
Dawn (final)

Hate knew no language, but it had a million ways to express itself, yet it chose only silence. Its nature made it so that any arbitrary change in its environment influenced its mental state and increased its hate towards everything.

All its eyes pointed towards the city and the pitiful opposition they had created. This act grew its rage and its speed which had become slow began to pick up.

Half the Blood Blessed still standing collapsed, and the homered pillars of golden flames melded together, becoming fifty. This caused a loud cracking sound like thunder as the power of the golden flames multiplied.

The red sun that had sped up began to slow down once more, but it was still moving, and now it was so close to the Ascension Spear, barely a mile away, and with its size, every Blood Blessed, including the ones that could not contribute their flames to this cause could see nothing but red.

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