
The owner of the Undead bar is overly enthusiastic


Isn't that the chosen one they were talking about?

A robber? Robbing the Undead Street?

Damn it, that chosen one with the code 44011 really goes as far as robbing even the horror instances!

From the looks of it, it's not just one place he's hit.

While others come to the instance to experience horror and try to survive, he goes around robbing? Is nobody going to deal with this?

It seems like, indeed, no one is. While the horror instance does have a City Lord's Mansion and can be considered as having an official organization, it's meant to constrain ghosts. 

For those chosen ones, once the instance ends, they go back to the real world. So, even if they wanted to, there's nowhere to catch the culprit.

Thinking about it, the horror instance is a lawless place where one can commit crimes without repercussions.

The problem is, you need to have the strength!

This 44011 guy, isn't he overdoing it a bit?

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