
The Same

The Racial Symbol of a race was equivalent to an access permit – to their Racial Achievement Shop. Mankind's Racial Symbol was broken into several pieces, which were put together whenever High Society members gathered to look through the Racial Achievement Shop to decide how their race should proceed.

Several pieces were considered lost after the civil war, but they managed to procure all of mankind's Racial Symbol pieces to combine them into one piece. That was only possible because the Racial Symbol couldn't be brought to the Origin Expanse if broken into several pieces.

Michael wouldn't have an issue with that anymore. He was given the Racial Symbols of the three races belonging to the Tritan Alliance.

"How the hell did you manage to convince everyone to give you their Racial Symbols? You could destroy their progress and take everything from them. Do they even realize what they're doing?!?" 

The Nest Leader was a lot more agitated than expected. 

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