
The Titan's Fruit

Auric's heart raced as he approached the cave he had seen on the map. The golden dot indicating the location of the fruit he was searching for was just a few meters away. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he prepared to enter.

However, the guards and knights following him made him apprehensive, and he had to think of a way to keep them from entering the cave with him. Auric surveyed the area and spotted a small opening in the rocks, just as he had read in the novel. It was too small for the guards to fit through, and Auric saw an opportunity to trick them.

"System, are you sure this is where the fruit is located?" he asked.

"Although I cannot guarantee it, there should be a treasure there based on the mana emanating from the area," the system replied.

Auric then asked, "Are there any monsters in there?"

"No hostile presence detected," the system replied.

Auric smiled to himself. He decided to act cautiously and came up with a plan to deceive the guards. He took off his ring and carefully slid it into the small opening, making it appear as though it had fallen in by accident.

"Oops, my ring fell in there," he exclaimed, feigning concern.

Before the guards could react, Auric quickly kneeled down and slid through the opening, leaving them behind.

"Young master, it's dangerous! What if there are monsters in there?" the guards panicked, wanting to enter the cave to protect their charge.

Auric turned around and replied confidently, "Don't worry, I'll just find the ring quickly and be back in no time."

As Auric disappeared into the cave, the guards were left standing outside, unsure of what to do. They knew they couldn't follow him through the small opening, and destroying it could potentially harm Auric if he was still inside.

Auric breathed a sigh of relief as he emerged on the other side of the opening, his plan a success. He now had the opportunity to explore the cave and search for the fruit without any unwanted company.

With that, Auric disappeared into the dark recesses of the cave, leaving the guards standing outside, unsure of what to do. They were aware that they couldn't follow him through the small opening, and destroying it would only cause more harm than good.

As Auric ventured further into the cave, he called upon the system to guide him. Within moments, the interface displayed a trajectory on the map, leading him towards his destination. With renewed confidence, Auric followed the path, his footsteps echoing through the cavernous passages.

After a few meters, Auric entered a clearing. The scene before him was breathtaking. The full moon shone brightly overhead, casting a silver glow over the clearing. The cracks in the ceiling allowed beams of moonlight to illuminate the area, highlighting a majestic tree and the grass surrounding it.

Auric couldn't believe his luck as he gazed up at the tree. There, hanging from its branches, were two fruits. One was golden, and the other was red, and both were irregular in shape, as if they were still growing and changing. The fruits were not big, they were just 4 cm in diameter.

Pretty small for the devine fruits huh.

Wait two fruits? but in the novel only one fruit was mentioned...

< System appraise them >

[ Item: The Divine Fruit of the Elements

Grade: B


The Divine Fruit of the Elements is an exceptionally rare and valuable fruit that possesses incredible properties. It has a striking golden color and emits a subtle glow that seems to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. Legend has it that the fruit was gifted to mortals by the gods themselves, imbuing it with immense power.

One of the most remarkable features of the Divine Fruit of the Elements is its ability to purify the body of impurities. When consumed, the fruit acts as a potent detoxifying agent, ridding the body of toxins and restoring balance to the system. This makes it a highly sought-after item for those seeking to achieve optimal health and well-being.

In addition to its detoxifying properties, the Divine Fruit of the Elements also has the unique ability to enhance one's elemental control. This means that individuals who consume the fruit are better able to manipulate and harness their element, as well as having better control over the basic elements. This can be particularly advantageous for those who practice magic or engage in combat, as it allows them to wield their powers with greater precision and effectiveness. ]

[ Item: The Fruit of the Titans

Grade: A


The Fruit of the Titans is said to possess the power to significantly enhance one's physical strength, enabling them to perform incredible feats of might and endurance.

Consuming the Fruit of the Titans not only grants the user immense strength but also enhances their body's durability and stamina, making them more resilient to damage and fatigue. It is often sought after by warriors and fighters who wish to push their limits and achieve new levels of power.

However, the Fruit of the Titans is not without its drawbacks. The immense power it grants comes at a cost, and the user may experience a temporary loss of control over their newfound strength, leading to unintended destruction and chaos. Additionally, consuming the fruit too often or in large quantities can lead to negative side effects, such as increased aggression and a shortened lifespan.

Despite these risks, the Fruit of the Titans remains a highly sought-after treasure for those who seek to become the strongest and most powerful beings in the world. ]


"Fuck! I can't believe it's the Fruit of the Titans!" Auric exclaimed. In the novel, the Fruit of the Titans was consumed by Themius, one of the major antagonists.

"Heh, I didn't think I would find this here. That was totally unexpected. Seems like when he got here, he only took the Fruit of the Titans for himself," Auric muttered to himself.

Well, Titans cannot use magic anyway, but their physical ability was just out of this world. The Titans are currently on the verge of extinction and live in that place... Hmm, but it was never told in the novel how he obtained it, Auric pondered.

While contemplating, Auric noticed the Divine Fruit of the Elements and the Fruit of the Titans on a tree. Without hesitation, Auric plucked them, causing the tree to wither and leaving only a leaf.

[ Item: ?

Grade - ?

Description: ? ]

"Is its grade too high for me to appraise?" Auric asked himself.

"Well, whatever, I got what I needed," Auric concluded.

Auric then scanned the room, hoping to find unexpected treasures, but he was disappointed. "Seems my luck has run out. Let's go back then," Auric muttered.

Auric returned to the guards, who were anxious. When he emerged from the cave, they all sighed in relief.

"Here, I got the ring. It really rolled in pretty deep because the place was big, and I couldn't find it fast," Auric said to the guards.

The entire escapade took only three minutes for Auric.

Unknown to him, if he had been just ten seconds late, the small entrance would have been forced open. They were all really scared, thinking that if something happened to Auric, their heads would be flying the next day.

Auric was excited to try the fruit, but to avoid suspicion, they all went to the lakeside.

However, the lake was not glowing as much as it did before. Everyone was astonished by the phenomenon, and even the mana emitted by the lake could be perceived by the common folk present there.

The people thought that perhaps, because of the full moon, the lake was just reflecting the moonlight. But they couldn't think of any answers as to why the mana had gotten denser.

Only Auric could think of the cause since he was the one who caused it. The tree was actually like a parasite, feeding off an energy source that was located under the lake. The magical power of the lake also came from that energy source.

However, the novel never explained what kind of energy source that was. Auric was curious about it, but he realized that he needed to become powerful enough to understand that kind of stuff.

Later on, Auric and the guards returned to the inn.


Auric sat cross-legged in a lotus position on his bed, talking to the system.

< So, I really can't eat The Fruit of the Titans? > Auric asked.

[ No, you cannot. Not even after eating The Divine Fruit of the Elements. The Titans' fruit is only compatible with the titan bloodline. If you eat it, you will just blast ] the system replied.

Auric sighed. "Can't you overwrite the properties of the fruit so that I can consume it? Also, delete its side effects. They're really too much, and I don't want to lose my mind."

"Doing what you desire is not possible at the moment. You will require more than two million SP to carry out the overwrite," the system said.

Oh... forget it then. Let's just focus on cleansing myself

< So, do I just eat it? > Auric asked the system.

[ yes ]

Well, here it goes.

Auric then just put the whole fruit in his mouth in one go.

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