
Unleashing Hate

Shisu, the Ascendant who had released one of the most destructive events on the Lower Continent for the last ten million years, looked around one last time before he vanished, leaving the work of his hands to flourish.

A dark grin had crossed his face the instant he disappeared revealing for an instant to anyone who saw him that he had become a creature of Calamity wearing the guise of an Ascendant skin. No matter the argument he had given to his superiors there should be no reason he needed to unleash such an attack, and he was looking forward to whatever punishment he would be given, hoping it involved some kind of bodily trauma.

Shisu had always been interested in pain and suffering, building his Will on the foundations of Hate and Malice meant his mind had always been twisted, but the fiery nature of his father's presence had suppressed the demon inside of him for all these millions of years, and now that leash was gone.

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