
Chapter 149: Daddy Issues

Chole sighed, and set the paperwork to the side of her desk, before looking over to Izuku, who was staring down at his paperwork, without doing any, as if in a trance. "Sir, is everything ok?"

"Huh?!" Izuku suddenly snapped out of his trance and looked up at her. "Um…yeah…it's just…I have to prepare for some new arrivals that are…complicated."

Chole raised an eyebrow. "I don't recall D.O.C. sending us any new children. Did they just give a notice?"

Izuku shook his head. "No. It's…not D.O.C. For once I wish it was just them springing things on me with no notice. Because this is…somehow worse."


Flashing back to that night, Izuku was lying in bed and just answered to phone to his unwanted caller.

"Izuku, it's been a long time." His father said, in his gravelly voice, that sounded like he smoked a million cigarettes.

"Not long enough," Izuku said with perhaps the most venom in his voice he'd ever had. "What on earth could you possibly be calling me about? I hope you don't think I'm going to give you any money."

"No, no, no. Come on I'm not that stupid." His father laughed. "No instead I'm gonna give you something for once."

Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion. What on earth could his deadbeat dad want to give him? "What is it?"

"Huh, surprised you didn't hang up on me yet." His father said, before explaining. "So funny story, after I left your mother and you, I started you know…doing my thing. And I found this lady who had a quirk that gave her three separate bodies, so naturally, I got her bed and well, I'm sure you're smart enough to put the pieces together."

"May I remind you that mom and you aren't officially divorced?" Izuku said bitterly.

"And who's fault is that? I told your mother I didn't want her anymore, and she still refuses to corporate with me." His father scoffed. "But back to what I was saying, so I did my thing, but I got so excited, I forgot to wear any protection."

Izuku's eyes widned. "What?"

"Suprise you have half sisters His father laughed. "Three of them! Much to my dismay!

Izuku was stunned into silence. He had sisters. Three of them. Of course, he'd long since gotten used to his family expanding but this was…something different.

"So yeah, at first I was like shit, gotta get the hell out of here, but the woman wasn't as easy to leave as your mother…mostly because she was just that amazing in the sack." His father chuckled, before sighing. "So yeah, I ended up sticking around, and we raised the girls for about…seven years."

"Seven years?" Izuku gasped, his face contorting in pure shock. He had sisters for SEVEN years and didn't know.

"But you see, as it turns out, neither of us really wants to keep them. So…yeah we need to get rid of them." His father said casually as if he was getting rid of a broken T.V. "I was gonna give them over to an orphanage, but that's a whole process. But then I remembered, wait a minute, I have a son who takes care of children for a living. Why not just give them to him!?"

There were very few people that Izuku genuinely hated. But his father was definitely on that list. Right under Overhaul, and whoever was leading the M.L.A.

"So what do you say? They're not super dangerous or anything, but they are your sisters." His father asked.

"You say that as if family means anything to you," Izuku growled, before regaining his composure. "But you already know my answer don't you?"

"I had a hunch, but I was worried maybe you'd become less of an overwhelming sap after everything you've been through." His father laughed. "But it's nice to know you're still the same even after all this time. I guess refusing to change is the one thing you got from me."

"I've changed plenty, I didn't get a single thing from you." Izuku snapped. "Just tell me when you want to bring them here?"

"Give me about a week." His father estimated.

"Alright, oh, and bring divorce papers, I'll take care of mom and the cost, just give me your signature," Izuku demanded.

"Fine, good luck with your mother, you're gonna need it." His father said, before ending the call.


"So you have sisters?" Chole summarized Izuku's story.

"Three of them." Izuku sighed rubbing his temples. "And I'm gonna have to see my father again to get them."

"It's weird to think that those girls will be aunts huh." Chole mused.

"I don't even want to think about it." Izuku groaned. "And not to mention those girls have been raised by that man up till now. Ugh."

"Well look on the bright side, they're only seven. You've got plenty of time to get whatever your father put in their heads out."

"Yeah, I guess." Izuku sighed. "When are things going to be simpler?"

"Simpler? Probably never given how you are." Chole said honestly. "Easier? Eventually. Whenever you start something it's going to be hard. Especially when it's a business. But if you do everything right, and get just enough luck, it'll be smooth sailing…for the most part…granted life doesn't decide to throw a curve ball that destroys your entire life."

Izuku let out an even deeper sigh. "Putting that aside, I'm going to need to tell the kids. Particularly the ones who think of me as their father…and I'm going to have to tell mom."

Chole cringed internally and was thankful that the most family drama she had to deal with was when her sister did something particularly stupid…that and the whole government tried to steal her daughter thing.

"Well…better get this over with." Izuku pulled out his phone. "I'm going to go outside."


Izuku could feel his heart pounding, and sweat going down his palm, as he held up his phone to his ear.

This was going to hurt. A lot. Probably not the most painful or stressful experience he'd had in his life, or in the past year, but that didn't make it any easier.

"Hello? Izuku? Is everything alright?" His mother asked as she picked up the phone. "You didn't collapse again, did you? Are you eating ok? Are the kids alright? You're making sure to take breaks right?"

"I'm fine mom it's just…are you sitting down?" Izuku asked.

"...Izuku, what's going on?" Inko asked cautiously, and he could hear her holding her breath.

Izuku took a deep breath and decided to just rip off the bandaid. "Dad had more kids…with another woman…and he's handing them off to me."

And after that, silence.

For minutes, on minutes, nothing but silence. Silence and thick tension.

After what felt like an eternity, his mother spoke again. "I'm sorry Izuku, I think…I need some time to myself."

"That's ok. Just…call me when you're ready." Izuku asked her. "I love you."

"...I…I love you too baby. Bye." And with that Inko hung up.

Izuku let out the breath he'd been holding and slouched. At least he didn't have to hear her cry…although he knew she'd be doing that soon enough.

He looked down at his phone and sighed. "I didn't even talk to her about the divorce papers…nothing I can do about it now. I just need to hope she takes this well."

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