
CH 42: Scenarios

<I just realized something. If a Symbiote manages to make itself look like a human, wouldn't that mean a Symbiote would be able to... Turn into any anime waifu?!>


(A demonic dare)

Sitting together after the who-knows-how-many-th party thrown by Tony this week, The Avengers and their friends were just spending time together and playing around. The current game, being the good old truth or dare.

"So, Steve, you chose dare, huh? You've got balls. Fine, I dare you to..." Chaos spoke with a dangerous smirk, causing the captain to get nervous :"Watch an entire episode of an anime of my choosing!"

"... Huh?" The blond man blinked in confusion, as so did everybody else :"That's it...?" Considering his reputation in giving dares, they all had thought that Steve was completely screwed. But the Symbiote's dare had completely confused them. Even Natasha :"Chaos... Is that it?"

"Yeah." He answered with a smirk before Steve also spoke :"You only want me to watch a single episode of those new cartoons? That's it?" And Chaos, being only a head, nodded with a sweet and gentle smile :"Umu. But you must watch the entire episode. Actually, I thought that since you and I are both kinda new to this whole civilization, we might as well help each other! Who knows, maybe starting with some new things instead of old ones can help you out. It helped me. We can even discuss it together, since being the only one watching anime can be boring."

Anybody with a brain, could feel and literally see that he wasn't planning anything as innocent as he said. Even his own host didn't trust him at the moment. But unfortunately, the poor soldier was too trusting and innocent to realize that the devil himself was smiling at him.

With a smile, he nodded at the smiling (devil) Symbiote :"Alright then, sure. I appreciate you looking out for me. So, what do you want me to watch? I'll watch everything, even the credits!"

"Happy to hear that, bud! Don't go back on your word if you think it's boring, alright? The name of the anime is..." His smile, tooth and innocent, but hiding extreme sadism and evil that even the devil himself wouldn't get close to, flashed as he continued :"Boku No Piko~."


(Peace was never an option)

"Hands up where I can see them!" Tony shouted, entering the living room with a nerf semi-automatic rifle while aiming at everyone in the room! "Tony, what are you doing?" Steve asked, looking up from the book he was reading with confusion, Thor sharing his expression.

However, the next voice that was heard was far more serious :"Stark, do you really wanna do this?" Causing the billionaire to aim at the archer with a smirk :"That's right, Robinhood. Now either surrender, or die fighting back."

"So you're risking it all, huh?" Chaos asked, coming out of his host, who got dead serious as two nerf handguns appeared in her hands :"This isn't going to be pretty for you, Stark."

"Hey, teaming up isn't fair!" Tony called out, pointing at the Symbiotic duo :"This is a free for all battle! Teaming up isn't allowed! Especially not you two." Understanding his logic, Chaos smirked as he went Symbiote Mode without Natasha :"Fine, we'll have it your way."

"I won't go easy on you." The gorgeous redhead said, more serious than when she was saving the world. With a demonic and menacing smile, a huge nerf gun that looked like something which would appear only for the final boss or an entire invasion appeared in his hands :"I won't either, Natasha. Peace was never an option."



Out in the city, inside of a mall, Natasha was looking around a shop for some clothes while Chaos in his Symbiote Mode was holding onto the clothes she had already chosen. While he was just standing there, playing his good old game Clash Of Clans, a few women approached him.

"Hey, sexy~." One of the women, the noticeably fat one, and I mean stomach-as-huge-as-Chaos's-upper-body-huge fat, smiled what was supposed to be a seductive smile. Now, Chaos was an asshole, that he would never deny. But he wasn't a rude asshole. Or at least would try not to be :"Hello?"

"Mmm, baby! Look at these muscles~." She started, letting out a shameless but completely unattractive moan, while smiling as she squeezed his iron hard forearm and bicep before a small tendril came out of his arm and pushed her hand away with a frown :"Who said you can just casually touch me? Do you have some kinda business with me?"

"Oh~, hard to get. I like it." She licked her lips with a smile, but Chaos honestly felt violated by her gaze :"You know, big guy, you look like you could easily pick me up and pin me against the wall~. And you can bet I wouldn't resist at all~." Her friends, definitely not that much prettier than her, giggled as she licked her teeth in hunger, actually managing to alarm Chaos's Symbiotic Sense!

"Sorry, but even I'm not that strong." He said while alarmed, causing his host who had come to snort a laugh before she stopped herself. Seeing the gorgeous woman with the perfect figure, the woman, especially the fat one, glared at the redhead as she folded her arms beside her Symbiote :"Do you have some kind of business with my partner and date? Cause if not, feel free to walk away. We have better things to do."

"Hmph, let's go." The fat woman said, sending a glare at Natasha and at Chaos before they all walked away. "You seriously don't sugarcoat anything, do you?" Natasha started, a smirk on her beautiful face as she looked at the Symbiote who snorted with amusement :"No, I don't. They might eat that too."


(You too?)

In the middle of the night, Chaos walked in the hallway with a pillow and a blanket in hand. With a yawn, he stepped into the living room tiredly. But just when he did, he saw someone already occupying one of the sofas.

Tony, laying on the couch :"... What are you doing here?"

Chaos, curling lips :"I got thrown out of the room."

Tony :"You too, huh? Pepper threw me out too. Women are hard to understand. I'm a genius and I still struggle with understanding them."

Chaos :"Tell me about it. I fucking live inside of her yet I still can't understand her sometimes."

Tony, enviously looking at his blanket :"Hey, at least she was kind enough to give you a blanket. Mine only gave me a pillow. And not my favorite one either. Just a random one."

