
Taming The Dragon (2)

Rowan discovered the heart suddenly became very resistant, as if the dragon was pouring every bit of energy and life force into the organ to reinforce it.

Rowan frowned; he had no time to waste on being subtle, even though he was currently performing many actions at the same time, and he could technically spend the ten minutes he had left on each task, he could never let himself such slight wriggle room. 

With a pained grunt Rowan exploded both his legs and a greater part of his torso, leaving only his right arm, his head, and part of his chest.

The wave of power it created was enough to empower his technique to the extent that it was able to tear through the heart of the dragon, and its chest exploded to reveal the finger bone, around it was the remaining portion of Vraeger's heart that clung to it, like bloody tentacles.

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