

He had to make sure to not piss of that entity. Some divining and plane communication was to be done later. Now he lay down in his own makeshift bed and slept inside his Leomund's Tiny Hut, which made an opaque doom of 10-foot-radius. Inside it was dry, warm and he could change the lighting.

The next day Argentarius, from now on he will call himself that, cast the Wish spell again. The same, no, another self, stood before him.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here." The construct just looked at him. He coughed.

"I do not intend to stay inside this cellar forever, so would you be so kind as to cast Wish. Please wish for a piece of ivory worth 25000 gp." The rules were very specific on what you could get. Especially if you wanted to remain in one piece. The double looked at him and spoke the words, Argentarius just managed to take a step back as a giant tusk, of over 20 feet length, materialised in front of him.

"What the hell? Is ivory that cheap?" His construct looked at him and said in an unnervingly similar to voice to his: "In the moment I spoke the Wish, I could picture that the one you wanted would have been even larger. Somehow I know that this is worth about 18000 gp."

Argentarius was a bit irritated by the act of talking to himself. "You are a construct, but have all my ability's correct? Can you use the changeling one?" In response, his own, no the constructs, face changed into that of his dad.

"Oh please not that one! Ha, I got it! Change to look like a yakuza with tattoos and shit." His construct obeyed the command and changed in a few seconds.

"Now the only thing missing is a good black suit and you need a name. How about Ichi!" Ichi took his fate in stride. The spell stated that they were like screenshots of yourself the moment they were created. They could not learn, regain spell slots or even heal. Just repaired, or cast again after melting. Also they had have his hit points. 74 hit points (hp) were still plenty for goons. They were him, so they were useless in a melee if they did not polymorph. Here in the mortal world they shall serve him as a battery's and meat shield.

Now for the really exciting bit! My new home. Well the mobile one. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, was a 7th level conjuration. It took a tiny silver spoon, a piece of marble and a small ivory portal, worth together 15 gp, to cast. Tom, his first construct, had already bought him some silver and marble in London. Completely legal one might add. The spell lasted 24 hours took 1 minute to cast. The functions of the spell itself were rather complicated and mysterious.

To put it simply it created an, if closed, invisible door. Which lead inside a manor, tower, palace or whatever the caster desired. It was another dimension, a demiplane. The limitations were as follows: The size is limited to 50 times 10 feet cubes, so 5000 square feet. It can host a party or ball with 100 people and a 9 course meal. Even up to 100 servants are included (do not ask yourself about the moral consequences of that one). Design and layout can be chosen every day. The only real downside, is that you have to move out every 24 hours and recast the hole thing. Everything you put inside just comes out in-between casting. But he could remedy that disadvantage with his personal Demiplane. The spell Demiplane, 8th level conjuration, created 30 foot cube storage room's. Very useful for storing valuables, clones, constructs or enemies. You just better make sure to remember all your own Demiplane's. Nothing like a plane full of gold, but no way to find the dam door.

By now Ichi had finished carving the ivory portal out of a small piece of tusk.

For now he concentrated on his mansion and cast the spell. He imagined a comfortable, Japanese style, mansion, with a big garden at the centre and a small onsen.

The spell took hold and a wooden door with a carved dragon appeared in front of him, it would only be invisible to others. "Well Ichi, of we go then."

After he send Ichi of to create more ivory spell components, he headed straight for the onsen and relaxed in the perfectly warm natural water. The sulfuric smells where absent, just as he wished, and he enjoyed some eggs, obviously cooked in the onsen water, and sake. He wanted some privacy, so he choose his servants to be invisible for now. He, against his better judgment, thought of the servants and where they came from. The spell allowed him to make them anything, and do everything a human could. That he was basically enslaving spirits and souls and forcing them to obey him, made him a bit uncomfortable. Better to keep a respectful distance to his servants.

Argentarius went to sleep, on a wonderfully supporting tatami mattress, after a very encompassing dinner of sushi, katsu-ramen and some mochi as dessert.

The first order on his list was to, you guessed right, make more constructs or yakuza.

After creating Ni, he had him make San and San make Yon. This went on until he reached Juu and ran out of the black suits Tom bought him. Now he sat on his personal throne and overlooked his first 10 goons. All had varying faces, each resembling, what he and them hoped, to be intimidating body guard faces. They all bowed low and greeted him. "Archwizard Argentarius, servant of Azuth!" He nodded satisfied. If he heard that he was a follower of Azuth a few more times he might believe it himself. Also calling yourself archwizard was probably alright, considering it were his own constructs calling him that inside the demiplane he created.

He shouted: "Demiplane!" A shadowy door appeared on the side. "All except Juu, you take the ivory and store it inside, the door is here for one hour. Juu you will come inside with me." They obeyed and soon the sound of heavy grunting and cursing could be heard as nine wizards tried to lift something heavy.

He entered the, not suspicions looking, door after ushering Juu inside. It really was just a 30 feet cube made of wood and stone. He wondered if the air got replenished? Well, he will soon find out.

"Juu cast the Wish spell to clone me, the original. Just the body not the tube, I will Wish that tomorrow. Make my clone the same age." After the spell was cast, an identical copy appeared on the floor. The difference between Simulacrum and Clone was that Clone was a get out of jail free card. If you died somewhere, your soul would return to the clone. With all your newest memories intact and everything. It even worked if you died of old age. The main downside being, that you had to die.

Which often presented a surprisingly large problem, for most demons and explicitly devils liked to play with you for a while longer and trap your soul somehow. So better not to bet on a favourable ruling from the DM.

The clone would stay inside the tube, which he wished after another long rest and re-summoning the tower, for all eternity, fresh and waiting for his soul. The next weeks he made some preparations before heading out. For one instance, he created about a dozen clones inside nice and shiny tubes, as befits the archwizard or rather necromancer. Then he made a few spare yakuza and stocked his Demiplane's with them as guards and Wish-ready troupers. He decided to rotate his ten yakuza and make the names more like titles. They were battery's and shields after all. Simulacrum was a 7th level spell and used 1500 gp worth of ruby dust, snow and some fingernails of him. So his constructs were soon operating like a factory, turning out shiny and fully loaded battery's.

Chapitre suivant