Chaos :"Oh she didn't give me this. In fact, she didn't give me anything! Both this pillow and blanket are made outta my biomass. She just threw me out without anything."

Tony :"Damn... Guess I should be grateful for what I have. Still, wanna share? I'm not comfortable without a blanket."

Chaos :"... Scoot over."

"Heck yeah. Hold up for a sec." Tony celebrated before getting up and opening the couch to make it a bed :"Taddaaa. Now get on."

Chaos :"... This happens often, doesn't it?"

Tony, nodding with curled lips :"You have no idea."

Chaos, laying down next to him :"Somehow, I can't say I'm surprised."

Tony, covering himself with Chaos's blanket :"I can't either. I mean I can't blame her, but I'm not gonna admit to being at fault."

Chaos, smirking :"Again, can't say I'm surprised."

Just as he finished speaking, they heard sounds of footsteps. Raising their heads, they saw Thor walk into the room without anything in hand.

Chaos/Tony :"... You too?"

Thor :"... You guys as well?"

Tony :"Jane didn't give you anything to sleep with?"

Thor, eyeing their pillows and blanket enviously :"... No. Not even a simple pillow was graced upon me..."

Chaos :"Oh believe me, I didn't get anything either. Both my pillow and this blanket are made out of me. Tony also got a simple pillow. Nothing more."

Tony, opening the blanket for him :"Alright, hop in. Can't be stingy with someone on the same boat."

Thor, smiling excitedly :"Thank you, Stark and Chaos! *Happily getting under the covers and sharing the pillow with Tony beside him*"

Tony, sandwiched between the huge guys under the covers :"... Somehow, I feel like I'm in danger... I think I saw a meme like this on the internet..."

Chaos, smirking :"Yeah, I've seen it too. But don't worry, you're safe."

Thor, confused :"What are you two talking about?"

Chaos, smirking :"Because of the size difference, he's worried we'll suddenly start fucking him."

Thor :"Oh! Then you have nothing to worry about, Stark. I won't do anything without somebody's consent."

Chaos/Tony :"..."

Chaos :"... You're supposed to be Northern, not Greek."


(That's a cute girl)

"That's a cute girl." Natasha said, looking at the anime that Chaos was watching to see an adorable girl with pink hair in a braid.

Chaos, smirking :"You've fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book."

Natasha, confused :"What? What does that mean?"

Chaos, Solo Leveling smile :"That's no girl! That's a guy! Or commonly known as a trap! His name is Astolfo."

Natasha :"... What?"


(Rio De Janeiro)

Thor :"Chaos, does that statue represent something?"

Chaos :"Which one?"

Thor :"That giant statue where the man is standing with his arms horizontally outstretched."

Chaos :"*Smirking with his hand around Thor's shoulder* Thor, my dear friend, let me explain. *Raising his hand dramatically* That, my friend, is called T-posing.

To put it in simple words, it's the greatest form of showing your superiority in human history! That man, is T-posing, meaning that he's declaring his dominance and superiority over everyone! It's generally used after winning a battle and standing over your opponent."

Thor :"*Serious* Oh, I see. Thank you for giving such interesting and important information, sir Chaos."

Chaos :"*Trying to hold in his laughter* You're welcome."

Thor on a later date :"*T-posing on an HYDRA soldier he defeated while the Avengers watch in confusion*"

Chaos :"*Wheezing*"


(It's Pikachu!)

Jarvis :"Sir Stark, you have a message from sir Chaos. He says it's a hilarious meme."

Tony :"Oh? That guy is cultured and has some quality memes, so send it here."

Holographic screen shows up, showing a picture in the shape of Pikachu :"Who's that pokemon?!"

Tony :"Oh I'm an expert at this! That's Pikachu, obviously."

Holographic screen :"It's Pikachu!"

Tony :"Hell yeah."

Holographic screen, showing a picture in the shape of an Onix :"Who's that pokemon?!"

Tony :"That's definitely Onix."

Holographic screen, showing a Pikachu in the shape of an Onix :"It's Pikachu!"

Tony :"..."

Holographic screen, showing a picture in the shape of a Charizard :"Who's that pokemon?!"

Tony :"That is Charizard. That is 100% Charizar-"

Holographic screen, showing a Pikachu in the shape of a Charizard :"It's Pikachu!"

Tony :"... Stop it... No... Stop it..."

Holographic screen, showing a picture in the shape of a Metapod :"Who's that pokemon?!"

Tony :"I swear to God, if you- if that's not a Metapod..."

Holographic screen :"*Showing the picture of a shoe that expanded before Rick roll starts playing*"

Tony :"..."

Holographic screen :"We're no strangers to love"

Tony :"..."

Holographic screen :"You know the rules and so do I"

Tony :"..."

Holographic screen :"A full commitment's what I'm thinking of"

Tony :"..."

Holographic screen :"You wouldn't get this from any other guy"

Tony :"*Screeching* CHAOS!!!!!"


(Dodgeball? More like Dodgecannon)

While in the gym, the Avengers and some of their friends were standing on two sides of a court against each other. One team was wearing red shirts, another was wearing blue shirts.

Red team: Natasha, Chaos, Tony, Clint, Maria

Blue team: Thor, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Rhodey

Everyone in the blue team, except Thor who was smiling excitedly, was sweating nervously while looking at Chaos who was threateningly holding up a few balls with his hands and tendrils. With a menacing smile, Chaos gently played with those balls <ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ> :"Peace was never an option."

As he pulled the balls back, he threw them all at the same time! But fortunately for the blue team, this was just a demonstration of what he was going to do as the game continued. So they all managed to dodge. But looking back at the balls that had actually created dents on the wall, they sweated even more while Chaos's smile grew :"Get ready for a world of pain."

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