Strength: 100 tons (220lbs) -> 420 tons (925k lbs)
Speed: 400 mph (643 kph) -> 4,000 mph (6.43k kph)
"Ugh, I'm bored..." Sitting on a bench while in his Connected Symbiote Mode (Chaos in Symbiote Mode outside of Natasha's body while connected), the red and black Symbiote groaned in boredom as he scrolled through his phone. All while Natasha, his host, was training using a punching bag.
After settling in the Avengers Tower, although Natasha was still getting used to her newfound powers, it didn't mean that the hunting and grinding was going to stop. After coming to their new home, their kill count of Symbiotes had reached 50, meaning all of Chaos's enhancements while bonded had become x250.
(Normal Symbiotes): x5
(50 as of CH ???)
Chaos Symbiote/Ali Lightborne (CH 1): x1
Toxin Symbiote (CH 6): x1
Scream Symbiote (CH 6): x1
Riot Symbiote (CH 7): x1
Venom Symbiote (CH 23): x25
Carnage Symbiote (CH 32): x21
On Natasha's side, after realizing that she wouldn't get used to her own newfound strength and powers by sitting around and being lazy, she had taken to hitting the gym in the Avengers Tower. Courtesy of Tony so that the Avengers could train to their heart's content. And since the ones using the gym weren't normal people just trying to get fit or lose weight, of course it had to be a suitable place for them.
Equipment that could make them break a sweat and withstand their strength, even if only for a little while, were all over the place. Ready to be used so they could utilize their own strength as best as they could. However, Natasha wasn't using any of them at the moment.
Although all the equipment were designed for extraordinary people, none of them could really withstand the might of individuals like Natasha and Thor. They were godsent for Steve and Clint who had to always be on top shape though.
Instead of using the equipment that Tony had worked hard to make, the redhead had taken the more convenient method of testing her strength and getting used to it, using her Symbiote's biomass as a punching bag. Not that Chaos minded though. With his current durability and defense, brought by devouring his own kind, copying Natasha's newfound powers and abilities into himself through his Parasitic Inheritance, or simply by being bonded with her to get those same powers, had all made it so he wouldn't feel even the slightest pain or discomfort even if she went all out.
After all, although her strength without his enhancements was already at a monstrous amount of being able to lift at least 420 tons (925k lbs) at average, his strength and powers were always at a state of having his own abilities, and the strength provided by the enhancements to her that were deactivated at the moment. Which, just in strength and speed, after being multiplied by 250, were at the nightmarish amount of 111,655 tons (246m lbs) and 1,072,660 mph (1.72m kph).
Which meant he, or Natasha with his enhancements, could run around the entire earth 43 times in an hour. Which meant one circle every 1.39 minutes. «Right? I'm not very good at math, so if anybody knows anything, please correct me if I'm wrong. I just divided 60 by 43, which I think is right, but I feel like is wrong»
And that was when his Symbiotic Abilities and her enhancements were combined. Meaning if Parasitic Inheritance Abilities were completely ignored. Parasitic Inheritance Abilities, the name Chaos gave to abilities he copied from Natasha's DNA, to his own. Meaning everything that she had, he had it as well. It was the genetic ability of all Symbiotes to be able to partially, or completely, copy the powers and abilities of their hosts. For example, Venom had partially copied Spider-Man's powers.
Chaos could copy completely.
Meaning all the special abilities along with the simple physical empowerment Natasha had acquired, so had Chaos. She also knew about that as well. Which had lighted up the desire for power in both of them even further. Also, not just that. Not only had he copied the extra DNAs which had empowered her, he had also copied her empowered DNA.
Basically, he now had the separate powers that had empowered her, along with her own fully empowered DNA copied to himself. Basically, double everything that Natasha had gotten. Which resulted in some scary numbers.
(Chaos: Symbiote Mode)
(As of CH 44)
Superhuman Strength 6,655 tons (5.08m lbs)
Superhuman Speed: 72,660 mph (116k kph)
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Regeneration
(Chaos + Natasha: Symbiote Mode/Pseudo-Symbiote Mode)
(As of CH 44)
Superhuman Strength 111,655 tons (246m lbs)
Superhuman Speed: 1,072,660 mph (1.72m kph)
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Regeneration
(Chaos + Parasitic Inheritance + Natasha: Symbiote Mode/Pseudo-Symbiote Mode)
(As of CH 44)
Superhuman Strength 321,655 tons (709m lbs)
Superhuman Speed: 3,072,660 mph (4.94m kph)
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Regeneration
Numbers that even scared him. After all, that wasn't the best of their abilities. It was only at average. So they could circle around the Earth 123 times in a single hour. Once every 0.48 minutes. And who knows what they could do with that kind of strength.
So he didn't mind her using his biomass of a makeshift punching bag instead of completely obliterating Tony's equipment. She did need something to go all out on, after all. Also, she didn't need to be worried about getting tired, since just her stamina was at least 15 times the regular Spider-Man, and could continuously train for several hours, and even a few days, without building up fatigue toxins.
"Hoo, well, what do you think we should do?" Releasing a breath, not a tired one, but just to relax, she stopped and looked at her Symbiote :"Do you wanna eat something? Maybe order some pizza and watch a movie?"
"Nah, I was thinking of something more active." He mused, putting his phone back into his Body Storage. The place where he had stored his dear Super Spiders, numerous snacks, and a shit ton of guns and ammo. Hearing his answer, Natasha leaned on the stilled biomass with an amused smile :"Active? That coming from your introverted ass? Who are you and where is my Symbiote?"
