
Let Me In

The god looked back to the cold eyes of Rowan who had cocked his head to the side as if he was looking at a particularly interesting specimen, there was no bloodlust in those eyes or rage, or fear or malice, just a sense of curiosity like that of a boy pulling out the wings of a butterfly.

'Was all my resistance, my godly Ascension, was it all a game to this creature?'

Dao Ma looked away, "It is said that we the gods are cruel and merciless, and our arrogance knows no bounds. There is no slight we would not avenge, or no feats we can not achieve, we are the true children of the universe. Yes, we are all those things and more, but you… whatever you are, it is an abomination, a perversion of the natural order, do you even know what you are? Something like you should not exist! Every single moment you walk the earth, our mother bleeds, I can feel it, your nature shall bring our end…"

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