

I was being a lot more careful than usual.  I took off my hood and turned around.


It was a scenery that invited despair.


Moments ago, when I took a few steps toward the Daesung Tower, the world before my eyes changed in an instant.


In front of me was an entirely new world.

In place of the Daesung Tower stood a massive tower.


'Can't tell if it's a castle or a tower.'


The tower that stretched towards the sky was surrounded by a crimson flame.  Instead of being on fire, it was more like the tower was holding the fire back.


"A tower on fire… Or fire on the tower"


This felt like a more fitting description of the place than a Demon Castle.


I took steps toward the tower.




As I got closer, the sound of the fire roaring became louder.


The last Instant Dungeon used the subway station as the template for its levels.  If this one used Daesung Tower as it, I would have to clear a hundred different levels of monsters.  I could imagine just how long that would take.

'Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus'


I stopped, feeling a powerful presence near the tower's gate.  Taking a closer look, I saw a black beast, the size of a small house, rolled up on the ground sleeping.  I took out Casaka's Poisoned Fang.




Casaka's Poisoned Fang

Rarity: C


Type: Dagger


Attack Power +25


Inflicts 'Paralysis' and 'Bleeding' on the attack.

  'Paralysis': The target has a chance to become immobilized.

  'Bleeding': The target will lose 1% health per second.


A dagger made of Casaka's poisoned fang, still dripping with its poison.


You may keep this item in your inventory.


You may sell this item in the shop.


Although its attack power wasn't that high, its special effects had already proved themselves in battle.

'It'd be nice if I could just kill after paralyzing it.'

By his size and aura alone I knew the beast was at least twice as strong as me nearly touching the boundaries of A-Rank. So it won't do without magic. 

So let's try it. As instantly lighting sparks appeared around me.


Lightning Arrow

Level: 1

Rank: Unique

Skill Type: Active 

Mana Cost: 30 MP

AOE: None

Cool Down: None 

Damage: Deals 200 points of Death Damage to the target upon both arrows connecting. 

Effect: You can summon two arrows roughly twenty centimeters long, made of pure lightning. at a target The number and the power of arrows increase with the level of skill. 

Slightest chance of stunning the enemy...

"Lighting Arrow"

And with simple words, I felt my mana flow outside of my body creating a phenomenon called magic as the arrow floated around me. 

There are three ways to cast magic incantations and magic circles.


While the initial concept for incantations and magic circles does start out rather elementary

The theory of it is constantly evolving the more people learn about it especially when it comes to the act of reciting an incantation. The magic circles used to be the primary mechanism for casting magic because the incantations typically took at five to 15 seconds and complex ones one to two minutes to recite.

So it was actually much faster to inscribe the mystic patterns of a magic circle than go from there. And there are ways to make incantations small you had figured out how to shorten them

they had determined that the simplest of incantations could be reduced to around

5 seconds making them much more suited for attack magic.

Truncated Spellcasting

Now even though the caster does still have to recite a predetermined set of words

because the cast time is so significantly reduced the number of ways in which it could be used far exceeded that of any of the other methods thus making it the ideal standard for

casting magic well that is unless you were able to use silent spell casting

Silent Spellcasting

This is by far the most efficient and effective method but it's also the most rare to do likely

due to the level of understanding of the fundamentals and requirements to be met before you even start to cast this magic. 

It had many required things to do it

since I got pretty much everything for this I am an expert on it I don't need to rely on an

incantation or magic circle. 

Instead, I just use myself as the medium to manipulate the mana, or more specifically he can use my mind to manipulate mana into the form he wants as overpowered as that sounds the process itself isn't any different from the steps for me to manipulate mana into magic is the

same as any other method it's just that everything's being done in my head instead of through a fixed medium like words or patterns

kind of like how Tatsuya does it in Mohoka as for what those steps are.

The first was to imagine the shape of the spell there would then be a short window of time after which the caster could add more mana to increase the size of the spell this was then followed by yet another window of time where the caster could adjust to the spell's velocity

allowing them to determine the range at

which they wanted to travel once all of that was done the only thing left to do after was to simply release so the basic flow was pretty much spell

Genesis determination of the size

1. Spell Genesis 2. Determination of Size 3. Determination of Speed

Determination of speed and then activation all of which were either given in the words of the incantation or inscribed into the patterns of the magic circle for those who can do silent casting

though this entire process was simply done in their heads not only reducing the cast time by more than a few seconds.

But also granting a significantly increased level of flexibility the fact that the whole spell could be modified all in their head made it that much more versatile. 

So it's by far one of the most high-level techniques currently at my disposal.

