked out of the café in utter confusion, she wasn't sure if it was okay for her to keep someone else's stuff just like that, and not being able to confirm it with the owner of the music player was even more frustrating. And by the time she got to the car, she realized there was nothing she could do.
Not that she can go back in again and ask for the guy who gave her the music player or just give it back to them rudely without care. It wasn't her character to act rude or inconsiderate, especially to those who were kind to her.
With a deep sigh, she got into the wagon and dialled Grandma, she should prioritize notifying her of how this man stood her up and complained about going on dates like this.
She gave herself a nod. The call got connected.
"I was stood up on my first-ever date you know!" May pouted, "Grandma it's your fault!!"
Grandma Athoya playfully laughed before replying,
"One must not be afraid to face disappointment and let alone ashamed of being weak.
You can only grow when you face the harsh rain and sunshine alike!"
She paused,
"You're not at any fault baby, now quit sulking! There's so much to do!!"
"I don't like where you are trying to go with this granny!"
May dropped her voice with no interest as the car started with its engine.
English is not my best language so there will be so many mistakes. I hope it won't be that bad. Also it's my first time writing for this genre or any genre at all in length. I'll try my best to update regularly.
Thank you for taking your time have a nice day.
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