"Haha, very funny." Chaos rolled his eyes in response, even though there was nothing to roll. Humming thoughtfully, he leaned against the wall :"I was just thinking of putting your powers to good use. You wanted to make our reputation better, right? So how about we go crime fighting and just swing around in the city? That could be fun."
"Hmm..." the host of the Symbiote hummed thoughtfully, before he smirked :"Also, you're going to use only your own powers. Without my enhancements at that. You haven't really been using them in actual combat since you got them, since you were training and getting used to them and all. So how about we test them on some thugs before trying to fight against the big guys with em? After all, so much power wouldn't mean anything if you couldn't use it right."
"Hahaha, so we should use them on some poor thugs so I'll get used to them?" Natasha chuckled, amused by his thoughts and the mischievous tone hidden behind them. Chaos himself gave a light chuckle :"Yeah, why not? Also, you can train in using your Organic Webs for travel as well. We couldn't really do that either since we were holed up here."
"Hm, that's true. Although my Superhuman Equilibrium will be a huge help in balancing myself, and I have experience thanks to you, doing it by myself will be different." She nodded back, agreeing with his ideas :"You were helping me in that, after all. But I feel like doing it myself will be a little bit different."
"Of course it will." The red Symbiote snickered :"The reason why you never had a problem with swinging around from the start was because even if the tendrils that you had shot were going to miss, I'd just control to be accurate instead. Also, have you forgotten that I'm literally like a huge suit of eyeballs? Just having an extremely advanced and strengthened sense of equilibrium and Spider-Sense doesn't cut it. You need practice to get used to it and you know that. So, what do you think? Should we do it?"
"Hmm... sure, I don't see why not." After a moment of thinking, she shrugged with a small smile, causing her Symbiote to smile as well before getting up and taking back his biomass :"Fantastic, then let's roll." And he himself returned to his host's body.
"Hahaha, someone's eager." She chuckled in amusement, moving towards the bulletproof window of the place. Who knew when some people might get funny ideas and try to assassinate them from a distance? So Natasha had convinced Tony to change the windows of the gym with bulletproof ones. She wouldn't be harmed though, even if someone did try something. Forget about bullets or even the strongest sniper bullets, not even a tank shell to the face will faze them at this point.
Walking towards the window, her gym clothes morphed and turned into her Suit Mode. As her scorpion insignia appeared on her chest and back, she rolled her head to pop her neck, a satisfied groan leaving her at the feeling.
"Jarvis, we'll be going out for a swing." Opening the window and stepping on the edge, she informed the AI who responded :"Understood. Have a safe trip, Ms Romanoff, sir Chaos." And without further ado, she jumped after a hum from both of them :"Um, thanks."
As she began to fall down the 93-story building, the redhead momentarily enjoyed the wind blowing in her face and her uncovered hair all over the place. Although the mask of the suit would cover her entire head except her hair, Chaos would also sometimes change it to Felicia Hardy's, AKA Black Cat's, mask for easier enjoyment.
And at the moment, her mask was just like that. Something akin to a red masquerade mask covering the area around her eyes with an extremely transparent makeshift "glass" covering the gaps so dirt and such wouldn't annoy her eyes.
As she descended at a fast rate, her arm was raised before a thin but extremely durable spider web was shot from her wrist towards a building. Her Superhuman Equilibrium, an extraordinary sense of balance, and Spider-Sense, an omnidirectional danger sense, worked their charm as she balanced herself perfectly in the air, and easily shot the web straight towards a building without missing.
Grabbing her organic web, she swung gracefully in the air, moving between buildings as she shot web after web to continue swinging. As she continued swinging, a curious hum was heard in her head :"(So? How does it feel?)"
:"It doesn't really feel different from swinging using your tendrils." She hummed back in interest, a smile forming on her gorgeous lips :"But the feeling of having the ability to do this by myself does feel fulfilling though."
"(Um, I know.)" He hummed in understanding, Natasha noticing a smile just with his voice :"(It gives you a great sense of freedom. Just swinging like this feels awesome.)" Causing her to chuckle softly :"Mhm, I know. But it's not like it's anything new to us though. We're used to this already, aren't we?"
"(That we are.)" The Symbiote agreed before his host hummed curiously :"So what do you think we should do? Didn't you say you were bored?" Causing a slightly sinister chuckle to leave him :"(I was thinking of seeing some action. Not in movies though, but in real life. And preferably in person. And if possible, while I'm lazing around and someone else is doing it.)"
As she chuckled, Natasha shook her head in amusement :"Really? You seriously just want me to beat up some thugs? Is that really fun though? After all, we're kinda used to beating the life out of superpowered beings like Symbiotes and all. I don't see how beating up some small time criminals would be fun."
"(I don't want some nobodies in pain, Natasha.)" He shook his head inside, a hint of fondness apparent in his deep voice :"(I just want to see your progress. That in itself is very fun and fulfilling to see. To see my host grow so much, it kinda makes me proud.)"
"Aww, Chaos." She called out fondly, jumping and sticking to a building as she gently rubbed the head that came out and laid on her shoulder :"That makes me happy. Sure, we'll go look for some thugs. But for now, let's just watch the beautiful scenery."
"Um, let's." He hummed in acknowledgment, silently enjoying the headpats and looking at the bustling city with his dear host.