Caster's ability to use it was their understanding of the elements and the amount of mana within their body since magic is basically the

manipulation of mana it makes sense that any sort of spell requires mana to be cast

as for where that mana comes from though

well it comes directly from the body of the person casting it you see every living being in the multiverse has some finite amount of mana residing in their body there is of course a little bit more to it than just that.

Placing myself into a state of mind that allows him to envision the spell that I want I 

I found I was able to manipulate mana into almost any form imaginable. Of course, it wasn't something I could do instantly right from the get-go but by practicing the same spell over and over I slowly learned to remember the sensations I felt while doing it.

So once those feelings were ingrained into my mind and body all that was left was to replicate them whenever that spell was needed

imitating those same sensations throughout my mind and body allowed me to connect myself to the aspect of reality that I was trying to manipulate pretty much in the same

the way that an incantation or magic circle


After that, the final steps were to simply decide on the spell's size shape speed, and strength

so it's an inherently different method of casting that doesn't require a magic circular incantation

instead, the medium that manipulates the mana is simply the caster's mind and body.

And once these conditions are fulfilled the system will register that spell as a skill and then it will be available to me by just thinking of casting the spell with no need for imagination. 

Now while this is the fastest method of casting magic it's not necessarily the most efficient yes it does appear strong in comparison to the lengthy chants that are normally used but at the same time it also requires a high level of focus and sometimes significantly more mana should a mage attempt to silently cast magic without an extensive mana capacity similar to me then it's likely they would find their mana reserves

severely depleted after only a single spell

The reason is that modifications in size

shape and speed that would normally be

handled by the incantation or magic

a circle would now require additional mana

from the caster regardless of whether they're making a water ball smaller or bigger just the

The action of changing its default size still requires that additional bit of magical energy.

So the more intricate a spell becomes with regards to its modifications the more mana it requires to cast it that's why it's sometimes better to just rely on an incantation especially if you're a mage who doesn't have the same extensive supply of mana that I do

As for why that's such a big deal when it comes to magic mana capacity is pretty much everything you see a mage in combat who doesn't have any mana is essentially the same thing as having aqua as your support they're completely useless and utterly unreliable.

Another one of the core aspects of magic

that makes him so powerful not only does this allow me to cast way more spells than what's normal but it also means he can pump more mana into them to make them more potent

It's one of the most crucial aspects of my overall ability.

Now some of the initial spells that I started with were the beginner-level manipulation of each of four main elements then the baby spells like water ball water shield and water arrow each requiring different amounts of magical energy depending on their application there were also the spells of ice smash, black lightning, rock tomb, burning fields.

But I quickly determined that I wasn't only limited to those alone by tweaking the creation process for a spell like water ball I found that I could freeze it into an ice ball thus introducing him to a whole new world of experimentation

That's how I created the spell Steam. After evaporating the water wall and water ball enough times create Steam.

Now create a gas that is nearly as hot as 100°c.

it was during my subsequent training

Now that the fundamentals and how everything works there's one last thing is this how it is supposed to work in the world...

Even though no one is capable of doing it. Now what makes more op is the existence of systems... 

The skill Mana Manipulation makes it much easier than once I imagine what I want to do and provides fixed data with multiple tries like a water arrow, I applied the spell genesis determinant to its size determinant speed it should get launched. 

And after doing the same action with similar results a skill will be created. 

And once the skill got created the imagination part is entirely cut out. Now I just have to think about what spell I want to cast and it will be cast with my mana as energy. 

Just like a skill such as Sprint I don't have to imagen running or getting fast, I just think of activating the skill. And the work is done. 

Of course when coming to modification, if I want to cast a small water Arrow then the task will be in my mind. And it will remain like that unless the system sees this as an entirely different skill. Same with creating new spells, that's why it's harder for me to create complex spells. Or the healing spells as I severely lack the experience knowledge and mastery over them.  

Even though I don't need to speak, I just do it for the sake of it and it sounds cool. I need to use imagen which is a big weakness, especially in the middle of battle.

I cast many Lighting arrows in hopes of stunning him. But I still didn't fire them as I was preparing for huge attacks.



Call Thunder

Level: 1

Rank: Unique+

Skill Type: Active 

Mana Cost: 100 MP

AOE: 30 Metres

Cool Down: None

Damage: Deals 200 damage to every target. 5 lightning bolts strike the opponent and with every successful hit the damage will add up to it. 200- 1000 damage. 

Effect: You can summon thunder from the roaring dark clouds of a huge storm. Thunder strikes your enemies over a wide area. lightning bolt to strike the designating target The lighting bolt five times upon invoking the skill with each of them dealing 100 damage. And in the chance of all the five strikes connected there, 5% would get a stun. 

