
Chapter 5 - Reincarnation

I...I can't move. My body, it's...it's getting weaker and weaker, I can feel my consciousness slowly but surely starting to fade away. Is...is this it? Am I...am I about to die here?

"Fuck, my eyes...god fucking damn it, this hurts so much!" Exclaimed the bastard whose eyes I'd smashed in.

"Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark. But quieten down, we don't want the neighbors showing up," Sighed the doctor in exasperation.

"If anyone asks, we'll just say that the kid caught the disease from his aunt and kicked the bucket. As for you eyes...I don't know, let's say a raccoon or something attacked you, there's plenty of them in this area, so I'm sure most people would buy that. We should add some scratches and stuff to your face to really sell it," Suggested the other guy.

So...this is how my life ends, huh? Laying on the ground, slowly dying while the monsters who did this to me casually discuss their plans, after I'd failed to save my aunt.

No, worse than that, I ensured that she couldn't recover by blindly trusting these pieces of shit...what did I do to deserve this? It's...it's just not fair, damn it.

Why is this happening to me? All I wanted was to save my aunt and get better lives for the both of us. I didn't want anything grand, I just wanted enough to live happily and peacefully...was that really too much to ask?

And these people, who actively ruin and destroy the lives of others for their own gain, they're going to live on and continue doing as they please? How is that fair?

Why aren't people born equal? Why don't people get what they deserve? Why do people like my aunt, who had nothing but love and hope to give, suffer so cruelly, while others who cause suffering and despair live more comfortable lives?

"Looks like he'll be dead any second now. Let's wrap things up, take the bodies down to the truck and transport them to the lab for dissection and harvesting," Remarked the doctor, as my eyelids slowly closed, no longer able to muster the strength to open them.

I should've been more careful...I shouldn't have blindly trusted these bastards. If it wasn't for me...my aunt would still be alive, and healthy at that. They have to pay for what they did...

"It's finally time now. My power will soon be yours."

But it's too late now, there's nothing I can do. I mean, I'm even hallucinating that voice from my dream a while ago.

"You must bring peace to the world, I believe I've chosen the right person to succeed me."

Yeah, yeah, I get it, this is all in my head...I think I'd rather have my life flash before my eyes than whatever's happening right now.

Then again, there isn't much worth remembering about my life...I was nothing but a tool to these people, one they used to kill my aunt. They accomplished their goal, while I failed miserably...I won't be so gullible next time. Next time, I'll-...hah, what am I even talking about?

What 'next time'? There won't be a next time for me...after all, I'm already dead...






Hm...? A light? What the...where am I? What's going on? My body feels weird...and that light is really annoying, it's right in my eyes. I began to raise my hand over my eyes to block out the light, before my eyes widened in disbelief.

Uh...what the hell? My hand is so...small and stubby. And my skin complexion is different too. No way. Am I...white?

"Congratulations, Mrs Phoenix. It's a healthy baby boy."

Woah, is someone carrying me? And now handing me to someone else? Uh...hold on, back up a second, what the hell is going on here!? Am I...a baby!?

"Aw, he has your eyes," Came a man's voice, as I felt myself being gently embraced in someone's arms.

"I never understand when people say that, all eyes look the same to me. Well, he does have the same eye color as mine, so I kinda get it in this case," Laughed a woman in response, the person who was holding me.

Did I just get reborn as a baby? Am I reincarnated? This feels way too real to be a dream.

"What should we name him?" Inquired the man, as the woman slowly and lightly stroked my head.

"I'd like to give him my grandfather's name, Ariodred, we can call him Ario for short, or Red since he has red hair," Suggested the woman in response.

This is all happening too fast to keep up with...they're already naming me? And my new name is...Ariodred Phoenix? It's kinda...extravagant. But, you know what, I kinda like it...

Hold on, let's back up, is this really happening? Let's see, I was killed, like, a minute ago...maybe this is a hallucination or something?

No, I doubt that's the case, this feels way too real. Then, should I assume that I really was reincarnated? Wait, in that case, then the voice I heard while I was dying...was that real too? I've heard that voice before in a dream...

Hey, voice that spoke to me, you there? Hello? Helloooo!?

Hm, no response...did I imagine that, after all? Was it unrelated to this reincarnation? I feel like my head's starting to spin, I can't believe that this is really happening.

"Hm, I thought babies always cry when they're born. Guess we've got ourselves a little tough guy, don't we?" Laughed the man, as he lightly booped my nose with his finger.

Uh, should I start crying? Or would it be suspicious if I start crying right after he brought it up? Well, I'm sure there are some babies that don't cry all that much, I'll just be one of those.

I still have a whole lot of questions and concerns about this reincarnation thing, but since I'm a literal new born baby, there's not exactly much I can do. I'll wait till I'm old enough to-...oh, I think I just shit myself. Right, yeah...I'm a new born baby. This sucks...


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