
Nature Of The Serpent

Memories streamed past Eva's mind in a flood, four thousand years might be a blink of an eye to an immortal, but it was enough to make many unforgettable memories.

She remembered losing him for months on end in a far-off world where he became lost, and she found him stuck at the top of a mountain, speaking with birds.

The winter had been hard on that world and the mother of four baby chicks had nearly died protecting her babies from the cold, so Lost placed the birds on his stomach and lay there for weeks, slowly giving the family heat to survive the winter.

That particular bird was fairly aggressive and Lost had suffered from countless pecks and scratches but he was still laughing and conversing with the disgruntled mother.

She remembered teaching him how to channel his powers, but he was too unfocused and lacked discipline to be a competent fighter.

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