The power thunder strikes increase with the level of skill while also increasing the area of effect with the number of strikes.

As the dark clouds in the sky were ready. 

I nodded as I was ready. I slowly approached the beast, quieting his footsteps as best as I could. After I felt this should be enough I stopped. "FIRE" "Swiss Zzzz Bam" I screamed.



The effect of the title, 'Wolf Slayer', has been activated.


Wolf Slayer

All stats increased by 40% against beast-type monsters.


A title was given to a hunter experienced in slaying wolves.

'A title was given to a hunter experienced in slaying wolves.'

Because of the small distance, All the arrows didn't even take a second before they reached him. Hearing the sounds The beast soon started to rise, sniffing the air. But he wasn't fast enough as arrows directly hit the dog, shocking him. 

Creating many blood wounds and burning his fur and upper layers of skin. 

It wasn't a huge damage but it was something. 

The beast's form, standing up fully, raised three separate heads toward me with bloodthirsty eyes. 


'Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus'

A vicious-looking hound with three heads.  Its heads were adorned with its name in dark red letters. This meant the monster's level was high.



The monster before me was definitely strong, but it did not give off a feeling of overwhelming pressure.  This was ascertained with my sense stat.


I had not raised the attribute thoughtlessly.  Valuable points were invested into it so that it could help me determine whether to fight or run from an enemy.

The Cerberus registered an enemy and bared its teeth.  The beast's tail caught my eye momentarily. The long, whip-like tail decorated its tip with powerful flames.

'Fangs and tail. The thing's attack pattern will have at minimum two moves.'


"Zzzz Bam Boom Bam Boom"


Before The Cerberus could close the gap between us, the five lighting bolts came from dark clouds above and struck him, and because of its huge size, all five lighting bolts connected to it. While the beast whimpered in pain. 


 "Fireball Fireball Fireball."

"Boom Boom Boom"

I cast three fireballs simultaneously and because of its already damaged body, all the balls connected. 

As I felt the huge heat from three continuous explosions.   

I knew if I gave the beast time to recover it would be deadly so I instantly touched the ground below me.  And casted "Earth Spikes."


Earth Spikes

Level: 1

Rank: Unique+

Skill Type: Active 

Mana Cost: Depends on AOE

AOE: Depends on the player

Cool Down: None

Damage: Every Spike that is connected deals 20 damage.   

Effect: Summons a large number of earthen spikes from the ground to impale enemies

And in seconds. The ground below me morphed and many spikes came out of the ground and the spikes continue to come out of the ground directly traveling towards the molten earth where the hound was. All the Overhaul style. 

"Grrrrrrrrr" the beast whimpered in pain confirming that the attack was connected even if I can't confirm it as the beast was on fire...

But I knew the beast was still very much alive by his roars that were filled with pain. 

"Let's end this Water Blade Water Blade Water Blade Wind Blade Wind Blade Wind Blade….."


Wind Blade

Level: 1

Rank: Unique+

Skill Type: Active 

Mana Cost: 20

AOE: Single Target 

Cool Down: None

Damage: 50

Effect: Shoots a highly compressed gust of cutting wind. Able to slice even metal.


Water Blade

Level: 1

Rank: Unique+

Skill Type: Active 

Mana Cost: 20

AOE: Single Target 

Cool Down: None

Damage: 50  

Effect: Launches forth a large concentration of water in the shape of a blade. 

As five water blades and five Wind Blade launched at the target in an instant I heard Cerberus' crying confirming that most attacks were connected. 

As I felt the heat had gone down to a level that I could handle I walked toward the beast I saw it looked bad for Cerberus as all the fur on its body was gone and there were 2nd° burns all over its right leg hanging on a piece of his skin. With numerous cuts on its body.


But the beast was still glaring at me. I quickly slid underneath the Cerberus' body and dodged its bite.  Landing on the ground, Cerberus immediately turned around and bared its teeth across all three heads.


Bark! Bark Bark!


The fangs between its jaws shone in the light.

 Even though the beast couldn't stand up, it was still struggling to survive. Rather than accept death…


"He was still alive, which means its HP must be his highest stat. But let's end this." I said 

Spirit Activated. 

With daggers in my both hands as I didn't want to damage the product too much. 

Why if someone might ask?

'Well it, was simple. I didn't know the limits of what was required to create a shadow soldier. 

Like a head enough to create a shadow soldier?

Or a full body? What if I destroy a limb of a monster and then try to create a shadow soldier out of it? Will he be normal with the limb that I destroyed?

