

"Time to wake up Miss!" A velvety hand touched her shoulder, as awareness returned she could feel the warm hand against her cold bare shoulder. Cold bare shoulder... Valeria's eyes flung open, her mind rushed to deduce the extent of her situation. Letting out a sigh of relief she realized she was clothed, albeit a medical robe they give in infirmaries, she sought out the owner of the hand. Again, she was grateful, it was a pale skinned female elf wearing a healers robe. Vale wasn't sure how she would've felt about some strange elf man undressing her while she was unconscious... Shaking the sleep and medicine from her mind, she mumbled, "Where am I? Kytemel?"

"That you are, they brought you in last night, you were in rough shape, the doctor said he didn't think you'd have made it through the night without us." Her words returned the memory of the last few days, Sworbur was Hell...

"I need to speak with..."

Cutting Vale off the elven women said, "Yes, yes, Archbishop Ascul awaits you in his chambers, I was instructed to bring you to him the moment you returned to us. Come, lets get you dressed and on your way." Upon standing, Vale realized how well they had taken care of her, all of her wounds were gone. She felt strong, they had managed to gain a nearly two levels in Sworbur yet remained under 50% health for majority of the trip. With the healing the Holy temple had provided she felt the extent of her gains. Maybe it was worth it she thought. Returning to her own clothes the elf led her into the halls. Moonstone was everywhere, the entire building looked as if it was sculpted to be a work of art. Sconces lit the halls, burning with an unusual blue light, it gave off no heat. Through the labyrinth that was the inner sanctum they arrived to a door guarded by a row of elven sentries. Suddenly, the door opened, an elven priest stepped out.

Character: Archbishop Ascul (Legendary)

Lvl: ???

HP ??????

"Welcome, Miss, it seems no one caught your name, may I have it?" Motioning for her to come inside he turned, reentering his quarters. Vale followed.

"It's Valeria Von Dane, Vale for short. Sir, I.."

"Come, sit, we'll have plenty of time to talk. My priests brought me the items you carried, troubling indeed." Ascul took a seat, his chair floated. Vale realized these elves wielded highly advanced magic.

Taking a seat opposite Ascul, "You don't seem surprised..."

"Oh, some of the shock has worn off since last night, we've had our suspicions that remnants from the War for the Eternal Flames were out there. Rumors have popped up from time to time yet they never leave more than a trace of their existence. You've merely confirmed, perhaps even providing a way to track this Blade down. My priests are working as we speak to trace the demon down using his appendage. I'd like to hear the tale though, leave nothing out."

After recanting the journey with Cas up to their split Vale paused.

"I see. This Casimiro sounds as if he was the original target, and you say he has absorbed the Flame of Vulcan, interesting indeed."

System Message<Quest Complete- Envoy to the Temple> 5000 Allocable experience received

Adding on Ascul spoke, "You've warned us of a great danger, we will see you rewarded, but I fear I need ask much more from you. When my priests track down this Blade I'll need someone to destroy it, you."

Visibly distraught Vale eked out, "But, you're the holy temple, I only came here so you guys could mobilize against the forces of Darkness, isn't that what your entire order is for??" Her words carrying a hint of accusation. Have these priests forgotten their purpose?

"It's not that, you see, in the time after the war, our order has shifted it's interest only adjacent to our original purpose. We're currently deep into an exploration, our forces are very limited right now, I, myself must maintain the Holy Temple. Thus we have need of warriors such as yourself, don't fret, seek out this Casimiro or others to aid you. A week before you arrived not a single soul had entered Kytemel uninvited in nearly 90 years. Yet, just last week another stranger appeared before our gates, we've been trying to figure out what to do with him. Now, I know. I'll be sending him to accompany you on your journey... If you accept such a Holy Call to arms..."

System Message-Quest Available-"Cynfael's Fall"(Gold) Accept? Yes/No

Clicking accept Vale spoke, "I'll do it..." She didn't know how she felt about taking this stranger off their hands but she would turn down no help in destroying this demon. After all, NPC's from quests are typically as strong as the quest they come from.

Smiling, "I knew you'd come around, you do our world a great service, lets seek out my priests and see what they've found. I'll also introduce you to Fabiano." With that a bookshelf nearby retreated into the wall, exposing a staircase that led straight down. "Come now, Darkness gathers with every passing moment."

The staircase led to a basement, dozens of priests worked on various experiments. It was some sort of Holy laboratory. A spry elder priest approached them, "Archbishop, we've done as you instructed, we've found traces of elderbark and amber resin."

Ascul's smiled, "Ah HA! The demons are bedding down within the Phantom Forest. I had a sneaking suspicion, we've had reports of missing peasants from the nearby villages."

Vale had heard of the Phantom Forest, it was in the deep south, beyond the orc territory. Rumors of children torn from their rooms in the night had reached her ears before. It wasn't a place Vale looked forward to visiting...

Clapping his hands as if they were cymbals Ascul commanded the room, "Prepare a travelers bag for both our guests, they are headed to the Phantom Forest to put an end to the Blade of the Night. See they are well equipped." Lowering his voice as the priests scattered to obey, Ascul turned to Vale. "Now, then, Fabiano, I warn you, his appearance is a bit startling and his tongue is foul but we gauged the depths of his heart to ensure his intent." Locating another staircase, they descended even further, into a dungeon...

"This is both our prison and hotel, its only as rough as we wish it to be on those we quarter." Ascul's words had a hint of mysticism in his voice when he spoke. Every room they passed was empty, until they reached a pair of guards blocking a locked door.

"When the Fuck are you gonna let me out of here! I piss on your hospitality, had you told me you were gonna throw me in a cell id have gone to die in the swamp! Fuckin pointy eared fuckers!" Vale swore she heard a frog in the cell with him.

Ascul instructed his guards to open the door.

"Fuckin Finally! I was beginning to think those big ass ears were only for decoration!" What stepped out startled Vale to her very core, not for the fact that he seemed to be a frog trapped in a humans body, it was another player! Vale had never considered running into another player so she hadn't hid her indicator, this frogman had already seen and was staring at her in equal amazement.

In unison, Vale and Fabian exclaimed, "You're a..!" They both stopped short of saying the word, player.

Ascul exclaimed, "Oh, do you know one another?" His interest hanging on their response.

Quickly Vale responded, "He's a frog, how could I not be shocked." Hoping this guy picked up the hint.

With a flick of his tongue he snatched a bug off the ceiling, "Yeah, well, you're the ugliest human I've ever seen!"

Anger burst from within Vale, "Shut your stupid frog mouth before I freeze it shut!"

"Oh, id like to see you try!" Fabiano responded defiantly, searching for a weapon that was not there.

Calming the ruckus, Ascul spoke up, "Seems you two will get along splendidly, I look forward to hearing the story of your journey when you return."

"Who said id go anywhere with this backwoods broad!?" Fabiano was quick to respond.

"You'll go with her or back into your room." Ascul's tone left no room for debate.

Kicking the air Fabiano lowered his resolve, "Yeah, well its better than staying here I suppose. I'll need my gear back then!"

"Calm your cold blood, were preparing your gear. You'll accompany Miss Valeria on her mission and follow her every order, do this and we will give you the item you sought. "

Hearing Ascul's words Fabiano smiled, "Now, were talking, ill take her to the heavens if you damn stingy elves will share the wealth! Just don't expect me to kiss your ass little lady!"

"As if id ever let a smelly frog kiss any part of me!" Vale felt a headache coming on, this guy was going to be way worse than Cas.

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