
Chapter 12

The Science and Technology Advanced Research Laboratories, usually shortened to S.T.A.R. Labs, is a research organization with laboratories all over the United States. I'm currently landing at the branch in Central City. The Flash's turf and the current temporary base of the Justice League. 

It was founded by a scientist named Garrison Slate, who wanted a nationwide chain of research laboratories unconnected to the government or any business interests. He succeeded not only on a national scale but an international one as well: S.T.A.R. Labs maintained facilities in Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan as well as in the United States, with the total number of facilities numbering between twenty and thirty at the last recorded count.

Lex Luthor has attempted to buy out S.T.A.R. on at least one occasion. The technology used to maintain Cyborg's mechanical parts comes from S.T.A.R. Labs. Which is one of the reasons why he's always hear. 

The flight over here allowed me to get used to the new design for my armor. Since it morphs on thought and rests in my soul space. The new design doesn't add any drastic changes in my opinion and still has my symbol on my chest and belt. It just looks good and covers more of my face. But none of that matters when I transform into hybrid mode. I know I have another form beyond that my instincts say so and they never lead me astray.


But I require a potent grindstone to dray out more of my bloodline potential. As my father used to say a tiger thrives in conflict and gets stronger after every hunt whether successful or not. My monthly spars with Superman help but he's always holding back even when I tell him not to.

I arrive at the storage facility in which the recovered sub is being kept. And the rest of the league gathered.

"Friend Byakko welcome,tis good to see you" greeted Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman nodded their heads in my direction. I high-fived Flash and Shazam.

"Good to see you as well, how's the shoulder by the way" I asked.

"Well, it was a good spar. It allowed me to stretch and reminded me of home. Man's world can be a bit stifling at times." she smiled and said.

"You two spar as well?" asked Superman

"Of course, she's an Amazon trained in combat from a young age and possesses the strength of a Demi-God. She's a wonderful sparing partner." I complimented."I spar with Shazam once in a while too. He's got strength but lacks training. So I'm catching him up to speed." I said and pat Shazam on the back as he shyly rubbed the back of his head.

"So Cy what do we know about the attack" I asked Cyborg.

"We're doing scans on the sub now," he replied.

"Why do scans? You were there, you saw everything including the attack on you. So Mr Super Computer on steroids can't you run us the digital play-by-play? Let's get a good look at our would-be foes" I asked.

Cyborg chuckles at the Mr Super Computer's comment."A supercomputer wishes" he says before a video of the attack that he lives through is brought up before the team. He's then attacked by the same hostiles that caused the sub to sink and steal the nukes and suffer damage to his servos through his escape, though he takes a knife-like weapon from one of his attackers. He then opens a Boom Tube and heads back to the surface. The play black then ends.

"Rewind the image" requested Batman who waited until Cyborg reached a certain point.

"Pause" The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes at the frozen image. And notices that they have gills.

"I know the gills right," said Superman to which Batman nodded

"Keep rewinding"

"Pause, that was a barrel role. These guys are trained in 360-degree combat" Green Lantern added.

"Yes, it would also suggest military training" Batman further added

"Do you still have that knife?" asked Wonder Woman. A compartment in Cyborg's leg opened to reveal the weapon. He handed it to her and she inspected the carvings on the blade of the weapon. Her eyes widened a fraction in recognition.

"These carvings are Atlantean," she revealed 

"Atlantean, as in Atlantis. Atlantis is real" asked Green Lantern incredulously.

"My mother told me tales of Atlantis a girl. Atlantis is the ancient sunken kingdom in the North Atlantic. Actually the size of a continent, it is one of the earliest and most highly advanced cultural and magical societies on Earth. Approximately 12,000 years ago, Atlantis was originally founded as a small village composed of regular humans and what we today call meta-humans. Over the course of a millennium, it gradually grew into a highly advanced civilization with the emergence of the Homo magi and came to span and control the entire continent of Atlantis in what is now the central Atlantic Ocean. The continent was sunk unexpectedly 11,000 years ago. Some meta-humans and Homo magi survived underwater, turned into underwater creatures by their King's mystical trident, eventually leading to the formation of the modern Atlantean civilization." explained Wonder Woman

"Homo Magi? Is that a different form of meta-human" inquired Batman

"Homo magi are a subspecies of meta-humans gifted at utilizing and performing magic" answered Wonder Woman

"We lack too much information. Why attack the sub? Why now? Is this a declaration of war or is it being made to look like?" I added

"What do you mean by being made to look like one?" asked Green Lantern to which I gave him a deadpan look.

"I guess being a space cop doesn't require any skills of deduction," I said

"HEY," said Green Lantern somewhat offended.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"What he means is we could be playing into someone's hand or be part of a bigger plot" elaborated The Dark Knight

"Why would a civilization as advanced as Diana describes need military nukes? Magic is far more subtle. Also how big is Atlantis, how many cities? Are there different factions? We have more questions than answers and I don't like it." I further explained and my fellow leaguers nodded. Then I remembered something.

"Shazam didn't you mention a recent interest in Atlantis because of some doctor?" I asked

His eyes widen and a smile spreads across his face"Right Dr Shin. I saw him on the news a few weeks back and he has a few research papers online with theories on the Lost City." he said with excitement happy to contribute.

Cyborg pulled up holo projections of the new articles and research papers. And everyone was reading at their own pace.

"Pull all his known addresses," asked Batman.

Cyborg did just that on a holo map. 

"Superman and I will locate and consult with Dr Shin. The rest of you should try and locate those nukes and the culprits behind their theft," suggested Batman getting nods of agreement from everyone.

"The Atlantic is a big search area, even just the North Atlantic covers 41,490,000 km2 (16,020,000 sq mi) the sooner we get started the better. We'll pair off and spread out. We can notify Cyborg of the areas we have already searched and he can use the holo map to prevent us from searching the same area another pair has and wasting time and effort. Superman and Batman are already paired off and will be looking into Dr. Shin. Myself and Wonder Woman will pair up, Cyborg and Shazam, which leaves Green Lantern with Flash. It may not feel like it but my instincts tell me we're on the clock people." I said and let my words linger in the air.

"Lets Move Out"

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