
Rookie Treatment

Michael enjoyed the sensation he got from the second Summoning Gate. It was unnatural, like his link with the Intermediate Summoning Gate, and felt more artificial. However, that's what made it so unique. The Basic Summoning Gate felt part of the primary Summoning Gate, yet it was also something foreign.

Michael was so busy staring at the Summoning Gate that he didn't notice when a large tent formed near him. He was oblivious to the semi-transparent barrier that also conjured a few hundred meters away from him. It shrouded the Summoning Gate and the desert manor while leaving enough space to build anything Michael wished to construct.

It was the protection barrier Rookie Lords were given when they first entered the Origin Expanse.

[That's weird.] Daniel murmured in Michael's head when he saw the protection barrier forming from the corner of Michael's eyes.

"What is?" Michael asked as he regained his composure.

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