If so, how many limbs could I destroy before it affects the shadow soldier?

Or will it become a shadow soldier without that limb?

Does require a soul. Highly improbable unless you say that soul doesn't move on as he Kamish after 8 years of him dying.

And what about requiring a body as Jin-woo did to revive him with just bones? So technically all the limbs were there.

Does it mean bones are required for the successful creation of a shadow soldier?

No, it's again highly improbable as his first shadow soldiers were just living armors with no flesh, blood, and bones some of them even had their heads crushed.

So it's possible that a soul requires and Shadow Monarch just calls the soul from wherever they are with the connection to their bodies.

But it also means that souls don't move on; there is no cycle of reincarnation. But again hell and heaven exist here.

After all Demons of this place were summoned from hell. And Angels did fall from heaven.

What makes Demons and Monarchs so special that they can't be turned into shadow soldiers…

Is it related to the world or the writer who stopped this so Jin-woo can't become op?

If so, what would happen if I was in another world? Will it still stop me?

How much I can destroy before it loses itself?

I don't know, I guess no one gave any thought to that.

I wonder how much you have. It surely will be a lot.

If you took the wings of a bird would it no longer be a bird?

If you took the antlers of a dear would it no longer be a dear?

What needs to remain to preserve oneself?

I'm not sure but there is surely value in thinking about it.

Could I've able to create 2 shadow soldiers out of a single body by fulfilling those conditions? At least it should be if it doesn't involve souls.

If only mana is required to have in crops would I've been alive to create "chimaera" by combining creatures live or dead then creating shadow soldiers out of them?

What is needed to create perfect shadow soldiers?

Perhaps it's a person's heart, mind, body, and soul.

Then again Igris was just a living armour with a soul residing within it.

And Kamish was just eight years old bones.

And it's shown that souls move on at least humans one does.

What needs to remain for you to still be yourself?

And just like these, there are more questions in my mind. And finding the answers was most important.

As finding the answers to these questions would be a great help to me…

And that's the solo reason I am not using the best skill that I got from Bless Random Boxe two days ago.'

slash, slash, slaaash, slash!

I was swinging the daggers with an incredible speed, leading to numerous cuts on its body while the beast tried to attack me but with how wounded he was he wasn't able to keep up with my speed.

I stabbed its forehead with all my strength.


Paralysis has been inflicted.

The target's resistance was too high. Effect canceled.

Bleeding has been inflicted.

The target's resistance was too high. Effect canceled.


Cerberus yelped but couldn't do anything more than that, as the life he was holding so dearly was fading from his eyes.

I furrowed my brows. Compared to anything I ever faced he wasn't dying no matter what. Cerberus, his own injury was far greater than anyone to survive.

Suddenly, the beast's eyes started turning red. I knew what was coming so in an instant "Sharpen Weapon Strengthening" cast the spells I launched towards its neck and with all my strength I sliced its neck.


Cerberus cried out in frustration before death came for him.

Stab! Stab! Stab!

yelp! whimper! whimper!

Just as before, I held on with all my strength. As the Cerberus whipped back and forth, I tightened the grip on its neck and continued to stab.

Stab! Stab! Stab!

The beast continued to whimper in pain and tried desperately to bite me, but the fight was over at this point.

Stab! Stab!

The Casaka's Poisoned Fang moved past the beast's throat and toward its heart.

Stab! Stab! Stab!

The light of struggle in Cerberus' eyes began to fade.


Finally, the beast's heads went limp.

I made sure the beast's life was completely snuffed out before letting go of its neck.

The Cerberus' body slumped onto the ground lifelessly.



You've defeated the Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus.

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

I had leveled up three times in one go. It wasn't a fight. At least for me and I always want it like that making myself So open that fight will feel like walking in a park. But I am aware if I got too comfortable with this life it would be a death stance for me. I saw enough Mc's do it and die in vain.

I bent over with my hands on my knees.


I let out a sigh of relief. Well, Weather with magic the fight was real if I didn't have to preserve the body I could have ended even quicker.

And it's good I didn't let it use its rage skill and ended before it...

'Ah… items…'

I sighed once more and stretched a hand out toward the corpse.


You've found a "Gatekeeper's Necklace"

Would you like to acquire it?


Bigger chapter than usual because the chapter had some explanation

So it's been decided that the first world will be Akame Ga Kill! it will be a small arc Jinwoo go there get danger beasts end the kingdom and get Esdeath...

So it's been decided that first world will be Akame Ga Kill! it will be small arc Jinwoo go there get danger beasts end the kingdom and get Esdeath...

GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant