
Chapter 25: Uravity's Cowl

Full Cowling.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Ochaco groaned, relaxing on the couch in Izuku's office while eating some mochi.

Izuku smiled. Normally his smiles around Ochaco were awkward and nervous. But this one a little less so. "I'm glad you're able to relax. I'm sure hero training must be tough."

"It is!" Ochaco groaned. "Mr. Aizawa is nice but it also seems like he's on the verge of expelling someone at any moment. It's like there's a bomb that could go off any moment whenever we're in class! It's so stressful!"

With class being as stressful as it was, Ochaco started coming over to Izuku's more often. For some free relaxation and free food. Did she feel bad about what could be perceived as taking advantage of their friendship? Yes. Did it feel better to feel like a rich person whenever she came here? Absolutely. And Izuku was more than happy to have her.

"Yeah, that sounds bad." Izuku knew the feeling. Back when he went to school, anytime he went even a little out of line, bad things happened. He was always on thin ice. Him, and him alone.

"And also, All Might is a terrible teacher!" Ochaco complained, taking a big scoop of her mochi to cool her off. "He has to teach using a handbook and a script! And he's taught me nothing about how to use One for All!"

"W-well to be fair he didn't have to deal with the...arm breaking. He could just use it right away." Izuku explained.

"Which is just so unfair!" Ochaco took another scoop. "And it doesn't make any sense. Why could he use it without any problems and I break my arms?"

"Well, I have a few ideas." Izuku took out a notebook. "Firstly it could be that the quirk is incompatible with your body. Many people are born with quirks that are completely incompatible with their bodies and have adverse effects far worse than the typical effects of overusing or misusing a quirk. And those are quirk's they're born with."

"So there's an even bigger chance that One for All is incompatible with my body." Ochaco leaned her head back on the sofa as she took in that possibility.

"It's also possible that One for All simply stocked up too much power." Izuku theorized. "One for All increases in power with each user. But it's possible that One for All has gained more power than the human body could actually handle."

"Those both make sense," Ochaco said. "But either way, that just means I can't use it."

"That may not be the case," Izuku said, causing her to perk up. "One, it's possible that One for All may adapt to your body, or vise versa, the more you use it."

"But every time you use it breaks whatever part I use it on" Ochaco pointed out.

"Well, that's where the next part comes in." Izuku continued. "I got an idea while I was training Kiba. How have you been using One for All?"

"Well, I uh…" Ochaco blushed as she remembered All Might's explanation, deciding to phrase it a different way. "I just turn it on, and whatever limb I use it one gets powered up and explodes with power. Literally."

"I see. There might be two issues there." Izuku noted. "Firstly, you can only use it at 100% so far. Your body obviously can't handle that, so what if you use it at a lesser percentage."

"All Might mentioned that. But he didn't tell me how to do it." Ochaco said. "He said something about an egg in the microwave."

Izuku got confused for a moment, before eventually getting it. "Oh, I see! When you put an egg in the microwave, the energy pools up inside of it. If too much energy pools up, it explodes."

"Oh, now that makes sense," Ochaco said.

"What you need to do is start spreading the energy out through your body, at a lower level of power," Izuku explained. "The more spread out the energy is, it should be easier to control it."

Ochaco thought about it for a moment, before suddenly sitting up. "That might work!"

"You can test it if you want. I don't think anyone is in the training room right now." Izuku said, looking at the cameras.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Ochaco looked down at her treat. "After I finish my mochi!"

Eight minutes and one finished mochi later.

"All right, try and imagine the egg not exploding in the microwave," Izuku told her.

"Isn't there a better metaphor?" Ochaco asked.

"Sorry." Izuku apologized.

Ochaco sighed, before readying herself.

She took a bit of time to try and visualize it.

Then, she turned it on.

Power filled her body, her whole body this time. It was like every cell was being supercharged!

But it was...more manageable. She felt like she could take it. It wasn't a hundred percent. It felt more like...5%.

"I-I think I'm doing it!" Ochaco grunted.

She dashed forward and moved much faster than either of them expected, kicking up some winds behind her.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Ochaco stopped herself, almost losing her balance in the process.

"It worked! How are your legs!?" Izuku asked her.

"They're fine! I-I feel a little uncomfortable but it's nowhere near as bad as using it at 100%!" Ochaco said.

"That's great!" Izuku was extremely excited about her success. "I wonder what you could do if you combined this with your gravity manipulation? And-"

"Let's worry about just using this first." Ochaco stopped him right there. She loved Izuku's enthusiasm, but she'd rather not be overwhelmed right after learning about...this.

"So what do we call this?" Ochaco asked.

"This? Well uh...I actually did have a name in mind. But I didn't think you'd want to hear it." Izuku said sheepishly.

"Well I don't have any better idea so let's hear it!" Ochaco smiled at him. "Besides, who better to name it than the guy who came up with it!"

Izuku blushed at the praise and credit he was giving. "W-Well I was thinking y-you could call it...Full Cowling."

"Full...Cowling." Ochaco repeated. "Sure! 5% Full Cowling!"

Izuku gave a sigh of relief. Glad she liked the name. "W-well your right about getting used to that first. If you can use 5% of your power like breathing, then you might be able to increase the amount of power your body can handle. You can use the training room if you want. I have a lot of equipment for Kiba and Fu. Feel free to use it whenever you want."

"Thanks," Ochaco told him, walking up to the green-haired boy.

"It's-it's nothing really I'm sure you would have figured it out eventually and-Ahh!" Izuku screamed due to Ochaco suddenly hugging him.

"It's not nothing! You have no idea how much this helped me!" Ochaco backed up and grabbed Izuku's hands. "In like, five minutes you've taught me more about One for All than All Might has in months."

"Well-I-ah-um." Izuku was once again turned into a stuttering, blushing mess.

Ochaco giggled at the boy's flusteredness. "Thank you. For everything, Izuku."

And while Ochaco watched crashed, a little spider girl watched from the doorway with a smile on her face.

Two days later.

"All right, the next match will be young Uraraka vs young Ashido." All Might called out the names of his two students.

Mina smiled as she and Ochaco stepped into the ring. "Ready to lose!"

"Are you!" Ochaco gave her friend a vicious, yet still friendly grin.

The two girls took to opposite sides of the ring.

"Go!" All Might called.

Ochaco ran towards Mina, as the pink girl came up with a plan.

If she grabs me then I'll be rung out in no time. I have to use my acid to keep the distance. When she gets close- Mina's thinking was suddenly interrupted but a sudden shout.

"5% Full Cowling!" Ochaco shouted as power filled her veins.


Before Mina could react, Ochaco was already in front of her.

"Wha?!" Mina panicked and sprayed out acid in front of her.

Ochaco made a sharp dodge and moved to Mina's side.

She grabbed Mina's arm, activating her other quirk and making her weightless.

"Saturn!" Ochaco spun Mina around at speeds that almost made both of them puke. "Throw!"

"AHHHHHH!" Mina screamed as Ochaco threw her at high speeds, right out of the ring. "AHHH-gah!"

Mina crashed right into a wall, outside of the ring.

"Ring out! Uraraka wins!" All Might called the fight.

"Release." Ochaco deactivated both her quirks.

Mina promptly fell to the floor, right on her butt. "Ow."

"Sorry." Ochaco apologized to her pink friend.

"Woah did you see that!" Kaminari called out.

"I didn't know Uraraka could move that fast!" Sero said.

"Ochaco what was that!?" Toru asked her friend.

"Yes, young Uraraka I must say I am curious as to what that was?" All Might said.

"It's my other quirk. Just a lot less powerful and a lot less bone breaky." Ochaco explained. "Izuku helped me come up with it a couple days ago. We call it, Full Cowling."

Bakugo froze. Did she just say what she thought she said?

"Young Midoriya?" All Might asked. "Well, I'll have to give him my thanks next time I see him."

"Wait All Might you know Midoriya too?" Asui asked.

"Yes, we've um...met a few times." All Might explained.

"Wait one fucking second!" Bakugo suddenly shouted. "How do all of you assholes know Deku!?"

"Deku?" Ochaco asked. "You mean Izuku?"

"Yeah! That fucking nerd!" Bakugo clarified.

"Oh well, we met at non," Ochaco told him.

"Non?" Even when confused Bakugo sounded angry.

"Yeah, Non of your business!" Ochaco suddenly snapped.

"Oh shit," Sero whispered.

Bakugo's hands exploded with rage, and he looked ready to charge in there and fight Ochaco himself.

"Now young Bakugo." All Might reigned in the boy. "People meet other people outside purely by happenstance. I'm sure that is what happened here. I met young Midoriya when he entered witness protection after providing crucial evidence and testimony, to help take down the Yakuza once and for all."

Bakugo froze once again, not believing his ears. "Eh?"

All Might turned to the students. "While I'm talking about that, now would be a good time to explain another important part of a hero's job. Witness protection! You see, sometimes villains slip up, and give themselves away in front of civilians. These civilians either see something incriminating or find evidence that could be used to put away those villains for good! However, sometimes those villains have power and influence extending to outside just themselves. And as such, they would want to silence these people. As a hero, it's your job to watch these people until the danger has passed. This was the case for young Izuku Midoriya! For years we had been struggling to prove Yakuza's illegal actions! But young Midoriya managed to not only save a young girl from their clutches, but also gain video evidence of their wrongdoings, that allowed us to storm their hideout, and finally put that old evil down for good!"

"Neat, so Ochaco's boyfriend took down the Yakuza! Nice catch girl!" Mina teased her friend.

"Yea-huh!?" Ochaco's face turned red. "He's not my boyfriend Mina! We're just good friends! Very good friends!"

"Surrre." Mina gave her the biggest shit-eating grin she'd ever seen.

Bakugo had been frozen, deep in thought. What the hell has Deku been up to!?

His palms exploded, shaking him out of his thoughts. He'd ask him when he saw him.

"Hey, round-face! Where the hell is Deku hiding!?" Bakugo barked.

"I'd say to look up your ass, but your heads up there twenty-four seven so that's probably the first place you looked," Ochaco told him sarcastically. She didn't normally make comments like this, but given who she was talking to, she'd make an exception.

"All right that's it! All Might! Let me be her!" Bakugo shouted, getting into a battle-ready stance.

"Please do!" Ochaco activated Full Cowling.

All Might sighed. Looks like he'd have to keep these two off each other's throats...again.

Young Hero vs Younger Heroes.

Izuku nervously watched Kiba's stream. Watching the chaos that was erupting outside.

He was more than happy to help Ochaco improve and let her train, but this was…


Ochaco dodged one of Sansan's slime tendrils using full cowling, before immediately having to dodge another one.

Kiba was right, Sansan is a nightmare to fight. Ochaco thought as the slime girl was quickly backing her up into a cliffside.

The girl was in her half acid state, meaning she was especially deadly. Not to mention she couldn't exactly hit her either.

She dodged some more of Sansan's tentacles, she found her back to the wall with Sansan's large figure towing over her.

"Allow me to assist you, sister!" Kai stomped towards Ochaco.

The vibrations of his footsteps went through the ground, shaking it like a mini-earthquake.

The vibrations picked up through the ground and went right through Sansan, suddenly she found it harder to control her liquid body.

This is my chance! Ochaco touched herself with her finger pads, making herself weightless.

"Astro leap!" Ochaco jumped up into the air, going higher and higher until she reached the top of the cliff.

"Release!" Ochaco stopped the effects of her quirk and landed on the edge of the cliff.

This however brought her face to faces with Kai.

"Roar!" Kai said rather than actually roaring.

All three of his heads went right at Ochaco.

As you can imagine it was completely terrifying to have three enormous hydra heads, coming right at you with their teeth bared. So Ochaco did what any sane person would do ran back as fast as she could.

In fact, she ran back a bit faster than she should have.

"Ah!" Ochaco felt a pain in her legs after just getting out of range of Kai's head.

I panicked! I used too much power! Ochaco grimaced.

Then suddenly, the ground under her started shaking.

Ochaco jumped up just as the ground exploded, and Kiba revealed herself.

"Surprise!" Kiba shouted, "And I have one more!"

Kiba threw...something at Ochaco. Looked like a roughed-up human corpse...oh it was Fu! After dragging him roughly through the ground he must have lost a considerable amount of flesh and skin.

Fu landed right on Ochaco while she was still in mid-air and bit into her arm.

"AHHH!" Ochaco shouted out in pain as she looked at the regenerating corpse boy who was leaking blood like crazy.

This is as gross as it is painful! Ochaco needed to get this kid off her. ASAP!

One positive about fighting Fu though, she never needed to worry about hurting him.

"Sorry, Fu. I know you can't feel this but I still feel really bad." Ochaco apologized for what she was about to do.

Ochaco punched Fu in the face, breaking his jaw as well as several other things.

The two of them fell to the floor, Ochaco landing on her feet while Fu fell on his back making a pile of blood.

I don't know what's gonna make me vomit worse, my quirk or his. Ochaco grimaced at the boy.

This unfortunately left her wide open for Kiba to tackle her off the cliff.

Ochaco saw the ground coming up quickly, and turned herself around mid-air, facing Kiba towards the ground.


"Ow." Ochaco groaned. Fortunately for her, Kiba broke her fall.

Unfortunately for her, it did very little damage, and Kiba recovered much quicker than her.

Kiba pushed Ochaco, causing her to go flying once again.

Ochaco groaned. At least I'm getting some nausea training.

When Ochaco fell close to the ground, she used her quirk on herself, causing her to float, before immediately canceling it, letting her land safely.

Well...maybe not safely.

Because she was now surrounded by all of the children(except Fu) and she was about to throw up.

"BWAHHHH!" Nevermind, she was throwing up.

Sansan was about to charge at her, but Kiba put up her hand to stop her.

"Wait!" Kiba told her. "We have to wait for Fu! We can't dramatically surround her unless all of us are here! Fu! Get down here!"

There was a pause for about half a second before there was a sudden-


Fu had jumped off the cliff and splattered on the ground.

"Great, now we wait for him to regenerate," Kiba ordered.

To Ochaco's surprise and relief, they all obeyed this order although Sansan seemed annoyed by it.

No other choice. I have to do it now! Ochaco wiped her mouth and got on her feet.

"Oh? Trying to fight? Or perhaps run?" Kiba laughed. "How do you plan to-"

Ochaco kicked off into a sprint, and the moment she did, she touched herself.

"Shooting Star!" Ochaco shouted.

Now weightless, Ochaco shoots off like a bullet into the thick forest.

However, Ochaco hadn't quite mastered that move, leading her to crash and breakthrough several trees until she landed in another clearing.

"Ow." Ochaco groaned as she pulled herself up. Remind me never to fight all the kids at once. Ever. Ever again.

As she was getting up, Kiba ran right up to her.

"Ha! Clever trick! You may have escaped from my siblings for now, but my speed far outclasses them!" Kiba broke out into a monologue, giving Ochaco time to think.

There was a fallen tree right next to her, a big one.

Ochaco touched the tree, making it weightless, and quickly picked it up. "Comet Home Run!"

Ochaco swung the tree, hitting Kiba in the air.

"Curses!" Kiba swore as she got hit further and further away.

Ochaco sighed with relief. Hopefully, that keeps her down...or just keeps her away from me for a while.


Suddenly a shadow loomed over her, as Kai had finally caught up.

"Ah, there you are! You are very strong Ms. Uraraka! Thank you for this opportunity to fight a great opponent like you!" Kai said.

"Aw thank you Kai you are so sweet!" Ochaco giggled, praising the boy's manners.

"Your welcome! Now please prepare to be beaten!" One of Kai's heads came down towards Ochaco, but the brunette batted it away with her tree.

"Ow!" Kai shook off the blow and kept trying to grab Ochaco with one of his heads, each time getting hit with the tree.

Seeing how this wasn't working, Kai decided to try something else.

He stomped the ground as hard as he could causing the ground around them to break apart.

With her footing breaking from under her, Ochaco tripped and fell on her butt, also dropping her tree.

"Ah-ha! I have you now!" Kai got so excited, he rushed Ochaco with all three of his heads.

Ochaco, thinking quickly, used her quirk on the chunks of the broken ground beneath her, and when Kai came close enough, she threw it in his faces.

"AH!" Kai cried as the chunks of ground hit his faces and broke apart, getting dirt and rock in his eyes.

He backed up and started shaking his heads, trying to get all the stuff out of his eyes so he could see again.

When he finally did he looked back down, only to notice that Ochaco was gone.

Before he could react to that, however-


While Kai had been trying to clear his eyes, Ochaco had used her quirk to jump high into the air with her tree, before coming back down and slamming the tree on Kai's middle head.

Kai stumbled back, his middle head was now seeing stars.

Ochaco meanwhile let go of the tree and used her quirk to lower herself gently to the ground. While the tree fell to the ground with a loud snap, breaking apart into splinters.

"Ow." Kai's left head groaned.

"That hurt. A lot." Kai's right head said. "If you do not mind, I would like to withdraw from battle."

"Oh did I hit you too hard?" Ochaco asked him, concerned she may have overdone it.

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine. I just need to go rest for some time." Kai said as he stomped away.

After Kai had gotten a considerable distance, Ochaco was immediately attacked by Sansan.

The slime girl launched a surprise attack from the trees, grabbing Ochaco with her giant slimy hand and hitting her against a tree.

"AH!" Ochaco tried to grab onto Sansan, to free herself from the gooey girl's grip But her hands just went right through her. What she did do was activate her quirk on her though.

Suddenly Sansan felt light. Very light. Her body felt completely different. And a world of new capabilities was open to her.

She lifted herself into the air, bringing Ochaco with her, before slamming her down onto the ground.

"Gah!" The wind was knocked out of Ochaco as spit and blood came out of her mouth.

Ochaco couldn't move after that for a good couple of minutes. Having to spend those minutes recovering from the impact, struggling to breathe, and coughing out blood.

Okay...I think this went too far. Ochaco was thinking of calling it quits when she saw Sansan in the air above her.

It looked like the slime girl had completely forgotten about her, in favor of enjoying her new weightlessness. It looked like she was trying to fly by moving her body around.

I don't really think I can beat her. My quirk only makes her stronger! If only I could make things heavier instead. Ochaco thought.

And then suddenly Ocahaco heard a noise, the same noise that happened whenever she activated her quirk.


Sansan suddenly plopped to the ground.

The slime girl tried to move, but much to her horror, she found she couldn't move upwards at all. What's worse is that the acidy parts of her were melting the ground beneath her, slowly putting her into a hole.

Ochaco was...surprised, to say the least. She didn't release her quirk so why was Sansan on the ground now?

She, cautiously, approached the slime girl and touched the nonacidic part of her. It felt...heavy. But not the typical kind of heavy, it felt like something was pressing down on it.

Like gravity itself had increased its effect on her.

Did I do this? But my quirk only stops gravity. It doesn't make it stronger...is this because of One for All? Ochaco wondered.

"WAP! EWAG! EAHG!" Sansan tried to call out to Ochaco and ask her to stop, but making a mouth and vocal cords was hard with gravity pressing down on her like that.

"Oh. Sorry, Sansan. Make a squishy sound if you give up." Ochaco told her.

Sansan made a sound like a sponge getting squeezed.

Ochaco pressed her fingertips together. "Release."

Sansan felt the weight on her body vanish and she immediately started moving around, celebrating her freedom.

Alright, now- Ochaco heard an "Ahem" coming from her left.

She turned and saw Fu was standing there.

"I think we should stop now," Fu told her. "When Kiba comes back she'll probably be a bit less confident and a bit more punchy, so we should stop before your injuries get even worse."

Ochaco thought about it for a moment, she felt the pain and nausea course through her body and decided that Fu was right.

"Yeah. Let's stop here." Ochaco sat down, taking deep breaths, and finally letting herself relax.


"Aha! Did you think you could get the best of me!" Kiba dashed into the clearing. "You may have caught me by surprise before! But now I-"

"The fight is over," Fu told her.

Kiba instantly deflated, all the wind being taken right out of her sails.

"Oh come on!" Kiba stomped the ground in frustration.

"Sorry Kiba. Not everyone can have as much stamina as you." Ochaco stroked the girl's ego. "You're just too strong."

Kiba's frustration dissipated, and a confident smirk appeared on her face. "Well, I suppose that is a downside of being so great. Shiruku! Did you get everything!?"

Shiruku jumped down from one of the nearby trees. Holding a camera which she had been using to record the entire fight.

"It was a little hard given that you all kept dashing around the forest. But I did the best I could." Shiruku sighed. "Next time, try to stay in the same area."

Kiba was about to say something but Fu had a feeling it would be something snarky and ungrateful so he shoved his fingers in her mouth and broke them off using her teeth. "We'll try. Next time."

Ten minutes later.

"I can't believe you actually fought them all at once," Izuku told Ochaco as he patched up her wounds.

After getting back Izuku found that all the kids were mostly uninjured. Kiba had a few bruises, but nothing much. Ochaco took a bit more time to attend to so she was currently in the med-bay with Izuku.

"Yeah, I am never doing that again." Ochaco groaned. "They're not called overly powerful children for nothing."

Izuku nodded as he continued to treat her.

"You're pretty good at this." Ochaco praised him.

"Well, I had...practice," Izuku explained.

Ochaco frowned. Knowing exactly what that meant.

Before the mood could get awkward, Ochaco decided it was the time to bring up the strange occurrence that happened during the fight.

"Well, something interesting happened when I was fighting Sansan," Ochaco mentioned. "I think...I increased the gravity on her."

Izuku paused. "But...doesn't your quirk only let you make things weightless?"

"That's what I thought. But I definitely increased gravity." Ochaco was sure of it. "Do you think One for All might have done that?"

Izuku brought his hand to his chin and thought about it. "It's possible that One for All doesn't only boost your physical capabilities, but also your quirk's overall power. But you can't make things extra weightless. So perhaps instead it altered the limitations of your quirk?"

Izuku went into a muttering storm as he absentmindedly bandaged Ochaco.

Well looks like that will keep his mind busy for a while. Ochaco smiled at Izuku's antics. I wonder how many secrets are in One for All. It's kind of exciting. And terrifying. All Might's not gonna be any help so I guess it's up to me and Izuku to figure it out.

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