
Teacher's Regret (8)

Perseus POV

"Kid, lure those guys away, you think you can do that and not die so I won't get sued?" the prof asked

"Oh, I'm very good at running away."

I then got up and flew towards that other group of angels, currently, the ship is being pushed forcefully closer and closer to Hokkaido. The boat is trying its best to go the other way, I got my binoculars out and can see that one other ship is being attacked too, if one other is being attacked too, I can assume that the others are in a similar predicament.

But the one I can see looks like it was about to sink already, I can already tell what happened to those on that boat, I reported it to my superiors anyway and they told me to just focus on my task for now.

I got close and tried to lure these angels away, but that captain just sent 3 angels after me while the rest of em chased after the boat. I kinda don't want to reveal all my strength here, help should be coming our way, and I might be spotted.

Using it past a certain point may actually get my dad sued for overlooking my activities and probably have the charge of being my accomplice and a lot of envious families may take action to try and slow me down, I kinda don't care about what happens to me, but if it's towards my dad, that's a different story.

Ok, the boat is being pushed closer and closer, it's at the point where it's closer to Hokkaido than the mainland at this point, so I then cast several talismans and shot light beams toward the chasing angels and took them all out in one shot.

I flew to the others and cast several more spells to try and get them to stop, one of my spells managed to take down one angel, and now the captain's attention is on me.

"15 minutes." the prof's voice said over my earpiece "Distract them for 15 minutes! I've chased you longer. Over."

"Gotcha. Over."

"That's not an inappropriate language to talk to your teacher. Over."

"The principal is my instructor, so I'm more formal with him. Over."

I got the captain's attention on me and the group is now chasing after me and shooting out a lot of spells, they're now trying to kill me because I had killed half their group due to their earlier indifferent attitude.

They tried defending themselves, but they underestimated me.

As I was flying around, I can see several ships coming our way, but they were not our help, they were the other boats, and there were so many angels behind them, it looked like a swarm of flies.

I tried distracting this group, but the angel's backup came faster, they took down a few boats, and due to some managing to escape their range, they are now coming after the ones who are being pushed further and further within their territory.

We won't be able to go back at this rate, the angels are blocking our way back, I can probably escape with one or 2 people, but as time goes on, the chance goes lower and lower and I can't leave the others behind.

"Sir, we might have to head for Hokkaido and hide there until we find a miraculous way back or wait till they initiate the plan to reclaim Hokkaido, there are too many angels on the way back, and we won't be able to make it. Over."

I can see many angels coming from every direction, they're trying to surround us and push us toward the island, I can still get out alone, but I won't leave uninjured.

"That's our only course of action, come back, let's go."


I got back on the boat, and the mood was not good, heading into Hokkaido is a death wish, but a small chance of survival is better than none. The boat then maxes its speed out and head for the island.

"Well, good news, Hokkaido has unlimited wifi, and we can still have video calls, bad news, is we're heading to angels paradise, and if we all adopt a pessimistic attitude, we can never be disappointed."

"Not the right time." Shawn responded

Shawn and a few members are responsible for packing some emergency inventory to use once we're on the island, some rations, water, and all the other necessary things. Captain Ida is currently holding a giant fire shield to block the boat from spells directed at us.

The officers on the inside are probably informing the mainland of what has happened here. It's weird, this kind of procedure happens all the time, so why did the angel attack us now?

Is this something related to me being marked? But the other ship looked like it got attacked first, so that can't be possible. The trip wasn't smooth, we all contributed by casting several shields with our own magic, but there were too many, they broke our shields and hit the boat.

We held on till we got close to shore where the boat started to receive massive damage, a few students and officers got hit by the angels right and hit the boat itself. It wasn't good, but since we were really close, we jumped into the water, Captain Ida threw several smoke bombs before he jumped in as well.

"Wait, what about-" Minerva asked with tears in her eyes.

She just saw her own friends dying in front of her, all of it was pretty much instant, Julie got hit earlier as well, but she seems fine, her magic-resistant vest seems worse for wear.

"We can't save them, sweetie, come on, we have to live for them." the prof replied and she then reluctantly went along.

Shawn stayed and made sure that everyone escaped, and once he can't see anymore, he turned to me and without a word, we jumped in.

We landed on Hokkaido's shore, and with our backpacks on, we headed deeper into the island, I can see only 10 made it on the island, we started with a bit over 20. I turn and can see that the boat is beyond destroyed at this point, and the angels just covered the skies, we got no way back...for now.

Vote with power stone and add to library please

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